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Katarina Phang – He’s Really That Into You, He’s Just Not Ready

Katarina Phang – He’s Really That Into You He’s Just Not Ready
[WebRips – 4 MP4 + 2 MP3, eBook – 1 PDF]



Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elswhere will get you banned!Brought to you by the participants of the Katarina Phang – He’s Really That Into You, He’s Just Not Ready GB() GB is CLOSEDKatarina Phang – He’s Really That Into You, He’s Just Not Ready [WebRips – 4 MP4 + 2 MP3, eBook – 1 PDF]Product Page:…Description:Quote:Ladies, are you tired being strung along in a label-less relationship because he’s not ready or is not sure if he ever wants to be in relationship? You can’t get out either because you are emotionally hooked on him? Do you miss and crave his presence all the time you end up chasing him…and AWAY? Or are you getting nauseated that every time you meet a new guy he says he doesn’t want a relationship yet he keeps coming back and pursuing you?Are you left so confused and vulnerable by him blowing hot and cold and giving you all sorts of conflicting messages? Does he display signs of emotional unavailability that drives you absolutely nuts? Do you feel that everything is on his terms and the more you want to be with him, the less and less you hear from him and the farther and farther away he’s pulling away?Do you know what makes or how to make an emotionally unavailable man fall deeply in love if there is such thing?If so, you are not alone! Millions of women face the same predicament every day and they are wasting precious time and energy pining for a guy who may never commit to them. It is painful and humiliating.Every day I deal with women with the same issues, over and over again. They email me privately or ask questions on my Facebook Wall and heated discussions on the subject will start to ensue. Personally, I’m dealing with the same situations myself from time to time….When I first met my boyfriend I knew early that he would fall for me so deeply. After my emotionally unavailable man (EUM), I just was at the point that I knew any guy who found me attractive would be so hooked on me. That’s why he rushed to claim me because he knew if he didn’t some other guy would. And it’s not because of my looks. It’s my character and personality. It’s because I’m emotionally free and not needing anyone to complete me. I don’t need any man to be other than himself. Intuitively I knew what worked with men thanks to my EUM. As I said, if you can deal with EUM, you can deal with ANY man. Any man after him will be easy. I now have this one-million dollar secret for women everywhere in the world. So again, don’t run away from these men. School yourself…just like I did and stick to the principles I teach in the book. You won’t hear this from any other coach but my method is proven. It works like magic.


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