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Judy Satori – Mastery of Mind: Day 3 – Regeneration

Judy Satori – Mastery of Mind Day 3 – Regeneration
[1 CD – 13 MP3s, 1 PDF]


Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! Judy SatoriMastery of Mind: Day 3… $35.00 Product DescriptionNew Life on a New Earth – RegenerationSelected recordings from Day Three of the Mastery of Mind Retreat, with Judy Satori and Spirit held at St. Joseph’s Retreat Center, Sydney, Australia. These audio tracks are Day Three of a three day, 72 hour Mastery of Mind process. For optimal results you should complete all the Day One and Day Two audio tracks first, as they are foundational for Day Three audio transmissions. When you listen to these audio recordings, you will continue a process of alchemical and consciousness change begun with the Bristol Harbour, NY, Day One audio transmissions. Reported outcomes are greater joy, a release of limiting and sabotaging beliefs, an awakenings of soul memory, profound clearing at a cellular level, and of course … greater Mastery of Mind. Listen to the audio tracks in the order listed below as the process of change is progressive. Each audio track builds on the one before. Take as much time as you wish to work through the recordings and listen at your convenience. You can listen again to any audio tracks that appeal to you, or that you feel require more attention. Track 1: Troth: The Art and Secrets of Regeneration Track 2: St. Germain: Why physical regeneration is now becoming possible Track 3: A New Beginning: activating dormant DNA Track 4: Coming Home: Telepathic connection with multidimensional realities Track 5: Goddess Tara: Energy Words of New Creation – Tara Sanctuary Track 6: Lyran transmissions: Improved Mastery of Mind and mental acuity Track 7: Thoth: The Wisdom of old Atlantis – Soul memory reconnection Track 8: Thoth: Miracles and Magic – Using the mind to create Track 9: Thoth: Alchemy – The Secret of Secrets – new physical creation Track 10: Thoth: Alchemy – The heart chakra – bridge to higher consciousness Track 11: Thoth & Merlin/St. Germain: Alchemy – sparking new life in the cells Track 12: Thoth & Merlin/St. Germain – The secret of life in the body Track 13: The fulfillment of a Promise and a Prophecy ~~~SPECIAL NOTE: This was a special request fulfillment for a Staff, so ya better keep yer smart aleck comments to yerself!  ~~~ VIP+ Now Power Users: 4 days Users: Please upgrade, as per the rules. Thank you for understanding! ~~~ IN Joy! ~~~


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