Jonathan Bailor – The Smarter Science of Slim
The Smarter Science of Slim 2012 Jonathan Bailor
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The Smarter Science of Slim: What the Actual Experts Have Proven About Weight Loss, Dieting, & Exercise, Plus, The Harvard Medical School Endorsed Program To Burn Fat PermanentlyPublication Date: January 2, 2012As our knowledge of the human body becomes ever more exact, scientists have made remarkable leaps forward in many fields. Yet for one question that many of us would like answered–What causes the body to burn fat?–we find all sorts of confusing claims. Since we know so much about how our body works, can’t science tell us the answer?As it turns out, science already has.I have spent over ten years reading thousands of fat-loss studies. Not theories promoted by diet gurus. Only the proven data.My investigation uncovered all kinds of scientific findings: – Studies stating how certain foods cripple our ability to burn fat – Scientists showing how to burn fat while eating more food – Researchers revealing how to get all the benefits of traditional exercise in a tenth of the time – Physiologists finding out how eating less sets us up to gain fat in the long run – Doctors discussing how a few minutes of a new form of exercise immunizes us against fat gain – Endocrinologists explaining how we fix the underlying condition causing us to gain fat We deserve to know the proven facts about fat loss, but who has time to read tens of thousands of pages of scientific studies? The study took me more than a decade. It should not take you that long because the facts have been summarized in this book. They have also been simplified, so anyone who wants to lose weight can understand them. Make no mistake. Tons of clinical studies have shown the best way to trim off those unwanted pounds.It is time to stop listening to marketing myths about how to lose weight. We tried it. It failed. It is time to move on to a smarter science of slim.“Proven and practical.”—Dr. Theodoros KelesidisHarvard & UCLA Medical Schools“The latest and best scientific research.”—Dr. John J. RateyHarvard Medical School“An important piece of work.”—Dr. Anthony AccursoJohns Hopkins“Smart and health promoting.”—Dr. JoAnn E. MansonHarvard Medical School“The last diet book you will ever need to buy.”—Dr. Larry DosseyMedical City Dallas Hospital“Revolutionary, surprising, and scientifically sound.”—Dr. Jan FridenUniversity of Gothenburg“Compelling, simple, and practical.”—Dr. Steve YeamanNewcastle University“Stimulating and provocative.”—Dr. Soren ToubroUniversity of Copenhagen“Amazing and important research.”—Dr. Wayne WestcottQuincy College“Brilliant. Will end your confusion once and for all.”—Dr. William DavisFellowship of the American College of Cardiology, author of Wheat Belly“Bailor’s work stands alone.”—Maik WiedenbachWorld Cup and Olympic Athlete“Bailor opens the black box of fat loss and makes it simple for you to explore the facts.”—Joel HarperDr. Oz Show fitness expert“A groundbreaking paradigm shift. It gets results and changes lives.”—Jade Teta, ND, CSCSauthor of The New ME DietReviewFrom Dr. Theodoros Kelesidis, Harvard Medical School & Department of Medicine, UCLA School of MedicineI am often asked when there will be a proven prescription for weight loss. The Smarter Science of Slim is that prescription.Jonathan Bailor’s easy-to-understand and engaging style disguises an astonishing amount of otherwise incredibly complex scientific information. You will not realize you are learning so much because you will be so involved in what you are reading. The pages you are holding will change the way you feel and look faster than any pill ever could. It is incredibly rare to find anything as thoroughly researched and carefully analyzed yet so clearly and engagingly presented in the context of everyday living and eating. For anyone who has struggled with managing weight or maintaining energy, you do not need pills. You need this book.From Dr. JoAnn E. Manson, Chief, Division of Preventive Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical SchoolJonathan Bailor has performed an invaluable service with his book, The Smarter Science of Slim. Jonathan has studied thousands and thousands of pages of academic research on health and weight-loss, and he has put the results into terms that the everyday person can understand. Jonathan’s work is far from just another diet book.The Smarter Science of Slim dismantles the myths that have contributed enormously to the health and weight problems that many people have, and replaces them with easy-to-understand facts that will change the way you think about eating and exercise.The scientific community now knows a great deal about how the human body works. In culling the literature and gathering the results of so many clinical studies, Jonathan Bailor presents a weight-loss program that is based on rigorous science. As a treasure trove of reliable information and sound facts, The Smarter Science of Slim can help you take charge of your destiny and turn the tide on weight gain.From John Little, Author of Max Contraction Training, Co-Author of Body By ScienceAs someone who takes fitness and health seriously and has written extensively on this topic over some 30 years, I am generally underwhelmed whenever I see a new how to book enter the marketplace. Most are celebrity driven, and most celebrities simply do what their personal trainers tell them to do with little regard for physiologic fact. I am pleased to say that The Smarter Science of Slim represents something different. Strikingly different in fact.Author Jonathan Bailor has that rare gift of being able to take highly technical scientific data and interpret it in a way that the average person can understand instantly. In addition, he is able to do so in a manner that makes entertaining and compelling reading while clearly indicating how (and why) the last 40 years of fitness and nutrition advice have made us fatter and more at risk for disease than at any other point in our species’ history. But most importantly, he is able to take that mountain of scientific data and divine the practical and simple direction it is pointing to in terms of advancing human health and fitness. The book you are holding in your hands can be said to represent the thinking person’s guide to exercise and diet in the 21st Century. No fads. No gimmicks. No celebrity-driven pitching of nonsense. Finally, a book that is worth reading; not only for the sheer pleasure of it, but also for its ability to dramatically and positively change your health, strength and life.—–More Top Medical Endorsements—From Dr. Larry Dossey, Oprah medical expert, New York Times best-selling author, and Former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas HospitalIn The Smarter Science of Slim, Bailor demolishes the dietary and nutritional nonsense that has contributed to the epidemics of obesity and diabetes in our country. In its place he erects a simple program anyone can follow that is based on solid science and common sense. The Smarter Science of Slim is likely to be the last diet book you will ever need to buy. Unless you enjoy failed diets, do the right thing the healthy thing and read this book.From Dr. John J. Ratey, Harvard Medical School, author of Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the BrainThe Smarter Science of Slim reveals some of the latest and best scientific research on the real story of diet, exercise, and their effects on us. Bailor s concept of high-quality exercise is rapidly gaining support in the medical community, and has repeatedly delivered clinical results which seem almost too good to be true. I heartily recommend this book to people who want to take responsibility for their own health.From Dr. Anthony Accurso, Johns HopkinsThe Smarter Science of Slim sheds light on the surprising discrepancy between the way healthy nutrition has been presented to the public and the science that underlies it. The idea that fat in the diet translates into fat on the body has dominated nutritional discussions for decades. This work challenges this central idea, and offers clues about why diabetes has been on the rise, and why so many people who are intent on losing weight have found it so difficult to do so. It is an important piece of work.From Dr. Jan Friden, University of GothenburgRevolutionary. Thoroughly researched, rigorously simplified, and downright fun, Bailor’s work stands head-and-shoulders above the mass of fat loss myths lining bookstore shelves. In his surprising and scientifically sound expose of the modern fat loss mythology, Bailor reveals the sources of our fat loss struggles and provides straight-forward, practical solutions. Everyone, and I mean everyone, will learn and laugh a lot while reading The Smarter Science of Slim.From Joel Harper, Oprah and Dr. Oz Show fitness expertWhen it comes to the most important part of your life, your health, Bailor has written a book that is a must-read for knowing the truth about evaporating body fat. I am a firm believer in achieving the body you have always dreamed of, and Bailor opens the black box of fat loss and makes it simple for you to explore the facts. Read this book today in order to live your best life.From Dr. Fred Pescatore, Author of The Hamptons DietWOW! This book will blow your mind and is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn how to be healthy the 21st century way. In The Smarter Science of Slim, Bailor exposes the dietary myths of why we as a nation are still overweight despite years of best-selling diet books. Calories, fat, exercise and hormones – it is all in this book and finally someone got it right. The diabesity epidemic stops here. Poignant, applicable and easy to read, Bailor’s relevant work couldn’t have come at a better time.From David Barr, Exercise Science Writer for Muscle & Fitness, Editor in Chief of Strength and Science, CSCS, CISSNIf you’ve struggled with weight loss, this could be the magic bullet you’re looking for.From Dr. Soren Toubro, Professor at the Centre for Advanced Food Research at the University of CopenhagenStimulating and provocative.—–More Top Medical Endorsements—From Dr. Wayne Westcott, Quincy College Fitness Research Director and author of Get Stronger, Feel YoungerIn The Smarter Science of Slim, Bailor entertains as much as he educates. Simplifying and integrating an amazing amount of important scientific and clinical research, Bailor presents a well-conceived, well-researched and well-written book, in addition to a very sensible, practical, and successful approach to losing fat.From Cynthia Pasquella, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist, CHLC, CWCThe Smarter Science of Slim is the go-to source for all that is practical, realistic, and effective when it comes to weight loss. Bailor brilliantly brings together all the outdated myths (i.e. eat less, exercise more) and dispels them one at a time in a fun, easy to understand way. This book changes the future of permanent weight loss forever!From Dr. William Dunn, specializing in the obesity/cancer linkFat loss theories are everywhere; except here. The Smarter Science of Slim is the source for the fat loss facts. Bailor has taken a lot of amazingly complex medical research and turned it into a simple, clinically proven fat loss program that will change the way we think about fat loss.From Dr. William Davis, Fellowship of the American College of CardiologyBrilliant. The Smarter Science of Slim is a masterful compilation of nutritional and exercise science disproving the archaic fat loss theory of “eat less, exercise more”. Bailor persuasively packages a wealth of research along with his personal and professional experience into an easily understood and applied framework that will change the way you live, look, and feel. For all those who feel left behind in the nutritional battles and exercise gimmicks of the last ten years, look no further, Bailor will end your confusion once and for all.From Marion G. Volk, MHSc, Obesity researcherThis is not just another diet book. Bailor has assembled a wealth of scientific evidence showing how our healthy diet and exercise obsession are making us fat and sick. The Smarter Science of Slim is a scientifically backed, paradigm shifting, and entertaining exposé that disproves our basic ideas of eating and exercise. If you buy one health book this decade, make it The Smarter Science of Slim.From Dr. Steve Yeaman, Newcastle UniversityThe Smarter Science of Slim is both fun and informative. It challenges the central dogma of diet and weight control and provides a sensible alternative to the current less food, more exercise strategy. Bailor provides a compelling, simple, and practical solution to the challenge of obesity. Try it!From Lindsay Vastola, CEO Body Project Fitness and HealthFrom preface-to-conclusion, Bailor cleverly articulates the misinformation that has inundated Americans views on fat loss for the last 30 years. His book is not just an enjoyable read, but his ability to incorporate scientific-backed research with his no-nonsense, often humorous at times-approach makes this a book every intelligent American should read, especially those who are frustrated with yo-yo dieting and unsuccessful attempts at fat loss.From Maik Wiedenbach, World Cup and Olympic Athlete, CEO of Adlertraining As a World Cup and Olympic athlete I have read hundreds of health and fitness books; Bailor s work stands alone. I have never seen such a simple and entertaining presentation of so much fat loss science. Debunking the myths sabotaging the weight loss efforts of millions, Bailor will change the way you think of fat loss and the way you look in less time than you ever thought possible.—–More Info: &—About the AuthorJonathan Bailor spent the past decade collaborating with top doctors and researchers to analyze more than 10,000 pages of academic research related to diet, exercise and weight loss. The end result is this very straightforward, simple and easy-to-read book, where Bailor bridges the gap between the academic world and the everyday world to dispel the myths, lies, and corporate sales hype that have fueled the current obesity epidemic. More than any other author in this new century, Bailor has separated scientific fact from weight loss fiction–to deliver a proven, permanent and easy-to-implement fat loss solution. Based on clinically proven research–not trendy opinions–Bailor uses biology and common sense to bring reason to the topic of diet, exercise and weight loss.Jonathan Bailor has a proven track record for solving tough problems. As the holder of over 20 US Patents, Bailor was the inventor of the marque feature in Microsoft Office 2010. As an entrepreneur, Bailor has started successful businesses, authored three critically acclaimed books, produced a promotional magazine and helped develop a radio show.Early in his life, Bailor became an exercise and fitness devotee–spending hours in the gym, carefully monitoring his diet and exercise. During this time, Bailor began to suspect that much of what society had been told about diet and exercise was based on trendy opinions spurred by corporate advertising hype… and not scientific fact. Thus began Bailor’s most intensive work… a ten year odyssey to interview top medical researchers and to review thousands of scientific papers related to diet, exercise and the facts of fat loss. The result is Bailor’s new series of Smarter Science of Slim books which have already been hailed as important new work by top medical professionals, athletes and health science researchers.
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