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James Twyman – The Moses Code

The Moses Code.avi
[1 DVD – Avi]



Quote:Thirty-five hundred years ago God gave Moses a gift that changed the world. Some of the most incredible miracles in history came from applying a simple code, activating the power of the creative force of God in the world. This ancient technology has largely been lost or ignored since then, only to be revealed once again through this movie and book. This code, if finally applied by humanity, has the power to transform the planet, as well as add the richest blessings to your own life.Some of the best known spiritual teachers in the world join James Twyman in this film, offering tools on how you can apply the Moses Code to your own life. This is the foundation upon which the Law of Attraction is built. The film focuses on the power of “Soul Manifestation,” drawing upon your own innate spiritual connection to produce miracles everywhere you go. Many other films and books have focused on using the Law of Attraction to “get” the things we believe we need, eg. houses, cars or other goods. The Moses Code takes the next much more important step – how do we use this law to “give“ from our soul, automatically attracting spiritual blessings into our lives.Join hundreds of thousands of people in viewing the film and activating the Code.Featured Speakers: Debbie Ford Iyanla Van Zant Dr. Michael Beckwith Neale Donald Walsch John Holland Cheryl Richardson Dr. Joe Dispenza Diana Cooper James Van Praagh Robert Ohotto Harville Hendrix Gregg Braden Sonia Choquette Les Brown Anakha Coman Mikki Willis Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey Primary Crew: Executive Producers: Drew Heriot Mikki Willis Directed by: James Twyman Produced by: Marianne P Wilson Julie Weinberg Debbie Ford Edited by: Ed Keller and Matthew Gamlen Special Graphics by: Kevin Reid As requested by Myszo, enjoy If you like the upload just say thanks


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