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John Martin – Introduction To Human Design

John Martin – Human Design
[Webrip – 57 MP4]



John Martin Presents An Introduction To Human Design.A holistic view of the worldAll living beings are part of a single holistic field and therefore all of us continually interact with each other and the world around us. We are not separate but are part of the whole. We are connected to the whole by tiny particles called neutrinos and we are connected to the other by aura, the invisible energy field that surrounds each of us.If we see ourselves as separate from our environment and those around us, it is easy to assume that the way we interact and communicate is something that we can control or that can happen or not, according to our will. That every decision we make is up to us and is made independently from our environment. This is not the case.UniquenessWe are each part of the whole, but we are also unique. We each bring our own brand of uniqueness to the other and the world around us. This is our gift to the whole. Being different from the other, we bring something new into the world.When we are simply part of the homogenized world, we do this in order to fit in. Our true nature does not get to express itself and this can make our life very painful and uncomfortable. This also inevitably leads to all kinds of wrong decisions. We need to acknowledge that we all have different requirements and needs. To understand your own unique nature is the first step towards self love and fulfillment.NeutrinosHuman Design uses your birth data to calculate your rave chart, also known as your Bodygraph. This is based on the science of Neutrinos, tiny particles that carry mass and information and which determine your unique imprinting.We live in a dense neutrino ocean with trillions of neutrinos originating from the stars in our solar system. They pass through everything leaving an imprint of information wherever they travel.The SynthesisThe Human Design System is a synthesis of two streams of science, traditional and modern. The traditional Sciences: Astrology, the Chakra system, the Kabbalah and most importantly, the I’Ching, the Book of Changes – these are the traditional elements in the synthesis that is Human Design.Combined with the modern science of reading the genetic code, this offers you a profound insight into how you are designed to navigate the material world.57 videos that cover everything you need to know about the Human Design system of Ra Uru Hu from a basic overview down to interpreting and implementing your design for the best results in your life – in conjunction with the Maia Software already uploaded to the tracker: order:01 Human Design Chart Overview.mp402 Human Design Chart Body Centers.mp403 Human Design Head/Ajna Centers.mp404 Human Design Throat Center.mp405 Human Design ‘G’ Center.mp406 Human Design Heart (Ego) Center.mp407 Human Design Emotional Center.mp408 Human Design Sacral Center.mp409 Human Design Spleen Center.mp410 Human Design Root Center.mp411 Human Design Chart Review.mp412 Human Design Aura Type Overview.mp413 Human Design Manifestor Aura Type.mp414 Human Design Generator Aura Type.mp415 Human Design Projector Aura Type.mp416 Human Design Reflector Aura Type.mp417 Human Design Emotional / Non-Emotional Beings.mp418 Human Design Aura Type Review.mp401 Human Design: Entering the Experiment Intro.mp402 Human Design: Generator / Manifesting Generator Entering the Experiment.mp403 Human Design: Manifestor Entering the Experiment.mp404 Human Design: Projector Entering the Experiment.mp405 Human Design: Reflector Entering the Experiment.mp406 Human Design: “”The Ride”” Entering the Experiment.mp401 Human Design Aura Types: Introduction (a Deeper Look).mp402 Human Design Aura Types: Generator / Manifesting Generator (a Deeper Look).mp403 Human Design Aura Types: Manifestor (a Deeper Look).mp404 Human Design Aura Types: Projector (a Deeper Look).mp405 Human Design Aura Types: Reflector (a Deeper Look).mp406 Human Design Aura Types: Thank You (a Deeper Look).mp401 Human Design Authority: Introduction.mp402 Human Design Authority: Emotional.mp403 Human Design Authority: Sacral.mp404 Human Design Authority: Splenic.mp405 Human Design Authority: G.mp406 Human Design Authority: Mental.mp407 Human Design Authority: Ego.mp408 Human Design Authority: Lunar Cycle.mp409 Human Design Authority: Living It.mp401 HD Center Mechanics: Introduction.mp402 HD Center Mechanics: Head Center.mp403 HD Center Mechanics: Ajna Center.mp404 HD Center Mechanics: Throat Center.mp405 HD Center Mechanics: G Center.mp406 HD Center Mechanics: Ego/Heart Center.mp407 HD Center Mechanics: Solar Plexus Center.mp408 HD Center Mechanics: Sacral Center.mp409 HD Center Mechanics: Spleen Center.mp410 HD Center Mechanics: Root Center.mp411 HD Center Mechanics: If Not Home, Go Home.mp412 HD Center Mechanics: Review.mp4


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