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Joseph Weed – The Amazing Secrets of Psychic Healing




The Amazing Secrets of Psychic Healing at first seems like another  cheesy Parker Publishing book, but alas there is some really great techniques inside this book. It lists color healing and how to use it way before Pranic Healing was popular.THE AMAZING SECRET WAYS TOo Relieve pain in a matter of minutes (see Chapter 2)o Heal wounds, cuts and abrasions the day they are suffered (see Chapter 2)o Repair bone fractures quickly (see Chapter 2)o End the pain of arthritis by eliminating its cause (Chapter 3)o Dramatically change and improve the appearance of blemish-ridden skin (Chapter 5)o Correct ailments of the ears, nose and throat (Chapter 6)o Treat failing eyes and bring them back to normal sight (Chapter 7)o Strengthen the heart and repair any malfunctions that may hamper its action (Chapter10)o Wash out infections from the intestines and bowels and re-establish their normalfunctioning (Chapter 13)o Search out and correct liver and gall bladder problems (Chapter 11)o Relieve prostate pain and restore normal action (Chapter 12)o Clear impurities from the blood, a very important treatment everyone can employwith profit (Chapter 15)o Balance glandular functions and thus heal diabetes (Chapter 16)o Relieve toothache and clear out tooth infection (Chapter 14)o Instruct your inner mind to automatically correct any malfunction that may develop(Chapter 18)o Effect many other surprising and marvelous healings (Chapter 17)Right here in print for the first time you will find the step-by-step procedures wherebyhundreds of people with no previous medical knowledge of any kind have been taught tobecome successful healers. These are men and women from all walks of life, most of them nodifferent from you. Some are secretaries, salespeople, bookkeepers, mechanics, teachers andstudents, and some are professional people such as lawyers, ministers and doctors-yes, doctors.Read on and let them tell you in their own words what they have learned and how thisknowledge has served them, enabling them to accomplish seeming miracles of healing. Along3with their reports are explained the exact techniques taught them in the classes of one of theworld’s greatest healers, Benjamin 0.Bibb, D.D. This man is outstanding not only for the greatnumber of remarkable cures he has effected, but chiefly because he is able to describe in detailjust what he does and to teach others how to do it. This book is based upon his class teachingsand supported by the case histories of a vast number of confirmed healings. By following theinstructions given herein, you too can become a successful healer.


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