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Jasmuheen – Living on Light

Jasmuheen – Living On Light
[1 DVD – AVI, 1 CD – MP3]



PLEASE KEEP THIS AT – NO SHARING ANYWHERE ELSE!This is the original Living on Light seminar, that Jasmuheen delivered on the subject of being a breatharian. It is still very much a controversial topic – lliving on pure prana, without the intake of any food or water. The presentation covers her discoveries and process, into this esoteric practice. A breatharian is said to be someone who never eats or drinks as they can exist on cosmic micro-food. These people exist but are rarely public unless it is their service to be so. However there are also now many people who can choose to be nourished directly from prana and no longer need to take physical food yet most of these people – like myself – still choose to drink for various reasons. In our living on light section we share more on the “how” of this as well as providing in-depth experiential research. On this breatharian page we wish to share a small selection of videos of other people’s journeys with living on prana plus a few meditations to increase your chi flow.As many are now aware, metaphysical author Jasmuheen has spent the last four decades studying the rhythms of the field of Divine Love to the degree that in 1993 she discovered its ability to provide nourishment on not just emotional, mental and spiritual levels but also on a physical level. There are now approximately 40,000 people in the West who have the ability to choose where they wish to get their physical body nourishment from. As a result of this freedom of choice they are far less dependant on the world’s food resources. Click here for videos on some of their experiences.On Pranic Living Jasmuheen writes: “Nourishment from prana happens as a direct response to our desire for it and as a natural response to our vibration. The capacity to live on light is directly related to our ability to attract, absorb and radiate Divine Love which is determined by our lifestyle. When  we are well tuned and four body fit, we can access an inner power which has the ability to love us, guide us, heal us and also nourish our cells. As vast multi-dimensional beings, we have limitless access to a source of internal nourishment (prana-chi) that constantly bubbles champagne-like throughout the matrix of life. This supremely loving pranic pulse acts as a type of glue to bind our creations and help with our manifestations to bring more Grace into our lives. A specific lifestyle allows us to go deep within the inner silence to discover and experience this pranic flow in all its forms and as we focus upon it we become immersed within it and so find ourselves transformed. Increasing our personal internal and external chi flow can rid our world of all of all its hungers and bring about a state of global harmony and permanent peace.”


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