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Jerry Valley – Ultimate Stage Hypnosis Training

[ 2 DVDs – ISO]



 ExclusiveJerry Valley’s stage hypnosis course has long been considered the standard Stage hypnosis course for beginners and advanced Hypnotist alike.  The story goes that Jerry teamed with Ormond McGill to bring the first version of this to the public.  After that he would do the seminar alone even though Ormond’s name was also on the marquee.This is a rip from VHS and was sold as is as his seminar for many years.  The information is still useful and very easy for a beginner to grasp.  Also useful are Jerry’s stories about his experiences.  This is an exclusive to  Keep it in this format for at least one week.  If you wish to rip it and share here you may do so after July -24-2012 ( one week after upload), but share only here at elib.Power Users and up may download immediatelyUsers on 2012-07-20


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