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Jamie Smart – Salad – NLP Monthly Mastery Series – Interview with Judith Delozier

Jamie Smart – Salad NLP Monthy Mastery Series – Judith DeLozier.mp3
[1 CD – 1 MP3]



This new exclusive material is the result of another elib group buy.This group buy forum is listed at: Monthly Mastery Series – Interview with Judith DelozierAuthor: Judith DeLozier with Jamie Smart – SaladPublished: 2009If want to to develop true NLP mastery & spend more of your time doing what you love, there’s no better way than by “hanging around” with people who have already done it….every month I release a brand new interview with a true Master of NLP (just to give you an idea, I’ve already interviewed Judy Delozier, Dr Chris Hall, & Charles Faulkner, so I’m talking “the best of the best”).But it’s not “just an interview” – this is an in-depth exploration into how this person thinks & how they put NLP into action. You’ll get inner-game tips & outer game techniques….you’re going to hear me use all my NLP skills to extract the secrets of NLP Mastery direct from their brain and lay it all out for you to integrate directly into your learning.NLP Monthly Mastery Series – Jamie Smart Interviews Judith DelozierYou get the full interview with Judy Delozier. It’s over an hour long & includes powerful insights, attitudes & mindsets that will have you reaching for a pen to make sure you capture it yourself. Judy’s been involved in NLP from the get-go, so she has a unique perspective on it.Judith DeLozier is an original co-developer of the field in NLP and has made fundamental contributions to the development of many core NLP models and processes. In her 30 years of training and working with NLP all over the world she has particularly championed ideas that relate to culture, community, personal congruence, trans-cultural skills and more systemic and relational approaches. Judith’s background is originally in anthropology and religious studies and her love of dance (ballet and Congolese) has led her to promote movement and the body as a primary tool in NLP – leading to the creation with Robert Dilts of Somatic Syntax.This CD is kind of like having X-Ray glasses direct into Judith’s thoughts and attitudes – and I interview her in such a way that you can ‘get it’ quickly and easily.The web site for this material is at:…Please keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to beebub for starting this group buy and to everyone who supported this group buy.Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute at: are the standard group buy lead times.Thanks, Mazen


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