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Jane Roberts – The “Unknown” Reality, Vol. 2: A Seth Book (1997)

Jane Roberts – The ”Unknown” Reality, Vol. 2, A Seth Book (1997).pdf
[1 eBook – 1 PDF]



Jane Roberts – The “Unknown” Reality, Vol. 2: A Seth Book (1997)Quote:From…The “Unknown” Reality, Vol. 2: A Seth Book, 1997by Seth (Author), Jane Roberts  (Author), Robert F. Butts  (Commentary)Quote:Amazon Reviewer:This is volume two of a series “The Unknown Reality”. If you decide you are interested in the Seth material, I recommend you read the following books in this order before you read this one:1)Seth Speaks2)The Nature of Personal Reality3)The Unknown Reality Vol 1As usual the Seth material itself is great. Some of my favorite parts are as follows:The body can maintain itself when the “main consciousness” is away.”Now, facts may or may not give you wisdom. They can, if they are slavishly followed, even lead you away from true knowledge. Wisdom shows you the inside of facts, so to speak, and the realities from which facts emerge.””Different varieties of dreams often provide frameworks that allow you to leave your own world view under `cushioned conditions.’ You step out of the normal picture that you have made of reality.”The reflections of our ideas and intimate emotions are projected outward in a rich drama.”You may understand that many of your dreams have a symbolic meaning. It may escape you, however, that the symbolic meanings-only these are three-dimensional. You may spend time trying to understand the nature of dreams and their implications, without ever realizing that your physical life is to some extent a three-dimensional dream. It will faithfully mirror your dream images at any given time.”We shouldn’t take our spiritual journey too serious. Take it too serious and we may inhibit our spiritual growth. Take it too serious and we lose sight of what “spirit” is.The properties of the earth are meant to lead us into the nature of the soul. Nature as we understand it is meant to be our teacher. We are not its master.An active fire place is cleansing. It helps to clear the blood.The past can be changed. We personally do it all the time. We blot out things in the past. They become literally non-existent when we block out aspects of our past reality and consciously cut down on our choices.To find the ruins of Atlantis, we must put it in our future first; it must be placed in our past from the future.Illness and suffering is not thrust upon us by God, or by All That Is, or by an outside agency. They are a by-product of the learning processes, created by you; in themselves quite neutral…Illness and suffering are the results of the misdirection of creative energy. Suffering is not good for the soul unless it teaches how to stop suffering.”all exterior events, including your own bodies with their insides, all objects, all physical materializations, are the outside structures of inside ones that are composed of interior sound and invisible light, interwoven in electromagnetic patterns.”In terms of my rating, while I adore the Seth Material, I agonized over the redundant appendixes, footnotes and footnotes to appendixes that are extremely long. They break up the flow of the Seth material. One would think that you could ignore the appendixes and footnotes but there is actually “some” good information in there and if you miss it, you will miss the intent of the Seth messages. I give the Seth material 5 stars and the rest of it 3 stars. Without the extraneous appendixes and footnotes this book could have been easily combined into “one” book.


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