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Kenneth Wapnick – Deciding for God

Kenneth Wapnick – Deciding for God
[2 CDs – 21 MP3s]



Deciding for GodKenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.This seminar, held in May 2003, focuses on what is entailed in deciding for God. Central to this process is the recognition that we first decided for the ego, and therefore for a self embedded in a dualistic universe. To decide for God thus means deciding against this self. All difficulty in understanding and applying A Course in Miracles is rooted in this recognition. Jesus teaches us how to use this ego identity to decide against itself, encouraging us not to deny our bodily experience but rather to accept his forgiving interpretation of it. Thus will our misguided decisions be corrected as we follow him beyond all thought of separation to the oneness of our Identity with our loving Creator and Source.CONTENTSDisc 11. Introduction2-6. Duality2. Deciding for the Ego3. Resistance4. One or the Other5. Forgiveness6. Resistance7-9. Practicing Right-minded Thinking7. Looking at the Ego8. Viciousness of the Ego9. What “Looking at the Ego” Means10. PurposeDisc 21. The Purpose of Judgment2-9. The Decision for God (T-5.VII.5-6)2. T-5.VII.53. T-5.VII.6:1-2The Three Steps of Forgiveness4. The First Step (T-5.VII.6:3-4)5. The Second Step (T-5.VII.6:5-9)6. Questions7. The Third Step (T-5.VII.6:10)8. I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts. (W-pI.23.5)9. T-5.VII.6:1110. Questions11. Summary


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