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Jon Daniels – How To Get Coaching Clients

Jon Daniels – How To Get Coaching Clients (2010).pdf
[1 ebook – PDF]


This new exclusive material is part of the Coaching: get good, get rich! group buy.This group buy is closed and the forum is listed at: you are interested with Coaching materials, please join the ICF Coaching group buy at: To Get Coaching ClientsAuthor: Jon DanielsPublished: 2010Book Description: 90  pages scanned, OCRed & bookmarked.These people started coming to me, asking me, “How did you do it, Jon? How did you start getting all these clients?”   And I noticed I was starting to coach them and show them how to do it themselves. So not only was I fixing my own business, I was also helping all my friends, who were coaches as well, turn their business around. And I thought, Well, it’s time to take this to another level. If I can do it for myself, and I can help other people, well, why not?That’s what coaching is about. It’s sharing the information and helping people become a success. I’m very passionate about helping people become successful coaches. But I also get the hardest thing to do is understand where you’re going to get moreclients and more cash from, so you can actually run a business. So I’m going to share with you the seven things that I’ve learned that you must do to get more clients and more cash.Topics covered:SO HOW DO YOU ACTUALLY GET MORE COACHING CLIENTS?WHY DO YOU WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS?WHAT DO YOU ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND ABOUT YOUR CLIENTS?JUST WHY SHOULD ANYONE LISTEN TO YOU?HOW WILL YOU ACTUALLY MAKE MONEY BEING A COACH?HOW WILL YOU ACTUALLY MAKE YOUR BUSINESS RUN?WHAT ARE YOUR INCOME PRODUCING ACTIVITIES?ARE YOU WALKING YOUR TALK?SO WHAT IS YOUR BUSINESS PLAN?BUSINESS DIAGNOSTIC Q&AThe web site (which is down today) for this material is at:www.moreclientsmorecash.comPlease keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to brotherS for starting this group buy, thanks to luvgeek for the assistance and to everyone who supported this group buy.Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 4 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU.If you are interested with Coaching materials, please join the ICF Coaching group buy at:, Mazen


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