Judy Satori – Archangel Metatron
Judy Satori – Archangel Metatron
[1 CD – 7 MP3s]
elib.tech Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! Judy Satori – Archangel metatronhttps://zs267.infusionsoft.com/app/storeFront/showProductDet…Archangel metatron$35.00Archangel metatron brings through energy to open and activate states of increased Peace, Abundance and Joy. Also recording that works with the mind power energy of Alpha Centauri. Expanding mind power potential. Product DescriptionA Day with the Archangel metatron Live Recordings from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. These recordings were previously released separately as Archangel metatron, Expanding the Mind, Peace, Abundance, Joy. In these recordings, the Archangel metatron brings through energy to open and activate states of increased Peace, Abundance and Joy.Expanding the Mind, Opening the Heart Working with the mind power energy of Alpha Centauri. Expanding mind power potential. Creating a new vision for your life. Plus…The Archangel metatron’s transmissions for increased love and opening the heart. Includes two audio recordings.Peace, Abundance, Joy In these three sessions the Archangel metatron brings through energy to open and activate states of increased Peace, Abundance and Joy. Participants at the Kuala Lumpur event used Fragonia Oil, a very high vibrational essential oil from Western Australia. Fragonia oil helps to restore emotional states of peace and harmony.~~~SPECIAL NOTE: This was a special request fulfillment for a Staff, so ya better keep yer smart aleck comments to yerself! ~~~ VIP+ Now Power Users: 4 days Users: Please upgrade, as per the rules. Thank you for understanding! ~~~ IN Joy! ~~~
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