Jeru Kabbal – Clarity Talks Vol. 1
Clarity Talks 1
[13 CDs – MP3]
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Learn how your shit works and reap the rewards of mental and emotional clarity.Included recordings:Why Limit Your Potential?As children we learn to hold ourselves back in order to conform to desires and conditioning in the family and of society. Often, experiencing happiness becomes linked with expectations of punishment. We may wonder why happiness is so fleeting and often actually scary. In learning to work with the subconscious we can reverse those early decisions to hold ourselves back. Its never too late to blossom.The Nature of the SubconsciousOne of the major differences between humans and other living beings is the subconscious, the mind below the level of consciousness. We must become acquainted with this part in working on ourselves, or we will remain its victim. The subconscious is like a computer whose programs never wear out, but can be changed.The Green Door and the Four Year OldReleasing the Fears of the Inner Child “Most of us are still projecting the same wants and needs we had as children, only we dress them up in adult clothing. We also tend to fear the same dragons” we experienced as children (helplessness, dependency, etc.) When we learn to be in the NOW we can see how little we really need to fear, and how most of our problems” are memories of the Inner Child who still believes in the green dragon under the bed.Staying in BalanceEverything the mind worries and thinks about is related to survival. It is surprising to the mind to discover that we are actually meeting our survival needs very easily. Once the mind sees this, fear and tension melt away and what was once an effort becomes a celebration of aliveness.The Body as a StrategyOur bodies are shaped by our minds, based on the raw material given to us at birth. The body becomes an expression of our personality and strategies. Much of the tension from birth is still in the body and influen-ces it in major ways. Its almost impossible for our bodies to change if the subconscious is still holding on to an idea of how we should look or feel.Dehypnotherapy and the BodyThe body and the mind reinforce each other. As children we were influenced by and imitated the bodies around us. Family illness “is a strong hypnosis. Working with the body becomes more effective by working with the attitudes that shaped the body. Visualization is a powerful tool for speaking to the subconscious.Dehypnotherapy: A New PerspectiveFreeing Ourselves of the Hypnosis of the Inner Movie”The vast computer in our minds (the subconscious) is still running the same programs we put in as infants. This is what we call the movie”. By separating the movie from reality we eliminate most of our problems instantly. Jeru shares valuable insights for seeing the difference and tells how to eliminate irrelevant programs.Stop Projecting Your PastIt is discouraging to see how much of our lives consist of projections from the past. But by bringing repressed memories to the conscious level we can retrain our computer/mind. This can bring us out of the dream of the past and into the reality of the moment. Understand who your are today by re-membe-ring who you were as a child. Everything is different today but your mind probably doesnt know yet.Relationship: Tool for ClarityOur major patterns and deepest programs are rooted in relationship. Generally our relating patterns were formed in our immediate family. We tend to attract lovers that fit into the family roles and often repeat those patterns no matter how painful and destructive they might be. Honest relationships can give us the opportunity to change these patterns and allow true love..ManifestingWe are already excellent manifestors. The reason we dont get everything we want is that subconsciously we are afraid to get it. We actually prevent ourselves from getting it. We only need to stop antimanifesting.” The expertise we already have and are already using can then be applied to all aspects of our lives.EmotionsJeru talks on the nature of emotions. Are they real, or just a matter of phantasy? What is the difference between real life and emotions? Do not waste your life on “plastic-flowers”, but focus on this real moment! Get out of your inner movie and enjoy life, instead of living in memories of your infancy.Deciding to Wake UpWaking up or realizing ones true nature is responding to the moment rather than reacting automatically. If we arent truly aware then we are on automatic pilot”. Becoming Self-Realized is a full time job and the most difficult in life. Being aware of whats really needed helps keep priorities straight. Commitment works.ReminderJeru reminds participants of a long training course, what they can expect when they leave the course and how they could maintain their deep experiences in their daily life. A valuable reminder that helps to stay alert. Listen to it frequently!
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