Kati Ylä-Hokkala & Sharon Haddock – The Art Of Clubswinging
Kati Ylä-Hokkala & Sharon Haddock – The Art Of Clubswinging
[1 DVD – Rip]
An A-Z of club swinging! Written and demonstrated by Kati Ylä-Hokkala and Sharon Haddock, two of the world’s leading practitioners, this DVD is a clearly explained journey through the ins and outs of this elegant art form.Kati and Sharon take you from the basic grips and holds to some of the most complex patterns you are likely to encounter. Challenging and fun in equal measures, this DVD is a good workout for mind and body.All this to the accompaniment of music by John Blanchard.What the reviewers have said:”It rises instantly to the top of its subject category. It is clear, comprehensive, and intelligently constructed.”…”covers more ground, more thoroughly, than any existing book or video on the subject” Juggle MagazineWhat people who purchased the Art of Clubswinging have said:”For anyone interested in clubswinging, “The Art of Clubswinging” will be informative and entertaining. Basic and advanced moves are covered in detail. The advance moves “blew me away.” I had no idea that anyone could clubswing with this level of skill.””After viewing the DVD once, I’ve already improved my meager clubswinging skills. I previously bought 2 books and 2 videos on clubswinging. Not one of these mentioned that the Snake pattern is really the club traveling in 3 circles. After viewing the DVD I get “it” and can at least do a snake in slow motion.”
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