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Jack Johnson – Multiple male orgasms

Jack Johnson – Multiple male orgasms
[3 MP3s]



The version i am uploading here, i don’t know if it’s fourth edition (described down), probably not.… how to last longer in bed… way longer… without pills, sprays, creams, devices, last-moment holding back, or muscle tensing…The Multiple Orgasm Trigger for Men & Women™    *      Offers female multiple orgasms without straining or reaching and male multiple orgasm including help for premature ejaculation.    *      Now both men AND women are enjoying continuous multiple orgasms for hours using a simple revolutionary technique.    *      Yet learning this lifelong skill requires solo practice of just 20 minutes – 3 times per week.Mog (male, 50’s) – posted to our Training and Discussion Forum*:…It’s not long before I’m up above the clouds in an orgasmic trance and feeling the amazing sensations rippling and intensifying around my body. In no time they grow inexorably towards the first inevitable full-bodied orgasm. But things get much better from there onwards. The sensations are impossible to describe but I can say that they are nothing like anything else I’ve experienced in a long life of sexual experimentation…*Our Training & Discussion Forum – access included with the intro seminar – contains over ten years’ worth of questions, answers, and success stories by men and women from all over the world.Order Multiple Orgasm Training for Men AND Women.CLICK TO ORDER Jack Johnston’s IntroductoryMultiple Orgasm Trigger™ one hour audio seminarUS$49.95 LIFETIME Purchase Price Money Back GuaranteeSecure Encrypted Ordering Order Multiple Orgasm Training for Men AND Women Paypal Accepted Order Multiple Orgasm Training for Men AND Women Visa Accepted Order Multiple Orgasm Training for Men AND Women MasterCard Accepted Order Multiple Orgasm Training for Men AND Women Amex Accepted Order Multiple Orgasm Training for Men AND Women Discover AcceptedAt last… you can begin enjoying continuous MULTIPLE ORGASMS… as many as you want for as long as you want – and if you’re a man with…    * no more need for last-minute PC muscle squeezing techniques    * no more distracting concerns about timing, stop/start, or edging near the ejaculatory Point of No Return    * no more need for other holding back or ejaculation control methods    * …and without costly monthly supplements or expensive devices.    * If you suffer from premature ejaculation, would you like to last longer – much longer?If you’re a woman, now you can enjoy delightfully intense full-body multiple orgasms that are…    * sweeter    * easier    * more completely and deeply felt throughout your body and emotions…    * beyond the need to “reach,” strain, or use continuous stimulation to      enjoy them.Multiple Orgasm Trigger Developer Jack Johnston MA.Hi… I’m Jack Johnston, M.A. – the guy who made this discoveryback in 1993: The simple and pleasurable protocol I’ve created will teach you how to open whole new channels of erotic energy throughout your entire body… multi-orgasmic channels that stay readily accessible. With practice, these unprecedented waves of orgasmic pleasure tend to become far more intense than you’ve ever experienced before.How does this method differ from anything else you may have tried?Nearly all of us have been led to believe that progressively increasing genital stimulation is necessary to experience orgasm.But I have discovered that using very little stimulation is one of the keys to triggering unprecedented orgasmic waves of intense pleasure that may continue for hours.Using the simple Multiple Orgasm Trigger Protocol™ I have developed, erotic stimulation becomes a delightful option that even when used sparingly will send you over the top again and again.This is true regardless of gender, age, or orientation (including transgender).The Multiple Orgasm Trigger Protocol™ is based on using a simple and natural alternative to ever-increasing stimulation, while nevertheless gradually and gently pumping arousal to multiorgasmic intensity.Darwin (male) – posted to our Training & Discussion Forum:…i think i just had the BIG male multiple orgasm experience. my whole body was orgasming, and i think it lasted at least a half hour. just orgasming and orgasming and orgasming. i was vocalizing involuntarily, and sometimes almost screaming as big ones crashed over me. different ones would be focused on different parts of my body, like chest, arms, thighs, legs, anus, prostate, penis (with no ejac). WOW.Continuous stimulation is not the only source of increasing erotic arousal… and it’s not necessarily the bestIn fact, increasing stimulation in the pursuit of orgasms may actually lessen their ultimate intensity, duration, and degree of full body erotic and emotional satisfaction.The use of more and more stimulation to chase after orgasm is most often the SOURCE of those feelings of frustration, disappointment, and… “Is that all there is?”Please realize that ejaculation and orgasm are actually two different processes.For women, this fact is more easily understood… although most people still don’t realize that women can – and many do – ejaculate.Most men have been led to believe that male orgasm and ejaculation are a single process that must be delayed or prevented from occurring in order to last longer in bed.The fact that male orgasm and ejaculation usually occur at nearly the same time has led to the confusion. It’s what has led most of us to believe that they are one and the same.Some men have also been led to believe that the only way to reach orgasm is by maintaining a constant erection.Although it is helpful for penetration, erection is NOT necessary for experiencing orgasm – even multiple orgasm.As you practice the very simple Multiple Orgasm Trigger Protocol™ I’m offering, you will dispel all of that mythology… through your personal experience.It’s essential to understand the difference between ejaculation and orgasm.Ejaculation is a ‘glandular event’. It’s an automatic (hence reflexive) sequence of physiological processes. It typically culminates in a brief series of contractions of the male prostate gland or the female Skene’s gland in order to expel the seminal fluid (in men) or the Skene’s gland ejaculate (in women).Once this automatic reflex sequence is initiated, it becomes difficult if not impossible to block without using artificial means.These may include the familiar strategies such as breath holding, manual compression of the urethra to prevent passage of fluid (generally NOT a good idea as it can lead to congestion of the seminal vesicles), PC muscle squeezing, etc. – collectively referred to as ‘ejaculation control’.Orgasm, on the other hand, is exclusively an energetic process: It’s a rush of intensely pleasurable sensations and emotions, that may or may not be accompanied by ejaculation – regardless of gender.Orgasm is neither dependent upon nor inevitably linked with ejaculationThis is VERY good news!The Multiple Orgasm Trigger™ will enable you to easily bypass the ejaculation reflex to enjoy ultra-high levels of arousal that energize the multi-orgasmic reflex.You can enjoy all of the orgasms you want and then if you choose, celebrate by easily ‘switching gears’ and going for orgasm with ejaculation.I am inviting you to discover a virtually unlimited world of ever more finely nuanced high-arousal full-body orgasmic enjoyment.The Multiple Orgasm Trigger™ may also offer tremendous relief from premature ejaculation.Gazer describes how learning this lifelong skill is helping him:Gazer (male) – posted to our Training & Discussion Forum:What I’ve found out is that nothing I’ve tried so far works like Jack’s method for my problem with Premature Ejaculation!…You can use creams or whatever else to desensitize the penis but that hasn’t kept me from driving away at full speed toward orgasm.What I’ve learned lately is that I need to slow down and separate the ejaculation from the orgasm, which is what this program helps you do.With Jack’s Method, I’ve been able to relax and reach high levels of arousal without ejaculating.Many people living with disabilities have reclaimed and greatly expanded their sex lives using The Multple Orgasm Trigger™For example, when Pan was in his early 20’s, he was in a severe auto accident. The chronic injuries resulted in extremely painful ejaculation that made marital relations nearly impossible, and always extremely painful – until he learned to use the Multiple Orgasm Trigger™…Pan (male, 30’s… 10+ yrs of chronic pain from car accident spine injury) – posted to our Training & Discussion Forum:I had my first multiple orgasm after about three weeks of practice.I’ll never forget it… After about eight consecutive orgasms I was actually in tears.My introductory audio seminar includes the Key to it all… the Multiple Orgasm Trigger Protocol™.This simple and pleasurable method will teach you how to open whole new channels of erotic energy throughout your entire body that will help you last longer – WAY longer.With solo practice of no more than 20 minutes, 3 times per week, these hours-long multiple waves of pleasure tend to become far more intense than anything you’ve ever experienced.Your seminar purchase includes posting rights…    * to our Multiple Orgasm Training & Discussion Forum    * to our Orgasm Wiki    * AS WELL AS access to our frequent LIVE Q & A Chats with newbies and others with years of experience using this lifelong skill – all hosted by me personallyBoth the Orgasm Wiki and the Multiple Orgasm Trigger Training and Discussion Forum™ are indexed and keyword searchable – giving you immediate access to all of the teaching, insights and breakthroughs accumulated there for over a decade.NOTE: The complete transcripts of all Multiple Orgasm Q & A Training Chats offered since 1997 – over 270 to date – are also posted to the Forum for your benefit.You can read what others have asked, what I’ve answered, and what others from all over the world who have successfully learned this simple method are experiencing… and you may post your own questions and receive personalized answers from the experienced members of our online community.Money back guarantee * no time limit * no questions asked. Period.The complete introductory audio seminar Male Multiple Orgasm Step by Step (Fourth Edition updated to include women as well) is now also available by download, so you can save the shipping costs.Note: If you choose to order the CD (a plain package that simply says “Jack Johnston Seminars” on the return address), you also receive immediate access to the complete program as a download so you may get started immediately.Wishing you all of the pleasure and intimacy that you desire,JackJohn L. “Jack” Johnston, M.A. – Discoverer of the Multiple Orgasm Trigger™ for Both Men and Women


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