Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing Level 1 –
Kathara Healing Programs
[90 AVI,s – 1 manual – 17 mp3,s]
Kathara is a spiritual science including a healing system, cosmic philosophy and creation mechanics. Contents:Tangible Structure of the Soul (6 part MP3 audio) with ManualIt is mentioned in the Kathara Level One program that this is one of the core foundations of the system. It is one of the early courses and looks to be a good introduction to the Melchizedek Cloister teachings.Topics include: Christ Consciousness, Bio-Spiritual Evolution, Merkaba Activation, Releasing the Karmic Imprint, Activating the God Seed.Kathara Level One Bio-Spiritual Healing Regenesis System with Manual. This program takes the topics from the Tangible Structure program and expands and adds more detail. The original wmv files (7 DVDs) from msripper have been converted to smaller XviD avi files and broken down into a type of video book – you will find chapters and topics within the chapters. This program contains so much information, I thought it would be helpful to have it broken down for easier review of certain sections. Table of Contents:Chapter 1: The Context of Healing (Holograms, Dimensions, Frequencies, Time Matrices, Vibration and Oscillation)Chapter 2: The Elements of Healing (Shields, Chakras, 12 Strand DNA, Practical Techniques)Chapter 3: Beginning Applications (Kathara Points, Triadic Healing Currents)Chapter 4: Fieldwork (Techniques for working with clients)Chapter 5: Introduction to Kathara Level-2 (Merkaba, Tribal Shield Activation, Radial Body Healing, Veca Codes)Also included is a Program Outline with page number references for the manual. The manual is numbered in two ways, one is sequential and one is for teaching purposes. The series for teaching purposes jumps back and forth through the manual, so this page number reference may be helpful to follow along. The .jpgs in the manual have been renamed to match the page numbers for direct reference, so for example, page 175 is named 175.jpgKathara Level One Audio Induction Techniques that msripper posted, converted to MP3 and reduced to 120 MB.In a nutshell, Kathara is a scientific approach to the structure of the universe (i.e. dimensions, energy-matter templates), subtle energy bodies, how energy becomes matter, and how you can restore your original Divine Blueprint which will restore your health and activate faculties that are generally considered ‘psychic’ or ‘of the soul’.I find it is somewhat similar to Theosophy in the sense that it brings along with the view of the individual, a whole cosmic drama of other beings, worlds, dimensions, stargates, energies, etc. It does push the envelope in the sense that it talks about Founder and Guardian races, and other beings involved in life on earth. This aspect of it reminds me of Gene Roddenberry’s TV series, Earth: Final Conflict.As with many systems, it has its own vocabulary and it takes a while to get used to all the technical sounding terms.In the final analysis, it comes down to self-development with symbol and sound, which can be found in many other systems, but I do like that there is a lot of explanation of the ‘whys’ of things in Kathara.I have never been much into alternate explanations of earth history until now, and I have found that many others are suggesting similar ideas. For example, I found related material from Drunvalo Melchizedek (Flower of Life), The Keys of Enoch, the Law of One – Ra Material, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Sara Lyara Estes, Merkaba, DNA Activation and Bob Frissell.
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