Jamie Smart – NLP Coaching Cards Unpacked
Jamie Smart – Coaching Cards Unpacked [mp3]
[1 CD – 18 MP3s]
Jamie Smart – NLP Coaching Cards Unpacked CD”They Asked Questions That Were So Off-the-wall, I Wouldn’t Have Thought Of Them In A Million Years!” After an extended testing process and user feedback, we’ve come up with a product that will allow you to acquire NLP Coaching skills rapidly and save money NOW!Download NLP Coaching Skills into your mind today!Read on to discover how you can tap into more power and understanding from the NLP Coaching Cards as we present to you our hot new product release: NLP Coaching Cards Unpacked Audio Programme In March 1998, my life changed forever. At the time I was working for a consultancy, managing organisational change programmes, and I needed to get results, fast. I needed to be able to influence people who I had no authority over. I had to demonstrate that the things I did make a real difference in people’s lives. I required tools that could help me to rapidly understand other people’s models of the world. I needed to be able to diagnose problems accurately, then help solve them quickly. I wanted to be able to get the kind of amazing results that I felt good about and that other people admired. I was always on the lookout for anything which could help me to improve dramatically.Then, in March 1998, I went on my first NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) course, and I was blown away by what was possible. I immediately decided to learn everything I could about this amazing field, and bought every book I could get my hands on. One of the things that was mentioned in many of the books was a powerful set of language patterns called The meta-model, a set of questioning tools modeled by Richard Bandler and John Grinder from two of the therapeutic geniuses of the 20th century, Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir. It was the first creation in the field of NLP, and formed the basis for subsequent discoveries in the field. The meta-model works on the following principle: people don’t experience reality directly, but rather through the maps of reality they create in their minds. When people have a problem or challenge, it does not typically exist -in reality – it exists in their map of reality. If you can enrich their map, their experience of the world will become richer. Enrich their map enough, and their problems will be solved, their challenges overcome. The meta-model is the principle tool for discovering where and how to enrich a person’s map. I know that now, but it was only when I went back to the very first NLP book ever written, The Structure of Magic, that I discovered what The meta-model is and started to learn how to use it. By the time I went on my first NLP Practitioner training with six months later, I knew all the patterns inside out, but I was in for a surprise. As I started learning NLP from the best trainers and coaches in the world, I heard The meta-Model being used in a totally different way! Here are some of the things I heard the finest trainers and coaches doing: Using bizarre queries that didn’t even seem to make sense, but that got high-quality responses from the person they were speaking to. Taking some of the less useful things people said to the extremes, to make their problems seem absurd and ridiculous. Using queries that were so left-field that I would never have thought of them in a million years! Taking incredibly creative perspectives on the client’s situation, helping the person to become more resourceful in the process. At Salad, we’re always looking for ways to improve our products so that you can master NLP language patterns faster. **********************************************************To help you tap into more power and understanding from the NLP Coaching Cards we present to you our hot new product release: NLP Coaching Cards Unpacked Audio Programme.**********************************************************KEY SUCCESS FACTOR:The reason we’re so excited about this new product is because our own research and product testing confirmed something you probably already know: The more sensory channels you engage in the learning process the faster you learn the material. This is why intellectual learning alone is often not enough to learn something thoroughly, & why learning the meta model by playing cards has been so effective and why NLP Coaching Cards Unpacked audio programme will accelerate your learning still further.**********************************************************But one thing was clear to me. They were using these questions, tools and techniques in a systematic way. It was not just creativity or natural talent it was a skill they had learned. I said to myself “You have to learn these skills for yourself”, and I did. I’ve spent the past seven years learning the most powerful techniques from the best trainers. Here are just a few of the things I’ve used these patterns (the patterns you’ll learn from this audio) to do: Helped the marketing department of a company change their limiting beliefs about marketing to students (their model of what was possible was stuck in the 1970s, but the questions I asked them brought them up to date). Changed a man’s belief about his financial future from negative to positive by asking one simple question! Got a group of company directors to make a decision and move forward (these people were addicted to having meetings and putting things off, so getting them to take action was a big accomplishment). Found out what was going on at an unconscious level for every one of my clients over the past 7 years! That’s right! I use these patterns in every single situation I go into with a client or prospective client. I use them with: Executive coaching clients (in fact, these tools are a BIG part of why I can charge such a healthy fee for my executive coaching sessions). Teams of people when I’m engaged to help develop strategy, vision and team alignment. People I’m training; these questions help me to help others make the fastest progress. Personal coaching clients who want to make changes that really work! Myself! These are the questions I use to help myself change the patterns that have held me back! Unfortunately, the meta-Model has a reputation for being difficult to learn. As a result, this incredibly powerful tool is criminally undertaught. But that’s about to change! I’ve taken the revolutionary step of combining the meta-Model questions with some of the most powerful coaching strategies that exist today, to create NLP Coaching Cards Unpacked Audio Programme. This audio can be used by individuals and groups to wire in these incredibly powerful coaching questions. Imagine being able to: Feel confident that you can discover the information that really matters in any situation. People pay good money for this! Ask questions that amaze your clients, you colleagues, your friends and even yourself with the quality of answers you’ll get. Relax, knowing that you will never be stuck for what to say or ask again. Overcome barriers and obstacles that have been holding people back. Feel good, knowing that you really make a difference in people’s lives. Here are just some of the amazing abilities that you’re going to have at your fingertips after you’ve listened to this audio just a few times! The questions that you need to help yourself and your clients get a laser-like focus on your goals. Ways to trigger the hidden non-verbal cues that will reveal how someone is structuring their internal reality (a person’s internal reality is what determines what is and isn’t possible for them). The simple questions that massively increase the likelihood of a person achieving their goals. If you don’t know the answers to these questions, the chances of you reaching your goal are significantly reduced. Tools to reveal the hidden motivations and deep desires that are really driving you and your clients. If you don’t know these, people’s behaviour is often baffling, but when you discover these drivers, suddenly even the most bizarre behaviours make sense. The questions that help you discover the ‘hidden handbrakes’ that stop people moving forward (you won’t find these in the NLP books) The ‘action’ questions that create commitment and build momentum. The ‘verbal aikido’ phrase you can use when someone can’t find the answer to your question – at least 50% of the time the answer magically appears when you ask this (admittedly weird) question! A simple but little-known tool for breaking unhelpful generalisations. If you’ve ever had the frustration of trying unsuccessfully to challenge people’s generalisations (even when you know the NLP meta-model), you have to learn this technique. The most powerful question there is to gently challenge and change the hidden rules people learned as children. The tools you need for drilling down into someone’s reality. Without these, you may think you understand what they’re talking about, but you don’t! The most powerful tools there are for helping people to move beyond their limited ideas of themselves, and to discover how they’ve been keeping success at bay! The belief-buster challenges you can use to start uncovering and dismantling limiting beliefs, using nothing more than simple questions. The ‘magic phrases’ you have to know if you want to uncover the hidden obstacles that stop people moving forward. A question that can give you a near-miraculous ability to help even the most negative clients to create a compelling future for themselves. Finally, you’ll have a solution for people who say “I don’t know what I want”. The ultimate technique for helping you to figure out what’s going on in someone else’s reality. If you don’t know how to use this, you are missing the most powerful way there is to trigger your own intuitions about what someone is thinking and believing. It’s like having a secret spyglass for looking inside their mind! How you can use a simple question you already know, but in a counter-intuitive way that will get people to instantly disassociate from negative states. I’ve met very few people who know how to use this question in this way – even experienced Master Practitioners of NLP! Simple statements that carry powerfully loaded presuppositions that will instantly make your clients feel more resourceful and in control of their lives. The ‘softeners’ that are essential to making your questions gentle and unintrusive. If you don’t know these, you may be breaking rapport just by asking genuine questions. A subtle enquiry to instantly and covertly re-frame a person’s problem as a skill, and put them in charge of their brain. The best tool I’ve ever found for exploring the deeper emotions and values that drive people’s desires and attachments. You’ll be able to discover what really makes someone tick. A cunningly simple question that can release the emotional energy keeping a problem in place, and create a deep sense of peace and freedom. A method to discover someone’s hot buttons and motivation words in any situation. You’ll be blown away by the powerful effect of using their exact words to motivate them. A way to instantly change someone’s perspective on a situation, and get them to look at it in a more resourceful way. A powerful tool for discovering the negative drivers behind fears, worries and compulsions. Like a scalpel or dynamite, this technique is so powerful that it must be used very carefully, and only when there is deep rapport between client and coach. An approach for helping someone to look beyond the stresses and obligations of day-to-day existence, and start to discover a sense of purpose in life. The secret key that instantly increases the likelihood of success in any endeavour. When you and your clients are able to say yes to this question, success is virtually guaranteed. A way to invite a person to experience life without ‘the problem’, directing their attention to a place beyond struggle, beyond the ‘how’ of resolving it. This can free the imagination to go far beyond what you previously thought possible. Powerful tools for uncovering the hidden aspects of a person’s limiting beliefs. You have to be able to uncover these hidden aspects if the beliefs are to change. The secret of using negation to ask an astonishingly simple question that will instantly get a person to imagine a new empowering belief in a situation where they’ve been limited. The first step to establishing a new belief is getting someone to think of it, and this is the quickest, easiest way to do it. Sometimes people are sure about things which aren’t actually useful to them. You’ll learn how to use a person’s negative certainty against itself, to open the process of possibility. A virtually unknown method for covertly checking whether a person’s unconscious mind has fully engaged with the change process. You can even check whether or not someone’s telling the truth! A method for increasing the positive extremes a person can go to, whether what they need more of is love, happiness, pleasure, success, money? whatever you choose! Three different approaches for building rapport, consensus and agreement linguistically. The simple phrases you can use at the beginning of a session to massively increase the ease and effectiveness of the work you do. A simple yet effective tool to focus and centre yourself before the session starts so you’re at your best.
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