Jonathan Royle – NLP and Hypnosis Exposed
NLP and Hypnosis Exposed
[10 DVD Rip DivX, 2 Bonus DVD Rip Divx, 1 Bonus CD doc, pdf etc.]
N.L.P & HYPNOSIS EXPOSEDNLP Master Practitioner Course[url][/ur]Quote:”DISCOVER HOW YOU CAN NOW EASILY TRAIN TO BECOME A HIGHLY SKILLED & CERTIFIED MASTER PRACTITIONER IN NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING (NLP) – COMPLETE MIND THERAPY (CMT) & CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY IN YOUR OWN HOME!”Dear Friend,History was made during Easter Weekend of Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th April 2006 at The Broadfield Hotel in Rochdale, Lancashire, England.Over 40 Experienced Professional Mind Therapists, Hypnotherapists, NLP Master Practitioners, Meridian Energy Therapists, Stage Hypnotists, Psychic Entertainers, Mentalism Experts and other Hypnotism Specialists gathered together from all over the World for Two Mind Blowing days to learn the True Inside Secrets of So called Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Dr. Jonathan Royle’s own unique creation of Complete Mind Therapy (CMT).Delegates had travelled from all over England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Europe, Denmark and even from as far as India and different areas of America. Yes this truly was an International Training Event and for many who attended was also to be a truly Life Changing Experience.The Speaker for this unique weekend was Top Television & Media Hypnotist and International Celebrity Mind Therapist Dr. Jonathan Royle BSc, who to date has successfully taught the True Jealously Guarded Esoteric Secrets of Hypnotherapy, NLP and his own Powerful Creation of Complete Mind Therapy to many thousands of people around the world, thanks to his Internet Site of The few delegates who had attended with no prior knowledge or experience of the subjects left the weekend highly skilled and competent Mind Therapists trained to Master Practitioner Level in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Complete Mind Therapy (CMT) and also to Advanced Master Practitioner level in the areas of Clinical & Medical Hypnotherapy Treatment.Those who had already done previous NLP or Hypnotherapy Training left the weekend almost crying and making comments such as “I wish I’d attended this two day event before wasting many thousands on useless, boring and inferior courses!” Some of the delegates were already ANLPTA and ANLP approved & certified NLP Practitioners, Master Practitioners and Trainers, and even many of them made comments such as “Blimey I would never have thought it would be possible to learn NLP & Hypnotherapy to this level in just two days if I had not seen it with my own eyes, what’s even more amazing is that I learnt more from Royle in the past two days than I ever did on my original “Approved” NLP course which took Seven days for the first level of training alone!” Ironically starting the same day as Royle’s “THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS NLP” event, American NLP Expert and Sports NLP Specialist Wyatt Woodsmall was presenting a Nine Day, yes that’s right a 9 day course in Sports NLP in another function room at The Broadfield Hotel, which was being promoted by Terri Ann Laws & Nick Lees of Rochdale based NLP Training company Mental Combat.This was Hilariously Ironic & Hugely Beneficial for YOU MY NEW STUDENT for the following three reasons…Some time ago, Terri Ann Laws & Nick Lees who run Mental Combat had purchased practically all of Dr. Jonathan Royle’s Home Study Training DVD’s, Courses, Manuals and other training materials and then more recently had moved to Rochdale which is where Royle has lived for many years.Upon their Special Invitation, Royle during late 2005 attended as a Guest Delegate at “Mental Combats” Three Week (15 days) NLP Practitioner Course. Royle only agreed to attend to prove that he’d forgotten more about NLP than many so called “Trainers” of the subject have ever known or will ever know! Just a few days into their course, it had become obvious that he could (and was) out NLPing the other “NLPers” present at the course, including the Trainers.Most Ironic of all is that on day two (Sunday) of Royle’s THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS NLP event, he taught the delegates, like yourself, in a simple step by step manner ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING they’d ever need to know to successfully achieve outstanding results in the field of Sports Psychology & Peak Performance Treatment for Athletes. Royle included these secrets FREE OF CHARGE and thus saved his delegates £1,500 UK Sterling and Nine Valuable days of their life, which we understand was the price and duration of the Wyatt Woodsmall – ANLPTA “Approved” course in the next door function room at the same Hotel on the same weekend!HOW BAD DO YOU FEEL FOR MISSING THIS COURSE?When you consider that you could have attended Royle’s Amazing Course for just £497 UK Sterling and achieved training far in excess of a Conventional Master Practitioner Level Training in NLP, in far less time and for many thousands of £££ – $$$ Less than other inferior courses, doesn’t it seem such a Terrible Disappointment to discover that Royle may never conduct this THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS NLP course ever again? Notice how sad you start to feel inside, as you realise that no other course or training on the market has ever (or will ever) teach you the True Inside Secrets of NLP, CMT and Clinical Hypnotherapy in the way this course would have done – How Sad does that make you feel?How disappointed and angry are you becoming, right now as you realise that even if you waste thousands of £££ – $$$ on other courses to achieve Master Practitioner Level as an NLP Clinical Hypnotherapist, you won’t even learn half of what this course would have taught you?WELL BE HAPPY, “SMILE!” TODAY’S YOUR LUCKY DAY AND YOU’RE ABOUT TO FEEL AS IF YOU’VE JUST WON THE LOTTERY AND FEEL ON TOP OF THE WORLD!Notice how happy, excited and overjoyed you feel now as you realise that this entire two day event was filmed by two Professional Broadcast Quality cameras by Two Experienced Camera men and in such a manner that watching the DVD’s made of this Unique event will teach you just as much as if you’d actually been there at the live training!And realise now how lucky you are to be intelligent enough to grab this once in a lifetime opportunity to learn The Most Powerful Secrets of NLP, CMT and Clinical Hypnotherapy in the comfort of your own home for far less than most people get ripped off for overpriced, drawn out, overly padded out training.Yes indeed, imagine now, How Proud and Confident you will feel as you hang your Master Practitioner Diploma in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Complete Mind Therapy (CMT) alongside the Fantastic Certification you will also have earnt as an Advanced Master Practitioner of Clinical & Medical style Hypnotherapy after you have made the intelligent decision to order this amazing Home Study DVD course today!Best of all Order Now and you’ll get many exciting FREE GIFTS which alone are worth many times their weight in Gold to any forward thinking, open minded, success seeking person, like yourself!YOU’LL LEARN FAR, FAR MORE THAN WE COULD EVER DETAIL HERE & CERTAINLY MORE THAN ON ANY OTHER COURSES OF A SIMILAR NATUREAmongst the many hundreds & hundreds of liquid gold techniques, approaches, strategies, ploys & tried, tested & proven to work therapeutic techniques which Royle will teach you during this two day course on DVD (and from the bonus items) you will Learn in a Simple Step by Step Manner all of the following and much more, in fact so much more than we could ever detail here…Everything you’d ever learn from any of our so called competitors Practitioner Courses in NLP that is truly of use in the real world of therapy treatment for real world paying clients with real world problems which they desire to have eliminated in the shortest space of time possible.The True Inside Secrets and Shortcut techniques to learning and using successfully all of the most powerful real world treatment approaches & strategies taught on other peoples NLP Master Practitioner Courses!Achieve the knowledge & competence to finish this course as an Advanced Practitioner in Clinical & Medical style Hypnotherapy Treatment methods, usually you’d have to take a separate course on top of your NLP training to learn these jealously guarded real world Hypnotic Secrets.For the first time ever discover absolutely everything you’ll ever need to know about Royle’s Unique One Session Treatment Approach of Complete Mind Therapy (CMT) which combines the most powerful NLP & Hypnotic Techniques into a Mind Blowing, Life Changing treatment approach which can (and does) successfully treat most any person, with most any problem (however serious) within a single maximum Sixty Minute Session!Royle also demystifies all of those complicated “arty farty” pretentious “NLP” terminology’s and helps you to realise what they all truly mean and how in fact you have probably already been an NLP Master Practitioner for years without ever consciously realising that you already knew all of the Secrets, but in a different context. You’ll be able to tie conventionally trained NLP Master Practitioners up in conversational knots after studying this unique and amazing home study course if you so desire to order today!You’ll learn all you need to know in order to both be a confident and highly confident change work therapist including the true secrets and shortcut approaches to learning and successfully using: Mirroring, Matching, Pacing, Leading, Rapport, Observation, Recognition, Leadership, Sensory Acuity, Sensory Representational Systems, Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic, Olfactory & Gustatory, so called VAKOG, Modelling, Calibration, Eye Accessing Cues & Signals, real world body language secrets, Future Pacing, Therapeutic use of Time Lines, Rapid Conditioning, Social Psychology, Changing Perceptions & Belief Systems in clients (and yourself) with ease, Pre-Suppositions, Assumptions & so called “NLP” Mind Reading, The True Secrets of Pain & Pleasure in everyday life and therapeutic change work, the correct usage of voice tone, speed, embedded & subliminal verbal suggestions and even the real work on non verbal suggestions amongst 100’s & 100’s of other powerful techniques.And that’s just the tip of a huge iceberg, during the course of the Two Day Event you’ll also learn about: Eliciting different States and Emotions in your clients, breaking states, Positive & Negative Memory Association and also Disassociation, Anchoring, Stacking Anchors, Collapsing Anchors, The role of positive & negative triggers in life & how this relates to Pavlov’s Dog, The meta-Model – use of salesman style open ended and closed questions to increase your success as a Therapist, Precision Language & Royle’s approach to what many call “Sleight of Mouth”, real world use of semantics for positive treatment success, The Milton Model and correct use of Vague Language Patterns in therapy, The use of “double binds”, effective powerful use of visualisation techniques, Reframing the clients thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, desires and experience’s for positive change, plus even more amazing and useful techniques.You’ll complete your training (when you follow Royle’s Advice) knowing all about these things and many more such as: Deletions, Distortions & Generalisations, Behavioural frames, generating new positive behaviours, Pain & Pleasure its impact on therapy, congruence, perceptual positions, the use of complex equivalence, modal operators, cause & effect, other Hypnotic & NLP language pattern approaches, The Famous Fast Phobia Cure, effective use of metaphors, magical stories and numerous other fancy sounding NLP techniques, most importantly learning along the way the correct way to use all these methods, how to use them successfully with ease and the best way to perfect your skills in each!Royle will even teach you the shocking truth about the Placebo Effect and the powerful areas of Belief & Expectancy! What’s more you’ll learn the famous “pattern interrupt” Derren Brown style handshake “hypnotic” induction method amongst numerous other slow, rapid and even Instant Hypnotic Induction Techniques!Numerous Powerful Suggestibility Tests and Imagination Exercises are also demonstrated and taught in depth, along with the secrets of turning these into powerful Hypnotic Induction’s.You’ll be shown simple Trance Deepening Methods, Awakening techniques, Covert Mind Distraction Approaches, Elman & Ericsonian Hypnotic Techniques, Convincers and in short absolutely everything you’ll ever need to know in order to become a truly powerful Master Practitioner Level (and beyond) NLP Hypnotherapist able to most successfully treat most any person, with most any problem (from A thru to Z) usually with permanent long lasting results from a single treatment session which on many occasions could last as little as a few short minutes.Indeed as a Special Free Bonus you’ll also witness Royle demonstrate (and then teach you) his own unique take on Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and other Meridian Energy treatment methods enabling him to completely and permanently remove a clients emotional (or other) problem/s in less than two minutes flat! – Yes you’ll see Royle demonstrate this on a real person, with a real problem and witness him gain a Real World Instant Cure in less than Two Minutes Flat and best of all he then teaches you in a simple step, by step manner how to do the same! This section of the training is worth many times the tiny price being asked for this entire course alone, so don’t you owe it to yourself to order these unrivalled Training DVD’s today?As if that’s not enough Royle also reveals the true Secrets of Instant Pain Control, his own experience and use of Dr. Angel Escudero’s amazing “Noesitherapy” treatment approach and of course fully explains how to achieve Anaesthesia and/or Analgesia for use in Medical Operations as was recently witnessed on Televisions “Hypno-Surgery” Live Show! Indeed you’ll also witness and learn the Insider Secrets of turning your clients into “Human Pincushions” as Needles are thrust through their body with no pain or discomfort whatsoever and of course you’ll discover how to use this approach to help people with Arthritis and other Pain Related problems live a happier, healthier and longer life!And just when you thought you’d learnt everything, Royle teaches you simple Rapid Past Life Regression Techniques, and also demonstrates and teaches the intelligent use of Ideo Motor response (IMR) in Clinical Hypnotherapy & NLP Treatments.Along the way you’ll also learn some very powerful Advertising, Marketing & Promotion techniques to help you achieve success with your New Therapy Business and most important of all Royle will reveal to you all of the “Building Blocks” which will provide you with the real “Keys” to becoming a Master Practitioner NLP Hypnotherapist and will also enable you to devise your own powerful treatment approaches and techniques! Finally as an “Encore” you’ll also learn the “Building Blocks” to performing a successful Stage Hypnotism show and/or running successful Group Treatment Sessions as Royle teaches you the truth about crowd psychology and using it to your advantage! And that’s to mention nothing of the numerous other, Secrets, Ploys and Techniques including so called Hypnotic Seduction which are taught on this TEN VOLUME DVD COURSE. TO BE THE BEST THERAPIST YOU CAN BE – ORDER NOWOnly a Limited Number of these Home Study Courses will ever be released on a World Wide basis and as such you’d be wise to make the intelligent decision to order today before this once in your lifetime opportunity to save many thousands of ££££ – $$$$ disappears forever! SO HOW MUCH IS THIS ULTIMATE NLP & HYPNOSIS COURSE?The Honest Simple answer to that is that this entire home study course is far too cheap at the all inclusive price (postage free) of just £297 UK Sterling sent anywhere in the world with DVD’s in the correct format for your Country!Indeed we’re practically giving the course away when you consider that, when you order today you will also be sent all of the following items and FREE GIFTS: Ten Amazing Information Packed Instructional DVD’s of the entire Two Day “THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS NLP” training weekend! Nothing has been edited out, these show things exactly as if you’d attended in person and were filmed on Broadcast Quality cameras by experienced cameramen!A copy of Royles 513 Paged Explosive Book “Confessions Of A Hypnotist” – subtitled “Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Hypnosis But Were Afraid To Ask!” This is supplied to you in both Word and PDF formats on a quality CD-ROM.Some other Mind Blowing Manuals & Courses, also supplied on the CD-ROM which will teach you even more about NLP, Hypnosis, Hypnotic Seduction and other Powerful related techniques.A FREE BONUS DVD = This features Royle’s colleague International Hypnotist and Airline Captain Ian Robertson explaining the shortcuts to Crew Resource Management (CRM) which will prove useful when using NLP & Hypnosis in the Corporate Arena. Also he’ll discuss proven strategies for the Successful Treatment of Flying Phobias.A SECOND FREE DVD = Entitled “NLP Made Easy” this DVD helps simplify what you will learn in far greater depth on the Ten Volume Set and also teaches you some useful exercises for improving your Sensory Acuity, Observation and Calibration Skills, all things which could make you a far better therapist!
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