Jamie Mc Intyre – What I Didn’t Learn at School But Wish I Had
[E-Book – pdf]
My belief is that if you are not just curious but committed toexcelling in your life in the 21st Century, then what you will findin this book will be a real gift to you from someone who caresabout helping you achieve similar things if you so desire. You canjoin the thousands of others who are applying these strategies andimproving their lives immensely. I know I was extremely gratefulwhen I first learned this information – an education for life. In thisbook you will learn:• How to develop the mind set of a millionaire• Why most people fail• The history of money and how the systems control it; whyyou must understand this• A real life “21st Century Modern Day Education” thatenabled me to excel financially, more than what I learnedat school or university• How to rewire your subconscious mind for financial success• How to generate instant cash flow, even if you have littlemoney to start with• How smart investors earn $35,000 per year frominvestment property — Tax Free• What you should have been taught at school, but weren’t• The 4 key skills you must master to succeed in the 21stCentury, and how others have used these to earn over$100,000 pa• The 5 key components of a 21st Century Education, thatshould be taught at school• How smart investors are replacing their income in 90 to180 days or less by using a unique renting strategy• 8 ways investors raise money to start investingimmediately, even if they have no money• How to easily develop the mind set of a millionaire andthink like a winner.To accomplish these objectives, I believe it is important to shareparts of my story to make it more relatable and also spend time ondeveloping a solid foundation of understanding on the big pictureof money and how to change our thinking to be more effective atimplementing these exciting strategies. **Transfer Ratio as you wish i really Want some if you canMTyler
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