Kathy Rose – Activate Your Intuition
Activate Your Intuition
[3 DVD Rips]
Kathy RoseActivate Your IntuitionA Practical Guide To Developing Your Psychic AbilityDVD1: Developing a Solid FoundationDVD2: Opening Your Psychic SensesDVD3: Expanding Your Unlimited AbilityYou have Intuition – everyone does! And it can be activated to enhance and empower your life…every day.The trick is knowing HOW to tap intuition WHEN you need it. How to use your innate psychic senses “on command” in practical life.Free Soul’s approach and materials are designed to help you, not only develop your own intuitive senses, but also access them practically, rapidly, and “at will.” That way you do have the ability to get information, when you need it, rather than just randomly.In this 3-DVD set Kathy Rose leads you, step by step, into the exciting world of intuitive development. You’ll learn to use your meditation skills for deep relaxation and harmony. You’ll discover how to tap into the dimension of the Soul for wisdom, confidence and connection with your Spirit Guides.Yes, you are an intuitive being. Now is the time, and this the path. to realize and energize your natural psychic senses…to Activate your Intuition!About Kathy RoseA certified Free Soul instructor and Counselor, Kathy has taught intuitive skills with the Free Soul organization for more than 30 years. She has trained thousands of people to awaken and activate their psychic potential. “Kathy Rose is one of Free Soul’s finest and longest serving instructors. Hear her personal wisdom and unique insight into Free Soul’s techniques and discoveries.”Pete A. Sanders Jr.Founder, FREE SOUL
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