Jerry Stocking – Unconditional Love Portland Day 1
Jerry Stocking – Unconditional Love Portland 2012
[1 DVD – 112 MP3s]
This is a recording of a workshop Jerry Stocking held recently on Unconditional Love. From the sales letter:You Won the Lottery and You Might Not Know It You deserve unconditional love. You really do. Experiencing unconditional love is better than winning the lottery. It has you rise above everyday problems, but has you still solve them effortlessly. It reminds you of who you are constantly and empowers you to express yourself fully. Unconditional love keeps you company when you are alone and has your relationships flow. It holds your hand when you are scared and feels your pain when you are suffering. Though you deserve unconditional love it is likely that you don’t regularly experience it. If you are like most people you have sought unconditional love but seldom found it. We can help you find it. We have been doing so for more than thirty years. Winning the unconditional love lottery isn’t as hard as you might think, but it does take self discovery, and that is where we come in. We are experts at exploring who you are under your daily patterned presentation. The discoveries you make about yourself through this exploration will reveal the unconditional love deep within you. If you are ready for unconditional love please call us at (706) 754-7540 or e-mail us at
to find out more. It’s Never Too Early To Love This Much Unconditional Love doesn’t need you to change. It loves you exactly as you are. It won’t knock on your door and ask if you need a little love today. It will show up unannounced with more love than you have room for. Unconditional love frees you to love without limits. It transports you to a world where everything you do is right. Unconditional love invites you to this workshop and to everywhere else. It promises that if you trust it, you will be happier, and full of joy that borders on ecstasy. Your life can be transformed into the ultimate expression of your love. Like the sun, you can shine. Love is the fuel you run on. Unconditional love is jet fuel. You’ll fly faster and higher than you ever thought possible. Embracing yourself each and every moment and living boldly. Today is the perfect day to love this much. Join us? Calling All Love Experts You are a world class love expert. This course is for you. Come out and flaunt your love. See others do the same. Experience the biggest celebration of love ever. You are so deeply connected with everyone on the planet. Come celebrate that. The man you walk by on your way to work is an undercover love expert. But you probably knew that. He doesn’t always get to show his true colors at work and at home but he does here. You can too. For three days you are free to be the open, joyful, passionate love expert that you are. New Passionate and Exciting Relationships All the loving you do here you’re going to take home to your relationships. Unconditional love will inspire you to fall in love over and over again everywhere you go. Unconditional love is a return to the intoxicating feelings of having a crush. Where they are perfect and you are perfect and everything in the world is perfect. In this course, you will discover the secrets to loving without limits. Here you will learn to radically transform your relationships into constant celebrations. A Moving Spiritual Experience. At the course you can meet the present moment like never before. In the present moment you will discover that you are smarter, more creative and have no limits. Your life transforms into a wild and entertaining opportunity to explore your unlimited potential. You effortlessly flow through challenges. You’ve seen people who can act in the face of huge challenges and succeed wildly over and over again. They have tapped into an unconditional love of life and you can too. You do not need to dedicate your life, sit in meditation in a cave or spend years with a master to discover who you really are. You are already perfect. You can simply notice how perfect and wonderful you and everyone else already are. The path of unconditional love connects you with yourself and it connects you deeply with others. It is a fast highly spiritual decision to live life to the fullest which creates your life as a constant celebration. You Are Invited to Unconditional Love! Three days of Unconditional Love: April 27, 28, 29. This is a personal course, a dynamic, organic expression of the aspects of your self that you haven’t met yet. You will receive the tools and techniques of Unconditional Love, tapping into the present. This will result in deeper, more fulfilling relationships, joy beyond compare and the continual discovery of the celebration that you are. Jerry and friends come to Portland rarely. There has never been an easier time to join us for the wonderful magic we make. To discover more about Unconditional Love and how you can enroll in this life changing workshop, call 706-754-7540 now! Welcome to a world of unconditional love. It has been here all the time. It has been waiting just for you. Be happy wherever you are, no matter what you are doing, celebrate the bliss of being you. If that sounds too simple you have been making things much too difficult. We have been exploring what it is to get to know yourself for over thirty years. We offer you a shortcut to getting to know yourself, a road map to unconditional love- The discovery of unconditional love, already glowing, already growing inside of you. Welcome to Portland Unconditional Love.****************************************************************My thoughts on Jerry and this course:Jerry continues to impress me and puts out the highest quality content on self improvement, I’ve found anywhere. This course doesn’t address any one topic like a “How to Get Jacked in 30 Days” program does. This course is on Unconditional Love. As far out a claim as that is, you will get that and much more out of listening to it. However….****WARNING**** Jerry Stocking is not for everyone. Especially if you’ve never heard of NLP, EST or think that self help has to be presented in 12 easy steps.Jerry’s language can be cryptic and often contains much more than you will hear the frist time you listen to it. If you need to be directly told Do X and then Do Y, Jerry Stocking will be a let down.However, if you are open to listening to a fairly entertaining expert wax on about Unconditional Love while having your own mental, emotional and physical patterns dismantled and reconstructed….bigger, faster, better,Then this course will literally blow your mind.
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