Jay Sankey – Wrap It Up
Jay Sankey – Wrap It Up [1 DVD – MP4]
[1 DVD – MP4]
Wrap it Up By Jay Sankey Review by Gareth Witty Media : DVD From : www.sankeymagic.com Available from all good dealers Price: $25.00 Skill Level Easy to Medium Effect Descriptions: 1) The Snap Handling The chewed gum is placed into the wrapper, then with a snap of the fingers its shown to be restored and can be handed out. 2) The Mid Air Handling A slight variation of the snap handling but with a mid air change as you toss the 3) Table Drop Another Variation but with the gum stick dropping onto the table or even batter, into the spectators hand. 4) Appearing Wrapper A slight modified version, super quick and visual. Some chewed gum is shown help in the finger tips, the hand closes and opens to show a wrapped bar of gum! 5) TT Handling This time the magician remove the gum from his mouth using the wrapper, tucks it into his fist then shows a fully restored bar of gum! 6) JC Handling Another version that is to be done by being seated at the table. A bit of unwrapped gum is shown and then by placing it into the hand, its is shown to be wrapped as new. 7) The Slydini Handling The wrapper is torn and the chewed gum is placed into the wrapper, then the gum is shown to be restored back to its original state. The Transposition Sequence First the gum and wrapper change places, then the gum and wrapper appear in one hand, then for the climax the gum is shown to be completely restored! 9) Impossible Restoration The wrapper is torn into four pieces, then placed into the hand, then the hand the opened to show the wrapper is restored with the gum in side ready to give away! Also the other hand is empty! 10) The Lo-Tech Handling The gum is removed from the mouth and changes into an unchewed piece, then with a wipe, the wrapper appears back onto the gum 11) Oral Fixation While chewing some gum the magician takes the wrapper and rips it up, he then placed the torn wrapper into his mouth and then spits out a completely restored gum stick. Review: The Bad Stuff Ok I am going to cover the bad and not so bad points, there are very few so this will be quick. While I know this is a teaching video, I wish Jay would use some spectators. I find this really helps with misdirection, spectator control and script. I find it a little annoying when this happens, but there again this is a teaching DVD so I think we can end on that. Now I also found the music annoying during the performances, its sounded very looped and I think this could have been removed and something a little more fitting used. The very last thing is the effect Appearing Wrapper, this to me was the weakest routine, it still works, but I think its just a little weak in places, there is a tiny part of the routine that didn’t quite look right, but it is very easy to fix and could still work well. The Good Stuff Ok, now I’ve seen tricks and effects with most object, but with gum! The effects on this DVD are super commercial. They scream opener, and look good and in most cases can be done in 30secs or less.. Now, you get the instructions to make the gimmick and also included are the items needed, so you can get started right away. Its quite an easy gimmick to make and Jay gives ALL the info and tips needed. The gimmick will last a long time, but you don’t have to use the gum supplied, you can change to any make of gum that uses a wrapper. I think this will apply to Europe as there are many different types of gum to buy. In the UK I would use Hubba Bubba gum as this is well know. The first 4 effects use the gimmick and allow for a very startling and visual piece of magic. The angle are not too bad, but Jay does explain how to cover them. They are also very easy to perform thanks to the gimmick. Now there is a little “sound” issue which may cause concern, but Jay gives some practical advice, but unless you perform in a sound booth with your spectators you’ll be fine. The 5th effect uses our friend the TT and this allows you to perform the same effect, but in a slightly different way. This is very handy as by having these different paths to the same destination, this allows for flexibility and a semi impromptu performance. Now this might be a tiny nag, but I think Jay could have gone in just a tiny more detail about using a TT, but there is a ton of info already and I know does have a DVD out all about the little fellah. The 6th , 7th and 8th effect use lapping to great success and would suit a before dinner effect. Jay covers all very well and these effects need to be practised well. There is an art to being successful in this area magic and you will find the teaching to be very useful for other effects as well. Now this will suit a walk around, but when you do get the chance to site down with guests, I think going like these routines. The 9th effect is a darn gosh clever idea, its say “magician fooler” and looks like pure magic to me. A little prep is needed, but well worth the effort. Its simple but very effective. The only spoiler is that you end up “dirty”, but that’s easy to get out off. Now the 10th and 11th effect are more basic, but don’t let that fool you. The 10th effect The Lo-Tech Handling used some great easy moved and to me look really good. A few slights are needed, but don’t worry, Jay teaches these and I am sure most magicians will use this one all the time. Now effect 11 is just pure and simple and cheeky. This one is bold, but fun. It has no work to do, but if done at the right time, its a great effect. Overview I have to say I really like this DVD, a group of effects based around one idea. Nearly all of these effects are easy and simple to do, but yet have that great punch needed to drive some the magic and of course Jay does a great job of teaching these effects and well as a few laughs. Another good thing is this does give you a little more non-coin and non card magic effects and with some of the moves taught by Jay you could apply these concepts to create other effects. So my marks for this is a 9.5/10! Well worth the time and money on this great idea and other great effects all with a stick of gum!garethwittyFull Member Posts: 73Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2004 8:51 amLocation: Windsor, UK, (36:AH)
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