Journey to the light – Chakra meditations for health, energy and happiness
[2006/MP3/196 (VBR)/(scene)]
Description Artist : Journey to the LightAlbum : Chakra Meditations for Health, Energy and HappinessYear : 2006Genre : MeditativeSource : CDRls.Date : 2006-08-23Bitrate : VBRkbpsSize : 114.7MB—–1. Visualisation ‘Crystal Cave’ 21:442. Relaxation 10:083. Meditation ‘Journey to the Light’ 46:02—–77:54—–One of the most experimental and adventurous CD’s ever to be released in theMeditation World.. This CD is a joint effort between composer Ivan Bertollaand Michael and Marlyse Carroll at Inner Peace. This CD combines thebeautiful text of Marlyse Carroll , with the complex musical landscapes ofIvan Bertolla carefully creating contrasting textures and instrumentations.The Exquisite voice over’s are by Michael Carroll .These meditations will take you on a journey through seven vortexes of energy, called chakras , which combine the physical , emotional and spiritualdimensions of your being. A slow journey from the 1st to the 7th chakra andback, bringing you a great sense of connection , of balance , of power , andof love. In this journey you will find inner peace , joy and happiness.’
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