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Jon Benson – 7 Minute Muscle Teleseminars

Jon Benson – 7 Minute Muscle Teleseminars
[9 MP3s, 1 eBook – PDF]


Scott TousignantMy Personal Before and After Story!Scott will share his own before/after story using nothing but the Level One 7-Minute protcol (only 7 minutes!) If you think “7 minutes is for beginners only”, you will definitely want to tune in for this!Scott ColbyThe Science Behind Brief Workouts!Scott Colby is a master trainer and bootcamp fitness instructor who uses the 7 Minute Muscle brevity priciples in his workshops for women and men. Scott will let you in on the science behind why this works so well to burn fat and build lean muscle!Shawn Phillips“Body For Life” Meets “7 Minute Muscle!”Millions of people bought Bill Phillips’ classic book Body For Life. Bill’s brother Shawn was a key contributor to the content and the success it had. Shawn also has a few books of his own that are “must-haves”. Shawn and I will talk about the similarities and the differences between these programs!Vince DelMonte7 Minute Muscle For Athletes!Vince put his own version of 7 Minute Muscle online for you to enjoy in our FRIDAY ONLY BONUSES. Today he’ll join me as we look at the 14 and 21-minute advanced protocols…and prove once and for all that you can gain MORE in LESS time!Julia IannuzzoTaking 7 Minute Muscle Into The Home!If you want tips on how you can apply 7 Minute Muscle workout strategies while never leaving your home, you MUST listen in as our Global Health & Fitness 7 Minute Muscle Trainer Julia lets you in on how it all works!Jimmy SmithUsing 7 Minute Muscle With My Training Clients!World-renowned fitness trainer and writer Jimmy Smith, MS, CSCS joins Jon for a discussion on applying the techniques found in 7 Minute Muscle to his workouts, as well as his client’s training programs. We’ll also talk about how to burn more fat in less time!Sarah HougenHow I Lost 8% Bodyfat In Just 8 Weeks!Sarah is a professional trainer who took the 7 Minute Muscle System of training and applied it to her own workouts, along with my nutrition plan found in The Every Other Day Diet…and lost fat, built lean muscle, and now feels terrific!Nick NilssonThe Density Training Secret!Hard-core fitness fanatic Nick Nilsson, regular Muscle & Fitness and Men’s Health contributing writer, joins me for a frank discussion on density training—one of the six foundations of 7 Minute Muscle!Last Call: Jon BensonQuestions and Answers With The Author!While Jon will personally be on EVERY CALL LIVE Friday, the last call is with Jon alone. He will answer your questions directly regarding 7 Minute Muscle and training in general. Oh…and he may have a surprise guest or two!Jon Benson wrote:This is my 31-page Special Report, “The 7 Super Supplements!” In it you will learn…– What supplements work for fatloss…– What supplements are worthless and dangerous…– What -new- university-tested supplement adds lean muscle mass and is totally safe…– And more!Free download here: & program here:


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