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Jim Katsoulis – Program Yourself Thin

Program Yourself Thin
[103 MP3, 15 FLV, 14 PDF]


You’re About to Learn the Most Over-Looked Truth of How to Get the Body YouWant, and it’s NOT What You’re Thinking Breakthrough “Mental Programming Technology” that no one’s telling you about make weight loss easy. Why do some people lose weight so easily-while others try everything possible and barely lose a pound? Have you ever wondered why being thin can be so difficult even though you want it so badly?What if you could drop 5, 10, 20 pounds permanently all on auto-pilot…no dieting, no pills, no deprivation. If one article can give you the information you need to transform your mind and body once and for all, this is it. Once you have read this entire article, you will never be able to think about your body and how you lost weight the same way ever again. Before you continue reading this article, let me warn you about what you are going to experience.You will find yourself learning things that are so obvious and common sense that you will wonder:“How come I never realized that before?” Relax. This is normal!You are about to learn the most overlooked truth of how to create the body you want, and it is probably not what you are thinking. You can enjoy a level of control over yourself, that you never dreamed possible. But you must do one thing. You’ll only have to do it for the next few minutes, but  this one thing could be the difference between a life of physical pleasure or emotional pain.You need to stop and take everything you know about weight loss, all your beliefs and ideas, and THROW THEM OUT THE WINDOW. At least until you finish reading this article (you’ll see why in a moment). You could spend the rest of your life struggling and fighting to keep your weight down. Jumping from diet to diet, always searching for the next miracle pill, but you know that you won’t have a thin lean body until you know how to control your mind.Choices, Emotions, and OrgasmsLet’s begin with two eternal truths about human behavior that will never change (and this is the key to why these methods will work for you).Eternal Truth #1: People always make the best choice they have The real reason most people struggle with weight is because they think that being thin will be too hard. They think being thin will be a constant struggle or even worse that they’ll suffer through dieting and the weight still won’t come off. The biggest problem is that people give themselves crappy choices. They say:”I can be overweight and eat what I wantorI can be thin but be bored, stressed, miserable, and deprived.”When it’s put like that, which would you choose? When your choices improve you’ll be amazed at how quickly and easily you begin to lose weight. Eternal Truth #2: People do things for EMOTIONAL REASONS Why do people eat dessert when they want to lose weight?Why do people smoke when they know it’ll kill them? Because people do things for EMOTIONAL REASONS, then justify it logically.This is why people struggle to lose weight. They think about all the reasons why they should go on a diet. “I’d be healthier”, “I’d feel better”, blah, blah, blah. The problem is that when those logical sanitized reasons come up against the orgasmic thought that is chocolate cake, the diet goes out the window, it’s no match. My point is that people need to fight fire with fire. You need to get down and dirty with your cravings in a way that is effective and FUN.That is where Program Yourself Thin 2.0 comes into play… “Have You Decided To Be Thin?”Until you make this decision you will struggle or fail to be thin. Sorry to be so harsh, but I owe it to you to be honest. I have never seen a single person succeed without first making a decision to succeed. Now, if you have decided to be thin and are still struggling to make it happen, there is only one reason….You don’t “know how” to be thinThat’s right. You don’t know how to be thin. Relax. It’s not your fault, did anyone ever teach you?You see, our habits have more to do with our weight than any genetics. And that is good news for you. To become permanently thin and lean, you need to know HOW to think, act, and respond like a thin person does. Let me repeat, it is easy to know what to do, but you get results when you know HOW to do it. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself by answering these questions: When you’re stressed, sad, or lonely do you have a way to feel better without food? As you’re eating, do you recognize when you’ve had enough food and then stop? Could you list 5 fast, easy, and healthy meals that taste really good off the top of your head? If you could answer yes to these questions, don’t you think your body would look different?DO NOT READ THE FOLLOWING…What are you doing? it says not to read this (it’s even in red). But then again if you’re like 99% of us humans then your curiosity is raised about things you aren’t supposed to do, it’s just a natural response. This is one of the reasons diets don’t work because as soon as you “ban” something it immediately becomes MORE tempting.“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.”Do yourself a favor. Take a moment and answer these questions. *Have you or anyone you know been successful at permanently losing  weight by dieting?*How many times will you try losing weight by dieting? *How many times would it take to finally realize that it doesn’t work?*Are you convinced that it might be time to try another way? Listen, I understand because I was there. I thought the only way to become  thin was to focus on avoiding bad foods I was eating, and I could never figure out why it didn’t work.Top 5 Reasons Diets Don’t Work #5: Diets Make You Feel Deprived.Diets focus on what you can’t eat, and that naturally increases the feelings of missing out on something.#4: Your Mind Thinks of Diets as Temporary.Usually diets are seen as a change in behavior until a certain amount of weight is lost. But what happens then?# 3: Diets Are Really Easy to Fail At.Most diets require you follow the plan to the letter all the time, and when you slip it is really hard to start again.#2: You Need Constant Willpower and DisciplineIt is impossible to stay focused and motivated all the time, and that causes “slipping” or “falling off the wagon”.and the number one reason diets don’t work…#1: Diets are Boring. How Long Will It Take To See Results?Never mind trying to lose 5 pounds a week. Let’s get real and figure out exactly how quickly you can see results that last. Remember, there is a mathematical equation to your weight loss. Regardless of age, genetics, or history this equation remains true. Before you continue answer this question:What is your ideal weight? ______ Warm upWhat are the answers to these questions?1. 6 — _X_= 42. 18 — _X_= 93. 44 — _X_= 30 Now here are the real questions. Make sure that you answer each question in order!Do you understand how quickly you can make this happen?This is your chance to finally have the body that you have always wanted. To experience the kind of confidence that comes with a physique that is lean and strong. To be able to wear clothes that make you look and feel incredible. To feel the adrenaline rush of stepping on the scale and seeing you’ve dropped 4 more pounds.The True Secret to Permanent Weight LossEveryone knows that in order to permanently lose weight you need to change your habits. But how do you do that? This is the most important and for some reason overlooked  part of most weight loss programs.Wouldn’t you agree that it is easy to know what to do, but is harder to actually do it? You know what foods you should and shouldn’t eat. You know you should exercise more, but you don’t do it.If you had the ability to program your mind so that you craved fruit and salads, automatically ate slower, and exercised everyday, would your body look different?Of course it would, you see so many people try to lose weight by fighting against there “favorite” foods. But what would happen if you could program yourself to feel complete and total indifference for those foods instead.When you do that, the weight loss process becomes automatic and enjoyable because instead of fighting against cravings, you’re unplugging them. This is one ability alone will transform your body.Stop for a moment, and think about what YOU would change:a: Would you eliminate snacking?b: Would you eat more fruit?c: Would you stop eating once you were satisfied?d: All of the above.If this became the natural way that you acted around food, do you think you would look different?Do you know what the worst way to create change is?It probably isn’t what you think. I’ll give you a clue, it begins with W. Give up? Okay I’ll tell you, it‘s by relying on Willpower.I know this may sound crazy, but indulge me for a minute, pretend this may be true and I’ll show you why…You Have Two Brains   You see everyone has two brains:the Conscious Brain and the Unconscious Brain Now the difference between them is huge.The Conscious Brain is the part of you that is logical and rational, it is where your willpower lives,  it is the part that knows you shouldn’t eat that cookie. The Unconscious Brain is the part of you that carries out automatic functions, such as breathing, but it also stores all your habits. Let me give you an example of the difference.When you first learned to read you had to practice continually this was conscious learning. You practiced reading and writing the letters over and over, you slowly sounded out each word, learned what it meant, and eventually it became automatic for you. You see even right now as you read this you do not have to think about how to read. You just do it. As a matter of fact you couldn’t look at these words and not understand them. I’ll prove it to you, go ahead and try, I dare you. Look at the following word and try not to understand it: FLOWER Can you do it? I bet you can’t. Let me make it easier for you.Try not to understand the following… Yuor mnid isaimazngly perofwul!Wloceme to a wrold of hddien potential. Brtheae, realx, and konw that cahnge is esay when you use the peowr of your unconscouis mnid, the smae part taht atiutocamally understands thsee wrods. What??? You still understood? The reason for this is because the unconscious mind is so much quicker and powerful than the conscious mind. Think about it, your unconscious mind knows how to read, write, tie your shoes, drive a car, use a computer, cook, walk, and a million other things you never think about, but do automatically everyday. So if you want to automatically be thin you must program your unconscious mind. Rather than fighting cravings and bad habits you can program in new cravings and habits that will make you thin. Remember:chagne is esay wehn you konw how Be The Programmer, Not The ProgrammedEverywhere we turn, our emotions are being manipulated. We’re constantly bombarded with messages telling us to eat every time we feel good, bad, angry, depressed, etc.This creates a condition known as the Endless Hunger. A hunger that never seems to go away no matter how much we eat. Why? Because we look for emotional satisfaction from food. Ever sit on the sofa and eat to “unwind and relax”?Ever get something to eat to take your mind off of something?Ever eat because you were lonely or bored?Did eating really make you feel better in those situations, or did you feel worse once the guilt and frustration kicked in? Now imagine that you could change your emotional responses to food. Imagine having an intense craving for salad, or that when you got stressed you felt like you needed to have some fruit. If you know how to program these emotional responses into your mind, then you control your weight… you become the programmer instead of the programmed. Program Yourself Thin will teach you how to create these new responses… and just as importantly, it’ll show you how to KEEP THEM. And best of all, since this course is based on programming your mind and emotions, you’ll be able to feel satisfied and comfortable while you return to your natural weight. This is powerful stuff. And it might even be hard to believe, but I’ve been using this approach to help people change for a long time… Who I Am and Why You Should Listen to Me My name is Jim Katsoulis and it’s taken me over THREE THOUSAND private weight loss sessions, and tens of thousands of dollars in training to create this course. I’ve trained personally with the creator of NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming), Richard Bandler, I’m a Master Hypnotist and certified Yoga Instructor. You see there was a time, before I knew these things when I was fat. It may be hard to believe looking at me now, but it is true. I was 50 pounds heavier than I should have been, 50 pounds heavier than I wanted to be. I dieted, worked out obsessively, stopped eating, only to end up where I started. Thankfully, I was exposed to information that taught me how to literally “re-program” my mind so that I would automatically remain within 5 pounds of my natural weight from that point forward. No dieting, no deprivation, no depression, and no will power necessary. I was so excited about the results I was got, that I dedicated myself to helping people achieve the same thing, and I have. Does This New Approach Really Work? This isn’t some spur of the moment gimmick. I’ve been teaching and using the techniques in the Program Yourself Thin course to help people lose weight for over 10 years. And it’s worked pretty well. But instead of me telling you how great this approach works, I thought I’d let some of my customers and subscribers tell you. These are a few of the testimonials that I have on file.Full Salesletter here…


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