John La tourrette – How To Hack Your Mental Training In 24 Hours Or Less
Hack Your Mental Training
[6 webrips- MP4s,3 MP3s,2 PDFs]
This is a Group Buy Don’t Care if you are a Multi-Degree Black Belt with 35 years in the martial arts… And Can bend horeshoes with your hand like logan, or a Rookie, or experienced fighter… This is a once in a life-time opportunity toPOWER-HACK YOUR Mental-Training In24 Hours or Less!Inside Of This NEW BOOK You’ll Discover The Results To These PROVEN MIND-HACKS: How To Instant Increase Your Energy! Or Your wifes Energy Or Decreease your boss Energy! Mind Hack (Page 141) How To become Instantly MASTERFUL at anything you put your Mind-Hacks Too! (Page 66) “You” VS “Getting What You Want” – Whats Holding You Back and how to Mind HACK It To Get What you want! (Page 76) MIND-HACK-Your-Confidence Overnight and Let me do it for YOU on Autopilot (Page 14)Page 136 and Page 114 “How to Mind-Hack a “protective Shield” (this is NOT voodoo but advanced Mind-Hacking) they cannot penetrate …and you can easily stop him! This “shield” also puts you in the ZONE automatically!”Page 89 “Why these materials get Doc hated and branded as an ‘outlaw’ bysome karate black-belts. The reasoning is simple. Very few know these 71 Secret Mind-Hack Master-Keys, and those that do, don’t want those secrets released to the general martial arts professional. They purposefully want to keep you dumb and ignorant and slow!”Page 16 “Module 16: A sequence of 25 fighting-moves that literal PUT the 49 Basic-Attack Master-Keys into your mind, body and spirit. It’s how to instantly feed “Speed-Pro-Level” power, accuracy, “grounding”, agility, and Flow-striking into your fight-game!”Page 141 “How to instantly weaken a strong opponent without touching him! (NO! it’s is NOT a Kiai. It is something a thousand times more effective and istotally invisible). It’s really just a simple-secret and easily mastered once you know what to do, that works every time.”Page 65 The Advance Mind-Hack so Secret that it is like knowing how to read their mind before battle.. .and how to use it effectively to hit them first.. .again and again and again!”Page 66 “The 4-Step Mind-Hack Performance strategy So Powerful, that leads to Mastery so good, that you can do it standing on your head!”Page 107 “Why you should never cock a fist [Karate Cock-Foo].. .and what you should do instead!”Page 84 “The Mind-Hack-Protocol That Super-Glues the winning-edge into your mind and body and tums-up your fighting-spirit full-blast!”Page 139 “The Simple Fighting-Mind-Hack Used by Special Forces hero, Mike Echanis to survive in the heat of battle.. .and to recover from 3 wounds.. .and to become The Most Sought After Warrior In The World!”Page 41 Amazing Power-Hacking Secret Discovered by Skinny-Old-man with a bum-knee Triples Your Striking Speed … Eliminates Telegraphed Moves AndWeak-Kicks.. .And Can Slash Up To 50% Off Your Time To Black Belt Almost Overnight!Page 40 “Why Most Karate movements are as slow as cold molasses.. .and what to do about it as you learn 3 simple and easy “hacks” to move like an Avenging-Tiger.”Page 12 “Many people quit because they are Scared Shitless. A simple ‘2-minute Fear-protocol’ that works on anyone. It’s so good that Doc teaches it to men and women who want MORE ROMANCE in their lives but fear the encounter.”Page 99 “Mental-Hack WARNING! Most fighter lose up to 80% of their mental skills INSTANTLY…and one easy energy-trick you should do with your mind & eyes to get it all back before they can step into you!”Page 121 “How to use a little-know Mind-Hack-Secret That will always let you know in advance what they will attack with.. .and how to set-them up to attack them at will.”Page 76 “Six negative Mind-Hacks that stop you cold.. .and what professionals do about them!”Page 109 “Why most karate stances are like attempting to run with your pants around your ankles and can get you quickly killed.. .and what to do instead that only takes minutes to learn and can be used on anyone!”Page 64 “The Mind-Hack ‘No-Time’ formula so past memories cannot intrude… and fears about the future is non-existence.. .so you have POWER-FOCUS in your martial art!”Page 90 “How most martial arts trainers are leading you down a path that leads to illness, pain and death… their “exercise-fallacy” is a lie, and how falling for it can be hazardous to your health!”Pages 110-114 “How One Simple “Magic-Power-Hacking Move” [Which You Can Easily Put Into Your Karate Positioning In Just 3 Minutes.. .Even If You Stink at Karate Fighting Right Now] Instantly Uncorks So Much Hidden Raw Speed, Solid-Grounding, Balance and Agility… That You Can Go Out In Minutes and Launch A 3-Point Attack Even Though You Have Not Warmed Up!Page 001 “How A Crippled-Fighter Used Power-Hacking Mind-Control to Stumble Onto The Simple Secret Behind Bruce Lee’s Speed-Skills That Can Give Anyone Unbelievable Speed And Power With Total Accuracy!”Page 31 “If You Have 20 Minutes a Day To Use Power-Hacking Mind-Control, He Can Show You How To Get Invisible-Strikes And Be 3-Times Faster Overnight!”Page 33 “The Big Subconscious Mind-Hack that makes you slow.. .makes you fat.. .and makes you a loser. Turn to page 33 and we should you 5 simple ways to get around the barrios that stop everyone else.”Page 67 “The Mind-Hack For Thought + Energy = Reality and how to use it for your unfair-advantage…against others.”Page 54 “Discover Exactly How To Power-Hack Your Thinking To Gain Superior Striking Speed. Lays Out The Ultimate Speed Striking Plan In Plain Black And White So There Is No More Guess Work.. .It’s So Easy A Child Could follow it.”Page 138 “Two Powerful Mind-Hacks Used to Face Two Very Tough Men With Confidence…and become their friends…How to avoid the Biggest Mistake Guys Make When Facing Danger!”Page 22 “Power-Hacking Your Mental-Training Means That You Have More Horsepower Behind Every Strike And You Will Strike so Fast That No Other “Expert” Will Be Able To Take Their Eyes Off You!”Page 64 “The Mental Concentration of Mind-Hack Mind-Control to have out-of-body experiences during the fight, so you can observe your own performance!”Page 34 “Warning! If You Are The Kind Of Person That Believes Superior-Power-Thinking Is An Unethical And Unfair-Advantage Over Others In The Martial Arts, Please Do Not Buy this Power-Hacking Mind-Control Book.”Page 80 “Nine-Mental-Focus Secrets From the Best Gun-Slingers in the Military.. .a close to perfect, easy to follow, nearly automatic mental-training Mind-Focus Protocol that works for everyone that uses it.”Page 26 “Power-Mind-Hacking: The Overlooked State Of Mind That Virtually Guarantees Acquisition Of These Mind-Hacked Karate-Skills. Once You Have This Locked In Place, You Will Have Other Fighters Eating-Out-Of Your Hands! It is as simple as flipping a light-switch on.”Page 99 “One 29 year old black belt thought he was dying of a heart attack.. .we gave him the good-news from Mind-Hack and within 2 weeks his heart was STRONG again!”Page 70 “Two Mind-Hacks The Best Experts In the World Teach their clients to become world class athletes…and even world class athletes Improve instantly when they pay attention to them!”
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