Joe Vitale & Dr. Hew Len – Zero Limits Maui seminar
Joe Vitale – Zero Limits Maui – DVDs
[(9 Videos – WMV) + (2 CDs – Rip) + (1 ebook (PDF)]
This is part of the Proposed Zero Limits Video Group Buy group buy.This group buy is closed and the forum is listed at: Limits Maui seminarAuthor: Joe Vitale & Dr. Hew LenPublished: 2009Item Description: 9 Videos in .WMV format, 2 MP3 bonus files & 1 PDF of the book The videos are in fair video quality.Do you EVER feel controlled by past beliefs you have about yourself?Do you ever say things to yourself like… * “I could never do that” * “I’m not smart enough” * “I’ll never be wealthy” * “I’m always sick” * “I’m too fat” * “I’m unattractive” * “If I start my own business I’ll fail” * “I can’t earn more than my parents” * “I’m a loser” * Or any other limiting beliefs and thoughts?If so, don’t feel bad.Everyone (me included) gets affected by old mental programs running through their minds at one time or another. Unfortunately most people run these old mental programs over and over again and live their lives in a state of paralysis. Maybe you? (These limiting beliefs are insidious and MUST be erased – just like you would erase chalk from a chalkboard.) You need to completely “CLEAR” them from your mind.Once you CLEAR YOURSELF OF LIMITING BELIEFS ABOUT YOURSELF, you can easily and effortlessly live a life filled with miracles in every area of your life.You can attract MORE MONEY than you can spend, a fitter HEALTHIER body, more loving RELATIONSHIPS, a successful NEW BUSINESS, or anything else.And it can be done quickly when you follow a little known SECRET Hawaiian system for WEALTH, HEALTH, and PEACE.In fact, a few months back, I held a private 2-day weekend event (featuring myself and the legendary Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len), that some attendees paid thousands of dollars to attend called…Zero Limits (Live From Maui)Here is just a small sample of what you’ll learn from this incredible 2-day Zero Limits experience… * The story of the most unusual therapist…Dr. Hew Len, and the truth about his work * Five questions you absolutely, positively must answer * Who you really are * What a problem is and where it is * How problems are REALLY solved * The purpose of existence * What is the difference is between data and “zero” * How to erase the trash you possess * The importance of getting to “zero” * Three states of being and how they affect you * Why you need to help yourself – not others * The importance of gratitude * The four elements of the mind * Who the creator is * How to use your super conscious * Why you don’t decide anything * The meaning and use of the word Hawaii * A guided breathing exercise that will amaze youAnd if that is not enough for you – THERE’S LOTS MORE! Also includes:Dinner With The Divine is an exclusive talk I gave with the legendary Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len in front of a few select “INVITATION-ONLY” guests.This talk (all captured on the 2-CDs) is the perfect compliment to Zero Limits (Live From Maui)!I’m not going to discuss the powerful details of this exclusive talk here. We covered way too much. All I can say is that YOU WILL BENEFIT TREMENDOUSLY from this talk alone.The web site for this material is at: post is listed as a elib exclusive so the members of the group buy can have access.Thanks to ou812kd for starting this group buy and to everyone who is supporting this group buy.Contributors: Ratio FreeThanks, Mazen
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