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John Living – Distant Healing Manual

Distant healing Manual.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



Your comprehensive guide to using your Pendulum to Heal in co-operation with the Healing Energies and Angelic Beings of Other Dimensions, where Time & Distance are not important For thousands of years the Chinese people have enjoyed better health than their western cousins, based on using Acupuncture and herbs for Healing. In India the ancient understandings of Life enabled people to have a good understanding of the effect of non-physical influences on health. In the west, up to a couple of hundred years ago medical treatment consisted of blood-letting and the cutting off of diseased limbs – and sealing the cuts with the help of the local blacksmith. Western knowledge has advanced since the mid-19th century, and its investigations have opened new doors to Healing methods. But like a person who has just found out a bit, the prevalent attitude is that they ‘know it all’ – and disparage the ancient knowledge and skills from other cultures. Is it not obvious that combining all methods into the best possible way of Healing far surpasses any one way ? It is sad that the pharmaceutical drug companies have such a stronghold over health systems; new drugs are marketed without adequate testing – and senior staff of approving authorities have later been given employment by the companies that they were supposed to oversee; grants seem to enhance their ‘guidance’ to medical training establishments; their sales force is often the main source of information for physicians – who are trained to prescribe drugs. Can this manual help medical personnel to improve their Healing abilities ? Research establishments are greatly subsidized by these companies – and their organization encourages research mainly into drugs that are patentable. Clinical trials for simple solutions to health problems are seldom funded – patents are not possible, so profits will not grow ! So many drugs have unwelcome side-effects. Do the pharmaceutical companies see this problem as an opportunity to sell more drugs to overcome these side-effects – and so increase their profits even more ? The cost of health as presently administered is tending to bankrupt governments; with the increase in the proportionate number of elderly people (who have more health problems) this financial problem can only get worse. There are many cases of doctors who have been trained and have practiced in one jurisdiction that are not permitted to practice where they now reside – their knowledge would help them to excel at Distant Healing. A number of great successes in Healing have been reported to clairvoyants who get interested in Healing – many more clairvoyants are needed to do Healing work ! Dowsing is a way of accessing your Intuition, your link to ‘Upstairs’. It enables you to Heal even if not clairvoyant – you get the needed information in a different way. Dowsing is most powerful, since Dowsers can best access the ‘Power of the Mind’ and so work better with the Angelic Beings and Healing Energies from ‘Upstairs’.


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