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Kenrick Cleveland – The Dark Side I Complete

Kenrick Cleveland – The Dark Side I Complete
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This is not a dupeThis is the complete Dark Side I from Kenrick Cleveland included the bonuseswe have other versions here, but they are not completeSales Page (Don’t have the url, but it’s inside the book of Harlan Kilstein Steal This Book)t’s the hottest, most highly requested material I’ve ever developed…You can’t buy this material unlessyou promise not to use it!No. I haven’t lost my mind. But you’ve neverbeen exposed to…“The Power of the Dark Side”Dear Fellow Persuader,You are reading a letter that I never thought I would send. However, the number of callsasking me to allow them to purchase the Dark Side set keeps growing. It is the hottest, mostpowerful set of persuasion tools I have ever produced. But I never thought I would ever letthem out of my possession.They call me a master of persuasion because I can teach persuasion skills more quickly andmore simply than anyone alive. But there is one set of skills that I never wanted to share withothers for a very important reason. I believed they were too powerful and — quite frankly —too dangerous for the general public.It was a number of years ago when one of the “founders” of NLP used a technique on methat absolutely devastated me.Back then I had no clue what it was or what it was called, but it was so powerful, it tookmonths to recover from it’s use on me and to get my senses back. It took away my identity andeven blurred my purpose for living. It was nasty to say the least.Today, I call it The Scramble. Only later did I learn that this was my first exposure to“The Dark Side.”In recent years, I have received emails from people detailing how a select group of NLPtrainers have used these patterns on them — with explosive effects. I have been hearing moreand more of these reports.Someone who had taken an NLP training in Europe just called me. In the course of thetraining, the student had a disagreement with the trainer. To get even, the trainer used oneof these destructive patterns on him.Weeks passed. His life was a shambles. He couldn’t work. He lost all of his friends. Helearned the power of the Dark Side — against his will.When “The Dark Side” patterns are used — it not only can change an opinion, it candestroy and totally obliterate a mind. And it stays in operation until you get it fixed or untilyou slowly, over time, put the pieces back into place. But for some people, that will neverhappen and the devastation is total.What’s this got to do with you? Everything… if you want to protect yourself from thehidden power of these techniques. And start becoming aware of how they are being used.My trainings are comprehensive. I teach everything you need to know about persuasionfrom power-rapport tactics, to criteria elicitation, and language patterns. If you master thetechniques I teach you, you become a powerful persuader.But although the “Dark Side” can be used for persuasion, in most cases I have encountered,people are using it for destructive purposes. Lives are being destroyed — like mine nearly was.My DilemmaHere’s the problem I face: Once you learn these powerful patterns, you can rapidly andeasily recognize when someone tries to use them on you. These patterns are getting out inthe worst possible way. A few trainers are using them just to be nasty and vindictive. Notice,I’m hearing about the patterns being used here, not denials. So right now, the only way tolearn about these patterns is to be on the receiving end with obvious consequences.It’s EASY To Cause Serious Harm With These Patterns!I know most guys just refuse to believe that this type of power and ability exists. Butthat’s like defending yourself using the “Ostrich” strategy — hide your head in the sand andyou’ll only get your butt kicked.And remember… I CAN’T be pulling your leg. The entire professional persuasioncommunity is watching.They are furious that I want to make these patterns public.The reason they are furious is that this is a well kept secret of the “elite” in this field.The few that know it that they aren’t about to release it under any conditions to anyone.The only way I know it is that I was personally taught this by the same person that did itto me a few years after I “snapped out of it”. I was taught the pattern and directed to use touse it on a person the trainer was upset with.Well, listen up. You can start noticing these patterns in your life and protecting yourselffrom them overnight. What’s more…■ It doesn’t matter if you’ve read the latest new hot sales or seduction technique.■ It doesn’t matter if you’ve been certified in NLP…■ And… it doesn’t matter if you still think these patterns don’t exist.Nope. The ONLY thing that matters… is your desire to start noticing when someone startsto use these devastatingly powerful patterns on you.Spilling the Beans in PublicI’ve decided to break ranks on this one and reveal these patterns so people can protectthemselves appropriately. Moreover, some of these techniques can be harnessed for good andcan boost your persuasion skills.But what you don’t know, you can’t use.Remember, I had these patterns used on me — that’s how I know what it is. Then it wasexplicitly taught to me for the purposes of having me “take someone out” mentally.Then, someone came out with a pattern so vicious that I was stunned (the door pattern).Then I began to look for all the other ways this material could be used negatively.I started getting people sending me material from around the world and I began compiling it.ALL these skills require expertise and verbal agility. They are advanced. This is not forbeginners. In fact, if you don’t have a copy of Max Persuasion or have not trained with melive, you aren’t going to get them either.I have an entire section on ethics in Max Persuasion. And no one is going to get the DarkSide materials without the proper frame to put them in.The Dark Side can be seductive. If you are not well grounded in the techniques and strategies I teach I worry you will fall victim to their seductive power.Luke Skywalker had to battle the dark side as each one of us does as we go through ourlives. This material is not for the weak minded or squeamish.You see I’m worried. What worries me is if someone uses the Partner Destroying patternto simply eliminate someone’s husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend so they can have theperson for themselves.I boiled 60 tips down to their most powerful, most deadly — the ones that if you don’tknow of their existence they absolutely will kick your behind if they are used on you.I also choose them in terms of their usefulness in other areas. Some of these or the strategies behind them can be used for good as well. But it’s in the understanding of how they canbe used so viciously that you will understand how to use them for less destructive things.In the end, I had just 17 patterns. Just 17…But That’s All You Need!I taught them at my Max Persuasion seminar in South Beach in January 2003. Youcould have heard a pin drop in the room as I went through these patterns. But that wasjust the beginning.Since the seminar, not a week goes by without a slew of emails hitting me and askingwhen I am going to release the Dark Side patterns. And I’ve been struggling with it. Quitefrankly, I deliberately kept them off the market. Until now.It was that call I took from Europe that really bothered me. Here was a person completelydistraught. His self-esteem could be counted in negative numbers. He couldn’t function. Hecould barely dress himself. I later learned someone had used the submodality self-esteemdestroyer pattern and had combined it with powerful suggestions that ruined the mostpersonal and intimate aspects of this man’s life. I decided to take action.Frankly, I’m worried that person using the Vapor Invasion might learn too much aboutsomeone they want to date and become obsessed.Protect Yourself Against the Dark SideYou can “install” these skills into your life almost overnight. Just listen to these astonishing recordings… and then you’ll be ready if someone ever tries to use these patterns againstyou. Then when they try to use these patterns against you…You’ll be ready to defend yourself! (And quite frankly, at that point,you’d be justified in using them to defend off your attacker.)These patterns are extremely powerful. But they’ve been held for too long in the handsof people using them for vicious purposes. And that’s the problem.Listen: When you are suffering and in pain because someone has just used a slick versionof the migraine installation pattern on you, and damn it, the pattern worked. As soon as yodiscover that it was a Dark Side pattern that made you suffer, you’ll wish you had grabbed thisset during the limited time period that it’s being made available.Or, let’s say you are going to make a sale and you find yourself folding before a negotiation even began, chances are the other person used one of these patterns on you.No one buys life insurance and looks forward to using it. These patterns are your insurance. One day you will be thankful you recognize and know how to use them.The Dark Side is now available for a limited time.That means exactly what it says. I am so torn about the release of this set. I am onlyprepared for a limited release at this time.Here’s what I mean.I am afraid that some of the people who get a hold of the Dark Side Patterns are going touse them to cause harm to others.I’m worried about someone being passed over for a raise or a promotion and using the selfesteem destroyer to get even.I’m not interested to see if I can turn you into a monster on the streets.And here’s the big secret no one else will tell you: Just by listening to this amazingaudio course… you will learn five or six tips that will turbocharge your persuasion skills(without affecting anything else) with more PURE POWER than you ever believe youcould have. That’s another benefit right there.You’ll also learn the simple secrets of never being taken advantage of again. How toquickly and easily find your OWN best approaches to dealing with someone using DarkSide Patterns against you.I’m worried that you will decide that it’s more fun to simply strike at someone with a DarkSide pattern when you don’t get what you want instead of simply walking away.Even better… you’ll find you’re completely safe from these patterns now because you willbe able to identify them before they can do any damage at all. Just watch their face whenyour Patriot missile slams into their Scud.Here are the Dark Side Patterns That I will Be Sharing(Forgive me, but I can not say more in an email)✓ Compulsion Installer✓ Relationship Disolver✓ The squash✓ Drug Addiction✓ Dreaded Future✓ The Cage✓ No Longer True✓ Self Esteem Destroyer✓ Smurfing✓ The Claw✓ Impotency Installer✓ Fast Frigidity✓ Vapor Invasion✓ The Suicide Pattern✓ The Missile✓ The Paranoia Pattern✓ The Migraine Pattern✓ A Secret Relationship Controller Pattern✓ The Void✓ The Ultimate Values DestroyerCan You Be Ethically Bribed?I believe that the Dark Side is one of the most important works I have ever released.Although relatively short in length (it’s about two hours long), pound for pound, there isserious power packed in this package. But there is far more included.BONUS ONE:I am including a video of the Dark Side patterns. This special video plays on yourcomputer. It’s an MPEG file that plays on Windows Media Player. The video enables you towatch the visual anchoring that I am doing while demonstrating the Dark Side patterns.You’ll want to study this video again and again.BONUS TWO:I am including a transcript of the Dark Side. I’ve never included a transcript beforein any of my trainings but this time, the stakes are too high. If you are going to be ableto protect yourself against these patterns, you need to be able to take them apart byyourself and analyze them.BONUS THREE:I am also going to include a bonus of The Dark Side applied to rapport. I can’t think ofa better compliment to the Dark Side material. This was recorded at January 2003 SouthBeach Maximum Persuasion Seminar.This bonus conclusively proves that you can use the Dark Side materials with goodintentions and results


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