Kelley Herring – Carefree Candies
Kelley Herring – Carefree Candies
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Your Guide to Healthy Homemade Indulgences Care Free CandiesEASY MAKEOVERS OF YOUR CANDY SHOPFAVORITES INCLUDING DELICIOUS BARKS,BRITTLES, TOFFEES, TRUFFLES, FUDGES & MORE! Dear Health-Conscious Candy Lover,There you are in the checkout line. It’s been a long day. You’re feeling stressed… and hungry.Before you are rows of colorful wrappers… each one with a candy bar that’s just calling your name. Chocolate… caramel… nuts… toffee… sweet peanut butter… and cookie crunch.You know you shouldn’t do it, but you reach for your favorite one.“Why not?” you ask yourself. “It’s only a few hundred calories…. and less than a buck!”You breakdown and buy it. You take a bite…And for a Few Short Moments All is Right in the World…You feel euphoric…A warm sensation comes over you as the irritations of the day melt away…You might even feel a wave of nostalgia as you remember your favorite familiar taste from childhood.And then it hits you.The guilt. The regret. The sluggishness.You know you shouldn’t have eaten it. You know it’s full of artificial flavors and loads of sugar… not to mention heart-stopping trans-fat.You also know that those few moments of pleasure will erase the benefit of your workout. It definitely won’t make your “love handles” any smaller.As the saying goes – a moment on the lips… forever on the hips!But this is much more than a saying. Scientists have found that even brief binges on junk food can have long-term consequences. Not only will it add to your waistline today… studies show that it can make you more prone to gain weight for years to come.But here’s the thing…Candy doesn’t have to be a guilty pleasure. It doesn’t even have to be a once-in-a-while treat.In fact, when it’s made with “intelligent ingredients” candy can actually protect – not wreck – your health. It can even help you sculpt a lean physique… instead of puffing up your muffin top!Imagine being able to…Sink your teeth into a decadent, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate truffle… that’s so rich in antioxidants it can actually turn back the hands of time (Botox in a bon-bon!)Crunch into a square of buttery English toffee… that’s jam-packed with a cell-protecting “superfat” that’s been shown to boost weight loss (and even help prevent cancer!)Savor “superfood” fudge that’s rich in protein to promote lean, sexy muscle. And go for seconds… because two servings contain less sugar than a quarter of an apple!Bite into a chewy candy bar that tastes just like your store-bought favorite… only this one is made with “metabolic power ingredients” that help your body torch off unwanted fat…The good news is that these candy-land creations are not make-believe. They’re real.And that means you can…Enjoy All Your Candy-Shop Favorites without a Care About How it Will Affect Your Waistline or Your Health!Thanks to the latest breakthroughs in nutritional science (and a little candy kitchen know-how), you can enjoy sweet treats that are so rich… so decadent… and so delicious… you’ll swear they’re bad for you.I’m talking about all your familiar favorites, including…Copycat Renditions of Popular Wrapped Candies – If you’re like most of us, you love Snickers®… Twix®… Butterfinger®… Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups®… Almond Joy® and Mounds®. But you also know that these treats won’t do your body any favors. Well, you won’t believe how easy it is to make taste-alike (and good-for-you) versions of all your childhood favorites…Old-Fashioned Stand-Bys – We all remember the smells that used to come from Grandma’s kitchen… and the delicious taste of homemade brittles, barks, fudge, turtles, pralines and buttery toffee. You’ll be glad to know that you can still enjoy (and share) these traditional indulgences… guilt free!Chocolate Shop Luxuries – The artisanal delights in fine chocolate shops can tip the scales at more than $10 an ounce. But you won’t believe how easy – and inexpensive – it can be to create luxury chocolate bars, handcrafted truffles and gourmet toffees…And best of all, you can feel great about indulging in these sweet treats.Not only do they leave out the sugar, carbs, chemicals (and consequences) that come with most candies… but they have amazing health benefits to boot.In fact, they’re as good for you as they are delicious!You’re about to discover how to satisfy your sweet tooth… without souring your health.But first…
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