Jason Capital- The Donald Trump Formula
Donald Trump Formulaby Jason Capital
[1 PDF, 2 MP3, 2 TXT]
The Donald Trump Formula is a 46-minute audiothat downloads the MOST-POWERFUL ASPECTSof Donald Trump’s Game, right into your subconscious.(That’s his game with business, his game with power/persuasion,his game with negotiation, and his game with women.)Most guys have seen Donald Trump and think,”Yeah, he had it all handed to him on a silver platter,”which is false.Or they mistakenly think, “Yeah, if I had his fame and money,then I could make all the money he makes too,” which is also false.They COULD do all those things too, but only ifthey knew Donald’s Manhattan Power Secret that you’re about to discover right here..See, the truth is Donald’s results have FAR LESS to dowith those things than they do his GAME.The truth is, he has WORLD-CLASS GAME for money,power and women, and when any advanced guy watchesDonald Trump, regardless if he’s a fan or not, they seehis world-class game in everything he does and they copy it.When you take the step to invest in yourself with the completeDonald Trump Formula, you’re also going to get access to his Manhattan Power Secret, which is a subtle frame that Donald uses in nearly every conversation to make the otherperson think, “Holy shit…this man is impressive, we need him.”Imagine adding a little bit of that Donald Trump Influenceinto your life starting today too..Who would you start influencing right now,if everyone you met KNEW they needed you?Such a solid upgrade for any guy to addto the repertoire, and today..it’s yours.
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