John Cerbone – Hypnotic Scripts That Work v7
John Cerbone – Hypnotic Scripts That Work v7 (2007)(OCR).pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]
Hypnotic scripts That Work: The Breakthrough Book Version 7.0Author: John CerbonePublished: 2007[img][/img]Book Description: PDF – 374 pages scanned, OCRed & bookmarked.This work represents years of work in the field of clinical hypnosis. As a trained Hypnotic Professional, you will notice, the use of deepening techniques, truisms and confusion method techniques within these suggestion scripts to further deepen the hypnotic state while the client (patient)is hypnotized to increase impact and long-term effectiveness. These scripts and techniques are written in the style and language of this profession. All of these original suggestions, techniques and methods contained herein have proven effective and beneficial for the majority of clients (patients) utilizing them, quite often achieving beneficial results in one or just a few sessions. For many Hypnotists utilizing this work are finding clients (patients) achieving breakthroughs quite rapidly.The author’s web site is at: keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to ddelias for requesting this book.For Power Users & Above.Thanks, Mazen
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