Kenrick Cleveland – Meta Model – Rare Persuasion Secrets from The MaxP Vault
Kenrick Cleveland – Meta Model
[Webrip – 15 mp3, 15 pdf]
This is Kenrick’s Rare Persuasion Secrets from The MaxP Vault(Portland Live) + meta Model program.Quote: In a large zip lock bag is…1,000 different puzzle pieces.And since you are missing the box cover……you have zero idea what pictureyou are trying to assemble.You begin by… dumping all the pieceson the floor and matching up what you can……looking for patterns… testing if piecesinterlock together.Not an easy task!Well, that is exactly how most peoplego about trying to influence and persuadeothers during a conversation.And with every new person they conversewith… it’s like picking up a bag of puzzlepieces and starting from scratch…Because everybody has a different map ofreality…based on their own personalexperiences, beliefs and values.But it doesn’t have to be this way.What if you had a tool-set that told youexactly which piece you needed to find next……so you could easily construct anyone’smap of reality on the fly…Do you think you would be able topersuade and influence more powerfully?Of course you would!And that is exactly what you will discoverwhen you pick-up Secrets From The Vault…The Rosette Stone for being able to decipherany conversation so you know exactly whatpuzzle piece needs to be put together next.Here is just a few of the things you will discover in over the 9 hours of recordings:How to actually use the meta model in real life to persuade (Hint: it’s not how it is taught in traditional NLP training).The effects of presuppositions on the mind and why they are one of the most powerful skills you need to master for influencing others (you’ll discover how to listen to the underlying meaning of any communication).The most important thing you need to figure out when examining presuppositions in a sentence (this is one of the keys to being able to use the meta model for persuasion).The 4 things you should look for while evaluating presuppositions in any communication. How to easily get inside the mind of your listener by understanding why the meta model is not really a linguistic model but this instead. What you need to do when someone states a fact or conclusion that is not in alignment with the direction you need them to go.The 3 questions that will get your audience to go inside of themselves and tell you where they draw their conclusions from (this gives you tremendous leverage in your communications).The secret to knowing when exactly to ask the question that will naturally lead your listener to your end goal. My personal secret for using the meta Model for persuasion instead of therapeutic applications.Why you should not always challenge a “value judgment” statement – which can make you sound like an asshole – and break rapport – instead know how to walk away with the information you need to persuade powerfully.The technique you should add to your questioning process so that you do not come off as intrusive, combative or end up alienating your listener.Why you want to get the “scope” (limits) of someone’s reality and how to use them to your advantage.What you should use instead of the “typically” taught responses (such as: all, every, never, only, just) to find the boundaries of your listener’s map… so you don’t sound like a jerk and jam people into their own objections.The biggest mistake that most people make when using this model… it causes the opposite results than they desire (and how one simple shift in thinking will change that completely).The 1 trick you can use to get really good, really fast when using the meta Model to get more YESes.The most important question to ask yourself to know which pattern to use and at what time.3 different ways that will numb the conscious mind of your listener… so that your suggestions slide right in. The secret to knowing if your messages are outside someone’s map of reality… causing them NOT to motivate your listener into taking action (and the 1 simple tweak that will fix this).The reason why this skill set is so important to master as a persuader. (Hint: it has to do with knowing exactly what is going on inside the mind of your audience… without this skill set… you are shooting blanks in the dark.)…And that is just a tiny sliver of the valuable information that you will discover when you take advantage of this limited time opportunity.
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