Jerry Stocking – Thinking Clearly
Thinking Clearly complete.pdf
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Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! “Thinking Clearly”by Jerry StockingFrom a closed group buy..Status GB hereAn adventure in Mental FitnessComments on the book:If you have a background in NLP (Neruro Linguistic Programming) you will appreciate this book very much. If you don’t, it’s a good book to read to find out what it is like. But the author,Jerry Stocking, takes NLP and its techniques and gives them his own flavor, calling it “An Adventure In Mental Fitness) on the cover of the book. He has exercises to work on involving the visual, auditory and kinesthetic modes (VAK) and they are very unique to try. Chapter 2, which treats the subject of “grounded and ungrounded” assessments is worth the price of the whole book. His insights are unique. In talking about mental “file searches”, he says: . . . “Most of what we call entertainment is entertaining because it requires us to make different file searches from those we normally make. Much of what we call work demands repetitious file searches with little variation; when done with a variation of files searches, work becomes interesting and entertaining. Some people bring curiosity and excitement to their occupation by adding new file searches regularly.” (P. 152) I found the book enlightening and helpful. I can’t say I agree with everything Jerry says and I don’t always follow his logic (heck, I don’t always agree with MYSELF). But it’s a book worth reading and worth having so that you can review it again and again.. Enjoy! Jerry loves people and is committed in finding out what is possible for “us” as human beings to accomplish. His love of people and desire to contribute to us are apparent in his writings, books, and seminars. Jerry is founder of a non- profit educational corporation, A Choice Experience, Inc., which focuses on exploring human possibility and gently exposing illusion. This book was scanned, OCRed, updated, formatted, paginated, chaptered, etc, etc. A note I like to mention is that Jerry does uses “homemade” words like “Grandfadder” as great example. Those are NO TYPOS!!! Elite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: never (get your account up to PU to gain access to exclusive material: upload 25 GB or donate and be a member for 4 weeks)Namaste
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