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Jain 108 – Book of Phi – Codes of Phi Complete Set 1 – 9

Jain 108 – Book of Phi 1 – 9
[9 Ebooks – 9 PDF, 9 EPUB, 9 Mobi]



Brought To You By Jain 108 – The Living Mathematics of Nature GBGB status – OpenGB thread – Here                                                                                                                                                                         Jain 108 – THE BOOKS OF PHI 9 Volume Setsubtitle: Translating Number Into Picture & Sacred SymbolTHE BOOK OF PHI Vol 1THE LIVING MATHEMATICS OF NATURE VOLUME 1•        The DIVINE PROPORTION, also known as the SACRED CUT, the GOLDEN MEAN or the PHI RATIO is highly illustrated in this fascinating book that provides insights into Galactic and Atomic Mathematics. It is revealed in ancient temples and pagodas, in classical paintings like the Mona Lisa, in the cross-sectional view of D.N.A. molecules and transverse cuts of pawpaws and apple slices showing the packing of seeds in Phi-ve (5) Pointed Star arrangements.•        The nesting of the 5 and only universal shapes that fit inside a sphere: the 5 Platonic Solids, are the Keys to Alchemy, and obey a universal mathematical ratio determined by the famous FIBONACCI SEQUENCE:0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 etc These numbers are noticed in the counter-rotating fields or spirals of the sunflower, pine cone and many other biological forms.•        This is the study of the Universe as reflected in all parts of the Human Body.Jain 108 – The BOOK of PHI, Volume 2This book reveals the discovery of Jain’s original formulae in the field of sacred geometry eg: the sequence of Magic Square Constants: 15, 34, 65, 111, 175, 260 etc exist in the next dimension as triplets of Tetrahedral Numbers.Jain has also discovered a more efficient way of expressing Nature’s Number, the exponential “e” based on the powers of numbers relating to Vedic Sutras. The Powers of Numbers like ‘x’ squared and ‘x’ cubed etc really relate to different dimensions: (“e” = 2.71828182845904523 infinite, relates to populations of bacteria, and human populations etc). This book also explores shapes in 2D, 3D, 4D etc giving the reader a greater insight into the 5 Platonic Solids and the 14 Archimedean Solids as clues to Atomic Structure.Jain also shows his original work with 2D Magic Square Patterns resembling identically the shadows of the atomic structure of 3D crystals like Berylium.Jain explains how Shape Stores Memory. Shapes, like crystals, know how to Store Memory. Think of the silicon chip whose atomic structure is the Star Tetrahedron or two inter-digitating triangular based pyramids. It knows how to store and memorize great and almost unimaginable quantities of data!It is also the 3D form of the 2Dimensional Star of David. This book is the result of 25 years of investigation into number patterns mysteriously tapping into nuclear geometries. Even if you don’t read it and merely look at the diagrams on each page you will be inspired.Jain 108 – The BOOK of PHI, Volume 3Jain 108 – The BOOK Of PHI, Volume 4The Linear Phi Code 1As a sequel to the Da Vinci Code, already based in the mass consciousness, here is the next riddle, solved.Jain 108, the mathematical sleuth, the synesthete, the philomorph (lover of forms), the mathematical monk, the numerical nomad, the para-physical code-breaker, has gone deeper down this Phi Code 108 rabbit hole. In volume 3, he introduced us to the Phi Code 108 pine cone maths, and now in this epochal book of volume 4, he reveals extraordinary phine details never seen before in print.The BOOK Of PHI, Vol 5The Multi-Dimensional Powers of Phi(The 2nd of 3 Primal ParaPhysical Phi Code 108 Dials that Generate the 72 ArcAngelic Names of God)[img] most rare book of ancient knowledge will inspire you to appreciate the Powers of Phi (?): the ratio of 1:1.618033… continually multiplying by itself. When all these Powers are rounded off to the nearest whole number, and Digital Compression is applied to this Sequence to reduce large digits to single digits, what appears is an infinitely Repeating 24 Pattern that magically adds up to 108 (worshipped in the Vedas). I call it Phi Code 2 (1,3,4). This great body of knowledge, for the first time ever published, constitutes the second of the 3 primal Phi Codes or ParaPhysical Dials (that all sum to 108). Learn how the Infectivity of these 3 Phi Codes generate 72 distinct triplet permutations. In fact, any two numbers in the universe, when added together in such a Fibonaccoid style, resolve to 1 of these 3 primal Phi Codes, each being an infinitely repeating 24 Pattern, adding to 108.[center]The BOOK Of PHI, Vol 6The Phi CodesThis most rare book on the ancient and distinguished knowledge of the 3 ParaPhysical Phi Codes has never before been published, nor attempted to be revealed: cracking the Hindu 108 Code and Asian 888 Code and Hebrew 72 Names of God Enigma.Volume 5 exposed the 108 Code. This book goes further revealing why the ancients gave their God 72 ArcAngelic Names. For this reason, it is termed ParaPhysical, beyond ordinary. This compendium, with many charts and images will inspire You to coherently link or stitch together the following topics: • The Phi Ratio 1:1.618033… (the living Curvation or Mathematics of Nature as seen in Pine Cones and Sunflowers etc)• The anointed Number 108. Why are more than a billion Hindu people on the planet mindlessly worshipping “Shri 108”?• The ubiquitous Number 72. Why did the ancient seers describe in full detail the 72 Angelic Names of God?• The Anointed Number 888 holy to the Asians for millennia? In this book, discover the mathematical derivation of the holy Asian number Sri 888, also known in Greek antiquity as the Gematria of Christ. Is 888 a secret pattern hidden in the nesting of the 3 Primal Phi Codes?The BOOK Of PHI, Vol 7The 3 Phi Codes: Wheels Within Wheels• Since the publication of The Book Of Phi, volume 6, more insights and exciting new realizations regarding the 3 Phi Codes have come through. Part 1 of this book, volume 7 is by Jain, a continuation of extra notes started in volume 7. Some of this new information has been submitted from interested readers completing the extensive charts of the 3 Phi Codes in their 24×81 and 24×72 forms, and exploring new concepts and other spiralling patterns.• Part 2 of this book comes in the form of a free pdf by Bart Inghelbrecht’s called UNI-PHI, sub-titled Code 13, which reveals The 4 Phi Codes in Base 13 (like a clock of 12 digits). Highly illustrated with professionally drawn geometries and charts. Find out what happens when all 3 Phi Codes are combined or Unified (UNI-PHI) or summed to together, then digitally compressed in Base 10 or when the 4 Phi Codes in Base 13 are similarly combined, opening up new avenues of research.? Jain 108 – The BOOK Of PHI, vol 8,True Value Of Pi = JainPi = 3.144…You’ve been spoonfed a lie for your whole life! The anointed Pi that you know (the Circle To Square relationship) is a deliberate disharmonic frequency. It does not equal 3.141592… Ask NASA, they use another value for pi! This erroneous pi value is merely an approximation for the limit or sum of millions and billions of triangular polygons (like narrow slices of a pizza) used to derive the circumference of the circle, fudging straight lines to achieve a smooth curve, using the Linear to comprehend or describe the Non-Linear Curve-Circumference. It does not reflect or account for the millions and billions of tiny or infinitesimal little Areas Under The Curve. The fundamental error is that our greatest mathematicians for thousands of years assumed, with brute force, that the more polygons we imposed the more magically that the Area Under The Curve would simply just disappear. Like der. An ancient and embarrassing intellectual faux pas. The BOOK Of PHI, Vol 9Is Phi a Lie?? This Mockumentary is a continuation of The Book Of Phi, Volume 8 that explored the severe cracking of the Fault Line known as Old Pi or Traditional Pi or Legacy Pi = 3.141592…? Though credit is given to Archimedes 2200 years ago whose logical determination of traditional Pi via the Polygon Method or Method Of Exhaustion was highly intelligent for his time, he only ever calculated the Limit of the Circle using these straight lines. It is indeed exhausted!? To account for the true Area Under The Curve, based on Fractal realization, Jain 108 of Oz, has determined that Pi must be based on Phi (? = 1.618033…) considering that the area of the circle in proportion to the area of its circumscribing square, is naturally in a Phi-Ratioed Harmonic expressed as 1:1.272… which is the Square Root of Phi aka The Golden Root, and precisely the height of the Cheops Pyramid in Gizeh which has stored this ancient knowledge in stone for millennia.? Jain 108 has both an algebraic and geometric proof to determine that the True Value of Pi which must be a fraction more than what Archimedes estimated, and is derived by the formula:JainPi = Jp = 4÷v?.  JainPi to 50 decimal places (dp)  = 3.14460551102969314427823434337183571809248823135089…? The Geometric Phi-Pi proof, known as The Fairywand Method, brilliantly translates the Phi Formula of (1+v5)÷2 into a Maltese Cross-like navigation device (shown on the front cover) and employed by Saint Germaine as his psychic-spiritual emblem. This is Jain 108’s irrefutable proof and a mathematical gem. Essentially, the Diagonal of the Double Unit Square gives Root 5 which is the Key, by setting the Circle’s diameter to Root 5.                                                                                                                                                                         – Join Now To Get Access Ratio Free Here – + TBAPower User + TBAUser 10 Years


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