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John Wingert – ‘Hyper Sneaky Package’

[3 CD – Rip – 25 MP3s]



Imagine being in a small group of Doc’s inner circle clients taking apart solid gold nuggets of pure motivation…And then discovering how to instantly know how people make things important and real… Like you and the product you sell. First John showed us…. Fractals…. weird remote influence patterning and principles that we’ve never seen anywhere, on the net, at the 4 star workshops, anywhere. And made it street smart – real world….HyperDimensional Sneaky Neuro Linguini…. He showed us the sneakiest pattern interrupts ever, working with the towards / away motivation systems deeper and more subtle than I’ve ever seen…. Finally Doc gave us over 30 more minutes of solid gold nuggets, including the Convincers. Imagine you quickly – instantly discovering how people determine what’s real in their world, and then how to use his sneaky motivation methods, so you avoid the mistakes almost every trainer makes. Tony Robbins was even caught doing this wrong by a local tv reporter. He had egg on his face. (Maybe that reporter came to Pennsylvania to train privately with the Doc himself) Remember, you’ll download not only the First Two CD volumes of this Solid Gold material, you’ll also get the FRACTAL FUN – Remote Influence CD. It will give you the results you want, without hocus pocus, mumbo jumbo, dumb shit patterns!!!


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