Jamye Price – Cosmic Conscious Creator
Jamye Price – Cosmic Conscious Creator
[Webrips, 47MP3]
**** elib.tech Exclusive ****Help us keep elib.tech all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community. Thanks for keeping elib.tech awesome!Jamye Price is an international energy healer, channel and teacher. She developed a healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, and also channels healing energies in the form of Light Language, which are ancient and universal language codes that your heart and infinite mind speak fluently.So folks, the ‘non English’ language she speaks is LIGHT LANGUAGEThis time of Ascension is calling you to become more conscious in your interactions with the subtle realms. As you enhance your intuition, your communication with your Higher Self, and your focus on loving change—you are creating a powerful life that catalyzes a new Earth experience available to all.These classes will help you identify where you block your creative potential and how to refocus your bio-mechanism naturally. You will be assisted to release past trauma, misperceptions, and beliefs that no longer serve you. You will learn how to direct your inner and external actions toward a path of change and creativity that you are creating, rather than just reacting to the world around you. This profound platform of change contains over 7 hours of esoteric—yet highly practical—information,channeled guidance, Light Language transmissions, Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies, andpragmatic exercises to apply real change into your life.Package “Cosmic Conscious Creator” Includes: Item 1: Hope Internal TeleclassYour spark of hope keeps you moving toward improvement. When the hour seems darkest, you have the ability to access the inner stillness; the quantum force that builds worlds atom by atom.Whether you find yourself confused, indecisive or fearful, you can learn to sense your next beneficial steps. When you are hopeful, you have access to unformed solution that awaits your conscious attention to call it into form.This class contains channeled information, Light Language, Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies and practical exercises to open your heart, sharpen your perceptions, and strengthen your hope. Item 2: Lion Heart TeleclassYou deserve to shine easily and brightly. You are unique and cherished. In fact, Life is constantly calling you to your birthright of JOY!Finding the still voice within your heart and letting that echo out into your life can be a challenge when you are faced with domineering circumstances, fear of judgment, or potential grim consequences.In this class you will learn to release the fear that the risk of expression brings. You will develop a practice of letting go of judgment of yourself and others so that you can speak your truth more easily. You will cultivate your courage to let your Light shine wherever you are!Once you begin to express your heart, you will be surprised at the response Life gives. You are what this world has been waiting for! Find your courage to ROAR!Join Jamye for profound Light Language activations and Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies, channeled guidance and practical exercises and perspectives that help you anchor your new courageous vibration into your life! Item 3: Ignite Your Inner Spirit TeleclassYour Inner Spirit is your connection with your timeless, infinite nature. Within the atom is nuclear capabilities, just as within the power of your creative spark is infinite energy. That which seems so small, is truly powerful. This is your Love—your Inner Spirit. It is invisible, yet it has great creative power.This class will Inspire you to live your life with greater creative courage. It will Instill a peace that allows you to navigate Life with greater ease. It will Ignite your Inner Spirit into the profound creative elixir that it was meant to be.This class contains channeled information, Light Language, Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies and practical exercises to Ignite your Inner Spirit into a creative catalyst that changes your world. Item 4: Creative Focus TeleclassCreativity is the realm of the heart—passion, desire, and play. Focus is the realm of the mind—analyzing, categorizing and choosing. As the heart and mind work in concert, you create a stunning symphony in your Life.In this class you will learn the balance of thought, word, and deed to help you understand what is truly creating in your life. It is much more than a magic formula of steps to follow. You are learning your empowerment and your interaction with all of Life.It is not as hard as it seems, for it is natural to you. It merely requires an unlearning of misinformation and learning to recognize the Truth of Life. The side effect is you become empowered and excited about Life, even through challenge.We will cover common mistakes to creating and amplify your ability to focus your life into a flow of creative bliss. Your bliss ripples out and changes the world.This class contains channeled information, Light Language, Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies and practical exercises to sharpen your focus and open your heart to your magical Self! Item 5: Passion!You have many unique passions that are begging to be brought into form. The energy of the earth changes as you express your creative joy. Whether you are cooking a meal, taking a walk, painting a picture or deepening a relationship; you are a creative being.Have you ever wondered about what your life would be like if you had the courage to pursue your passions? It does require courage, but it’s easier than you think. In fact, thinking is often the block to your passions coming into form!In this class you will release the blocks to your creative courage. You will amplify your ability to learn quickly, go with the flow and read the clues of change that are calling your heart.This class contains channeled information, Light Language, Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies and practical exercises to ignite the flame of your heart! Item 6: Cosmic CrownYou are Divine in nature and connected to the cosmos in ways that are unseen, yet felt in the heart. The elements in your body are found throughout the cosmos. Do you find yourself admiring the sky with a wonderment that feels like touching home?Your crown chakra is your connection to your Cosmic Divinity. This chakra transduces the most subtle forms of energy into human form. As your crown chakra is open, you begin to experience Life from the perspective of Divinity. You move more easily through change and challenge.You more readily embody the peace that passes all understanding. You integrate your timeless, cosmic nature with the compassion of unconditionality that empowers All.This class contains channeled information, Light Language, Crystalline Soul Healing frequencies and practical exercises to activate your cosmic connection to your infinite creativity!http://beyondtheordinaryshow.com/speakers/jamye-price-special-offer-s9/As always In-Joy
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