Keith Weber – Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout 2
Keith Weber – Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Wourkout 2
Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout 2Exceed Your LimitsKeith Weber, BScPT, RKCA superbly muscled specimen of righteous manhood himself, physical therapist Keith Weber returns to grill you with a blistering set of muscle-burning kettlebell drills designed to raise the bar on your athletic potential—then leap over it. Weber’s agonizing Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout 2 will give even the most seasoned athlete more power—and the inspiration to take his game to the next level.Become a well-oiled, unstoppable machine and discover what toughness is really all about, with The Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout 2.”I’ve used Extreme 1 and fear it will wear out! When the second in the series came out, I jumped on it. I think it is the BEST mix of cardio/strength DVDs on the market, bar none”—Howard Grubbs, Blowing Rock, NC
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