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John C. Pierrakos – Eros, Love & Sexuality – The Forces That Unify Man & Woman (1997)

John C. Pierrakos – Eros, Love & Sexuality – The Forces That Unify Man & Woman (1997).pdf
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Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!This product is brought to you by Reichian Therapy/Orgonomy Books GB book discusses the three great aspects of the life force: eros, love and sexuality. The free flow of these aspects if our greatest source of pleasure. When we stay open, we experience these aspects as the one life force that generates all activity, all creativity. The author founded the therapeutic work of Core Energetics which seeks to integrate the higher dimensions of the psyche into our physical existence.Review….John Pierrakos’s work is “a desire to heal the split within”. He uses “core energetics” to unify body, mind, emotion and spirit in a conscious evolution toward a fuller life in the body. …in the realm of human consciousness Eros is seen as transformative energy, love as unifying energy, and sexuality as creative energy. Exploring the full potential of these forces, as well as blockages of them in both personality and body, is the book’s main thrust. Pierrakos speaks with authority and compassion, and while he admits that the topic he tackles is enormous, this succinct little volume adroitly sums up the arena. Notes from a participant on an Eros, Love & Seuxality workskhop led by the author are also includled as well as biographical material. — NAPRA ReviewAbout the AuthorJohn C. Pierrakos, M.D. (1921 – 2001) was a psychiatrist, body-psychotherapist and an authority on consciousness and human energy fields. He began his work as a student and colleague of Wilhelm Reich, then as a co-founder of Bioenergetics and finally, the founder of his own Institute of Core Energetics in New York City. He is considered one of the great innovators of body/mind therapy, changing the direction and scope of always a big appreciation goes to trance33 for doing all the amazing OCRs for everything I have been scanning and I don’t always mention her name.Access times:Contributors: Now, ratio-freeVIP+: 2 WeeksPU+: 8 WeeksUsers: upgrade to Power User


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