Kenrick Cleveland – The 36 Chinese Stratagems
Kenrick Cleveland – The 36 Chinese Stratagems
[20-MP3 40-pdf]
This is Kenrick Cleveland’s course on The 36 Chinese Stratagems. He applies it to persuasion. There is no sales page to my knowledge. It was included as a bonus to other purchases. This is a .click exclusive don’t share on the internet.Quote:IntroductionYou are about to immerse yourself in a whole new world. A meta world, if you will. meta means “a level up or removed”. So instead of being in the situation, you’ll be evaluating the situation.StrategizingAiding you in your work will be a set of 36 skills or strategies. These are the most potent strategies I have ever found for accomplishing any objective. In this report, we will apply ourselves to learning and using them so they become part of our normal strategic thinking process. The Strategies are both complex and simple – easy and difficult to apply. But there is no situation, objective or problem that can not be benefited by their intelligent application. These strategies srcinated from ancient China, more or less. I don’t consider myself a historian, but for each of the patterns, I’ve usually tried to give a story from ancient China that illustrates the Stratagem. I’ve also renamed all but one of the Stratagems to make them more meaningful to you. And I’ve usually given a more modern historic use of them as well. I do consider myself a strategist and it is there that we’ll concentrate our energies. Before any meaningful result can take place, you must know what you want to happen. Most people just bumble along in life with little thought given to the outcome. You will learn different. By concentrating carefully, planning, strategizing and thinking, you will be able to set your course and accomplish anything you want. It is to this end that we will be applying ourselves. If you have my other courses in persuasion, you already understand some of the power that is available to a person who can master strategy. This will take your skills to a whole new level. The reason is that these strategies give direction to your language pattern and other persuasion skills. Yes, truly, you’ll be amazed at what you can do as you get better and better at implementing these simple yet profound skills. What about the ethics of using these skills. Well, what about ‘em? These strategies are not for the squeamish or weak stomached individual.They are designed to win!!!Plain, period and simple. I don’t advocate the use of all of these skills. You need to be the judge. Used incorrectly, they can back-fire on you strongly, even get you thrown in jail. Intelligence is needed to put them to acceptable use. And YOU and YOU ALONE have to be the judge of what that is.Nothing in this training is designed to encourage you to break the law or act contrary to what you believe is right. This material is controversial! It will definitely help you to learn to strategize “outside the box”. Use it to get what you want or to defend yourself from its use on you. It’s in your hands. I expect all out participation as you go through this report and with it, you’ll rise to a new and much more accomplished level for strategizing your way to success! So let’s get to it! Kenrick E. Cleveland
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