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Ken Wilber Integral Spirituality: A Deeper Cut

Ken Wilber Integral Spirituality – A Deeper Cut MP4
[ 94 MP4 (AudioBook) , 1 PDF ]



Audio Book Version Some of these talks are loong. In this format you can place Bookmarks anywhere and everywhere you pause or stop play – then resume exactly where you left off. Perfect for your IPod or portable device compatable with mp4 – no more fast-forwarding to find where you left the dialouge – just leave as you need to and resume where you left off – gotta love technology… of the most important and insightful conversations ever recordedIn 2006 Ken Wilber published his seminal book Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World.  This book represents the culmination of more than three decades of Integral theory and practice, suggesting a theory of spirituality that honors the truths of modernity and postmodernity—including the revolutions in science and culture, while incorporating the essential insights of the world’s religious traditions.  Integral Spirituality demonstrates how today’s spirituality must combine the insights of the East with the discoveries of the West, paving the way for a radical new role for the world’s religions.Nobody is more passionate about Ken Wilber’s work than you.  Which is why we invited you to ask Ken your own questions about Integral Spirituality, resulting in more than 40 hours of groundbreaking dialogue that explores the book in remarkable chapter-by-chapter detail.  Integral Spirituality: A Deeper Cut is your personal guide through the ins and outs of Integral theory and practice, and makes an essential companion to Ken’s critically-acclaimed book.These are some of the most important and insightful conversations Ken Wilber has ever recorded.  Featuring the most cutting-edge theory, the most intimate stories, and the most meaningful applications of Integral thought to our lives and to our world, you will not find spiritual conversations as intelligent and as sophisticated anywhere else in the world.   Discover the answers to some of today’s greatest spiritual questions What is the difference between “religion” and “spirituality”?What is the real relationship between God and evolution, or between science and spirituality?Why does the universe exist?  Why is there something instead of nothing?What is the meaning of “enlightenment” in today’s world?How can spiritual practitioners be so evolved in some aspects of their lives, and so self-involved in others?What are the very best practices to help us accelerate our growth and awakening?What’s the difference between masculine and feminine paths to spiritual awakening?What is the relationship between spirituality and creativity?How can art be used to portray and transmit spiritual experiences?In what ways do we “create our own realities?”How can we overcome the rampant narcissism that seems to be so prevalent in today’s spiritual communities?What is the nature of “synchronicity,” or the meaningful coincidences that often seem to accompany spiritual experiences?How can I make sense of the culture wars that often beleaguer meaningful social progress in the world?What is subtle energy, and what is its relationship with consciousness?How can we talk about spirituality in a way that can actually survive modern and postmodern criticism?What is the meaning of “post-metaphysical” spirituality?What are 4th, 5th, and 6th-person perspectives?Is there any real evidence for involution?What Is Integral Spirituality?It’s a new day, it’s a new dawn, it’s a new man, it’s a new woman. The new human is integral, and so is the spirituality.The familiar Chinese proverb, “May you live in interesting times,” is no doubt fulfilled in our time. For the first time in history we have access to all the world’s wisdom, to the musings of saints, sages, and scientists through the ages. That access is growing exponentially. Scarcely a century ago, the first trans-Atlantic wireless signal was transmitted; now, we venture out every day on the information superhighway. We are inundated with information, and today, more than ever, there is an impulse to make sense of it all.Philosophy (literally, “love of wisdom”) might well be the oldest human pursuit. For as long as human beings have existed, we have questioned our existence. And whereas our close evolutionary relatives have demonstrated the ability to create tools and perhaps even display a sense of humor—traditional criteria for what makes us unique as humans—we have not yet observed in them the capacity to make meaning. Perhaps it is meaning itself, and the search for it, that sets us apart.Every human age has its priceless contributions, its startling insights. Premodernity discerned “the Great Chain of Being” beneath the myriad forms of manifestation, a majestic progression from matter to body to mind to spirit. Modernity informs this view considerably; it tells us that we live in a universe that has evolved over roughly 14 billion years. Matter evolved to the point at which life emerged; life evolved to the point at which consciousness emerged. And postmodernity points out that each of us is embedded in a context, largely invisible to ourselves, from which we interpret our experience. Rather than a pregiven world, we enact a worldspace, the product of the phenomena we observe and the viewpoint from which we make the observation. We are, quite literally, viewing manifestation through a set of lenses, lenses that we never knew we were wearing. And in the process of development, we swap those lenses for new ones, viewing phenomena in increasingly more precise, nuanced, and sophisticated ways.At the leading edge, most developmental theories posit a stage that might be called “integral,” for its hallmark attempt to make sense of everything, to find the pattern that connects. One such theory is “AQAL,” short for “all quadrants, all levels, all lines, all states, all types.” The AQAL model, proposed by American philosopher Ken Wilber, is perhaps the most comprehensive view ever taken of how all manifestation, all matter, all life, all thought, and all experience can fit together in a coherent whole. AQAL itself is content-less, which makes it infinitely applicable to any particular area of inquiry.Any field (e.g. business, medicine, politics) can be viewed through an AQAL lens. And this view can vastly enrich our understanding of the contours, limits, and possibilities of that field. Touching in on the five aspects of the model ensures that we have covered all of our bases. We can be sure that we are viewing a given situation from every conceivable angle, and can proceed with the best information possible.But what if AQAL was applied to spirituality itself? What if we were to view the ancient pursuit of spirit from the highest viewpoint we can possibly take at this time? What would we learn from the journeys of those who have gone before, and what implications would there be for the road ahead? Remembering that there is no pregiven world, but rather, worldspaces that arise when a new perspective is taken from a new altitude, what is the worldspace that arises when spirituality is viewed from integral?Integral Spirituality is a description of precisely that. It is a depiction of the view, from 50,000 feet, of spirituality, described by one of the great thinkers of our time. The book yields extraordinary theoretical insights, such as the fact that states of consciousness (which religious traditions guide us through) are always interpreted from stages of consciousness. And it provides practices that help us to navigate these states and stages in a breathtakingly conscious manner, ensuring that we are living as freely and fully as we can. It makes the bold proposition that religion—far from being obsolete—is the conveyor belt that will enable humanity to progress safely through the stages in its evolutionary past, and with great hope into its evolutionary future. Click Image to see Detail Thank-You All Group Buy ParticipantsGB Thread here: Times:Contributors: Now and ratio freeVIP/Elite: 2 WeeksPower Users/Extreme Users: 7 WeeksUsers: Never (get your account up to PU to gain access to exclusive material: upload 25 GB or donate and be a member for 4 weeks)


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