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Kali Ray – Tri Yoga Basics – Free The Hips

Kali Ray-Tri Yoga Basics-Free The Hips
[1DVD – VOB]


Kali Ray-Tri Yoga Basics-Free The HipsEnglish | 720×480 | AC3 128 kbps | 2.75 GBDescription: Join celebrated yoga instructor Kali Ray as she demonstrates her Tri Yoga series of workouts.In FREE THE HIPS, Ray introduces ten powerful exercises that simultaneously relax and strengthen the body’slower half.Type renowned yoga instructor Kali Ray demonstrates it has developed complex style Tri Yoga . The complex“FREE THE HIPS” ( relax in the hips ) Kali Ray presents 10 exercises , both relaxes and strengthens thelower body.In general , such a calm Hatha , for women is good . Without the extreme.The American Kali Ray , or Kali – ji , as according to Indian students respectfully call her , is the creatorTri Yoga , which includes the full spectrum of traditional yoga practices .At age 20, then take a trip on a yacht on the waters of large lakes Airy , she got in another heavy storm ,and a wave of Cali washed overboard . For some time the girl was of the icy waves , sudden fear gave way tothe state of appeasement , when death was no longer frightening .After a few laps in the raging water , one still able to find her and return to shore. Shortly thereafter ,in 1980 , the Cali began mystical experiences (as later explained to her Indian guru associated with activationenergy of the Kundalini ) , during which her body spontaneously began to perform a sequence of yoga asanaslinked by smooth dynamic transitions. In Indian tradition, such a phenomenon called ” Kriyavati .Thus was born the system of Tri Yoga (Tri Yoga), where the first part of the name symbolizes the trinity ofexistence, consciousness and bliss ( Sat Chit Ananda ), the key concept of the Indian spiritual philosophy .Later Kali Ji met her Guru – Swami Ganapathi Satchidananda from Mysore, Karnataka , known spiritual teacher, who was in India believe the avatar of the Lord Dattatreyi .wamiji explained the pupil , as a result experienced during the storm of shock , she revealed the results ofspiritual practice of past incarnations, when she was an Indian woman mystic.Legend or not – everyone decides for himself , but the system of Kali Ray really interesting and effectiveapproach to the practice of asanas . The smooth style of Tri Yoga is particularly well suited to women, althoughincludes enough power and balance postures.Often asanas used wisely – the special provisions of fingers to guide the movement of subtle energy . In total, the system there are seven levels , with increasing degree of difficulty , each level includes five trainingsequences, the last two levels – pranayama and meditation.On the first level shot an instructional video . Kali teaches asanas and pranayama , meditation , mantras ,karma yoga – in general teaches traditional holistic approach to yoga as a spiritual path. She twice( 1992-94 years) was the seminars in our country, had a great influence on the development of the domesticdynamic yoga.Male Kali Ray – American musician Merkuri Max , shares her spiritual journey , and recorded several albumswith a heartfelt performance of Indian mantras.


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