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Jeff Anderson – 101 Sneaky Weight Loss Tricks (3 ebooks – PDF, 5 audios – Mp3)

Jeff Anderson – 101 Sneaky Weight Loss Tricks

Description….Fast Weight Loss TipsFat Doesn’t Fight Fair… So Why Should YOU?!Tap Into 101 Of The Easiest, Most Powerful, And Downright “SNEAKY” Weight Loss TricksTo Burn Fat Fast……And KEEP IT OFFFor Good! Are You Tired Of Playing “Mr. Nice Guy” With Your Hips, Butt, Belly & Thighs?Well, what if you were armed to the teeth with an entire arsenal of the strangest, most unique (and powerful!) weight loss tips known to man?Sex Burns FatSECRET #77: The “sex trick”that not only burns more fat…it will drive any man or womanto total ECSTASY!I’m talking real secrets, like…#84 – The “mobile phone trick”: I’ll bet you never thought of using technology like this before! #76 – The “high-low trick”: A 2-step tactic to getrid of embarrassing chest fat for good! #73 – The “vacuum trick”: No, it has nothing to do with lyposuction…but it could strip as much as1 full inch from your waist in just 30 days! #58 – The “boob tube trick”: A funny technique for how you watch TV that can actually help you lose weight fast! (It’s true!)And that’s just a tiny sample of what’s waiting for you now!Strange (But True!) Fat Burning StrategiesYou’ve Never Heard Of…Yet Scientifically Proven To Work FastNo Matter How BIZARRE They May Sound!Restaurant SurvivalSECRET #49: The “restaurant trick”This is THE secret to ordering anything you want without the guilt…or calorie overload!If there’s one thing I’ve learned in almost 25 years as a fitness professional and weight loss coach, it’s this…Most of the time it really only takes 1 or 2 SMALL CHANGES to DRAMATICALLY change the way your body looks!That’s it! Just a few tweaks to the way you eat or the way you remain active during the day and that excess fat that’s been frustratingly holding on for dear life suddenly “gives up” and melts off your body day after day!That’s why over the last several years, I’ve been pouring over medical journals, magazines, and my own research notes, looking for simple, easy-to-follow “quick tips” that absolutely ANYONE can add to their current weight loss program and… …Start Seeing Results IMMEDIATELY!So here’s what I’ve done…I’ve compiled 101 of the weirdest weight loss “tricks” I’ve stumbled upon (and USED!) over the years and created a full length audio package and easy reference manual (mp3 files and .pdf ebook available for download and instant access!).You see, one of the biggest secrets I’ve discovered in helping listerally THOUSANDS of men and women just like YOU transform their body and their health is this…Just A Few Minor “Tweaks” ToYour Current Weight Loss ProgramCould Mean The Difference BetweenFrustrating Failure……And AMAZING SUCCESSWhen You Look In The MIrror! THAT’S what the “101 Sneaky Weight Loss Tricks” audios and easy reference guide offers you!In fact, you’ll laugh out loud at how crazy some of these “quick tips” sound…but you can’t argue with science and each one of these strategies is backed by hard evidence of their effectiveness at helping you take control over the excess fat you’ve built up!It’s all available right now as an instant download and you can listen in as I quickly layout the simple techniques you can put to use right away tor fine-tune your nutrition, kick up your metabolism, and enjoy skyrocketing motivation!Here’s what you’ll get once you sign up for instant access…Sneaky Food Tricks”Sneaky Food Tricks” That Will Make YouFeel Like You’re CHEATING WhenYou’re Actually Melting Through FatLike A Hot Knife Through Butter!(Downloadable mp3 file)Losing weight never tasted so good! In fact, with these underhanded food strategies, you’ll never use the word “diet” again!Here’s just a sample of what’s in store for you…Trick #1:The simple twist to your morning routine that INSTANTLY jumpstarts your metabolism and boosts fat-burning by as much as 30%!Trick #5:The beverage you’ve been WARNED to stay away from…butnew-found studies reveal the shocking health benefits jam packed in this potent anti-aging/fat-burning “elixer”!Trick #15:The amazing “super food” that in one clinical study, dissolved away more than 10 extra pounds in twelve weeks…WITHOUT DIETING or any other lifestyle changes!Trick #24:Your “Emergency Response Plan” for those times when you know you ate too much and you’re worried those extra calories are speeding straight toward your hips, belly, and thighs! (This little trick will save your ass – literally – and divert your fat-storing hormones just in the nick of time!)Trick #40:Psychic PowersDo you REALLY possess “psychic powers” that can tap into the energy field of all around you and serve as your guide in eating better than ever before (even if those foods were once considered “bad” for you)?WARNING: This technique is going to totally freak you out the first time you try it. But it’s really not “paranormal activity”…it’s SCIENCE!(Freaky science…but science nonetheless!)And Much, Much More! Sneaky Exercise Tricks”Sneaky Exercise Tricks” ThatPut An End To Gut-Wrenching WorkoutsAnd Reveal How To Burn MORE FatWith LESS Effort Than Ever Before!(Downloadable mp3 file)Losing weight is NOT just about slapping on layers and layers of sweats and running 10 miles on the treadmill. Fact is, there are “sneaky little ways” you can burn extra calories all day long that you’ve never thought of yet have proven to be incredibly effective at destroying body fat to help you lose more and more weight every single day!Check out what you’ll find in this energizing “secret weapon” training arsenal…Trick #55:How to use your CAR as your own personal “mobile gym”! (No, you won’t be doing any pullups while speeding down the highway at 85mph. But you WILL see how just a simple 2 minute workout can have a major impact on your waistline!)Trick #57:SHOCKING! Japanese researchers unlocked a strange biological trigger that tricks the brain into REDUCING blood sugar and short-circuiting fat storage…even WHILE you watch TV!Trick #69:The most overlooked exercise strategy that even the “big boys” at the gym are unaware of…but when YOU use this technique, you’ll NATURALLY raise your age-defying, fat melting Growth Hormone levels by as much as 4,000% (No…that is NOT a typo)!Trick #70:I NEVER see anyone using this exercise technique in public but this “mini-workout” is a powerful way to work your muscles for an instant metabolic turbo-boost (works especially well at work)!Trick #74:”Spot-reduce” ab fat? They say it can’t be done! Or can it? Give this little training strategy a try and decide for yourself when you look in the mirror just 10 days from now!And Much, Much More! Sneaky Motivation Tricks”Sneaky Motivation Tricks” ThatEmpower You With White Hot EnthusiasmWhile Your Friends & Co-Workers WonderWhat “Secrets” You’re Keeping From Them!(And Why You Can’t Stop Smiling!)(Downloadable mp3 file)Never again fear the humiliating failure of “trying” a weight loss program and then quitting a few weeks or months down the road! The simple “quick tips” you’ll discover in this earth-shaking audio program is all you need to eliminate ANY doubt from your mind that you will completely transform your body, mind, health, and spirit…for good!In fact, you’re about to discover…Trick #82:How a cheap BIRTHDAY CARD can act as your “crystal ball” into the future and help you stay on track with your fat-burning efforts!Trick #90:Don’t feel like getting to the gym or your exercise class! This is THE #1 secret for destroying all of those saved up excuses and even enjoying your workouts more!Trick #93:A lesson from your kids about how to avoid “boredom eating” when you have nothing to do and are just sitting around your home! (Boredom has destroyed many a diet…but this “aha” moment will reveal the little known tactic that makes raiding the fridge virtually impossible…and you won’t even miss it!)Trick #94:Stop hiding from your co-workers when they bring donuts or head out for fast food! There’s a better way to avoid temptation!Trick #99:A CANDLE that can naturally balance hormones, build muscle, AND burn fat?! It’s true!And Much, Much More!As you can plainly see, even just ONE of these amazing secrets can make a world of difference in your ability to get better and faster results from your weight loss program!Weight Loss BookAnd just to make sure you don’t miss out or forget a single trick, I’ve even organized every single tip into a convenient “Quick Reference Guide” you can flip through over and over again to quickly take action on your next set of weight loss strategies to continue making progess day after day!Imagine Having Access To 101 OfThe Most Cutting-Edge Weight Loss Tactics To “Sucker Punch” Unwanted Body FatOnce And For All!And just in case, you’re thinking that there has to be some sort of “catch”, I’ll even back up this program’s effectiveness with a “can’t fail” guarantee!I’m that confident that you’re going to be blown away by the simple-yet-powerful breakthrough discoveries from University Research Studies, independent testing organizations, and medical advances and you lose absolutely NOTHING by giving them a try in your own weight loss program.I’m putting my money where my mouth is…”You Lose Fat Or You Don’t Pay”60 Day – 100% Money Back Guarantee”If My ‘101 Sneaky Weight Loss Tricks’ Does NotBLOW YOU AWAY As The Most Powerful CollectionOf Fat Burning ‘Quick Tips’ You’ve Ever Seen,Simply Contact Me For A Prompt and Courteous Refund”Grab your copy of the “101 Sneaky Weight Loss Tricks”…listen to the audios…flip through the easy reference guide…take action on ANY of the step-by-step “quick tips” in your own weight loss program…and put these scientifically proven strategies to the test for up to 8 weeks……YOU Be The Judge!If you aren’t noticing, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you’re getting leaner and looking sexier in the mirror than ever before, simply contact me to ask for a full refund!Pre-Sale 80% Discount!Act fast! Your discount expireswhen the timer runs out…14:19It’s all up to you now.But think about it…even if only ONE of these amazing tips offered you BETTER and FASTER results with your own weight loss program, wouldn’t it be worth 10 TIMES as much as this special discounted price of only $47 (Sign Up NOW for just $10 for a limited time!)?I mean, how much does it cost for a single bottle of worthless “scam pills” you find advertised in magazines and informercials?And what about those “ab gadgets” you see on TV? “3 payments of $19.95”? Give me a break!For just $47 $10, you can have at your fingertips the most comprehensive “Quick Reference Guide” to the most recent amazing health discoveries to give you all the tools you need to drop those extra pounds FAST!Don’t waste any time! This offer will end soon (check the timer below) and then you’ll have missed your chance for this one-time discount!Click the “Add To Cart” button below to gain INSTANT ACCESS to this incredible program NOW!Your Discount Expires In…14:19Regularly Priced At $47.00On Sale Now ForA LIMITED TIME ForJust $10!Add To CartI look forward to hearing about your results!Yours in health, Jeff AndersonMike Geary and Jeff Anderson


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