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Kevin Brown – Liberation Diet – Weston Price Conference 2010

[1 DVD – Rip]


The speaker is Kevin Brown, President of Liberation Wellness and co-author of the Liberation Diet. He serves as a Fellow on the National Board of Fitness Examiners, and is president of Visionary Trainers. A single AVI video file — 2 hours. plus bonus footage from Wise Traditions ConferenceThis is a video and not the actual book on picture aboveDescription: Become thin and healthy for life — and learn how to share the ‘Real Food’ message in a way others can grasp. I took all the nutritional protocols I was taught and flipped them — suddenly all my clients started losing weight, getting healthy.“ And all of a sudden I became a famous fitness trainer. All this national attention simply because I recognized what was going on. ”Dispelling the myths! The opposite of what you have always heard — and why!America is Sick, Fat and Confused! Our once great nation is the being crushed by an obesity and chronic disease epidemic! Misinformation about what to eat and when to eat are constantly being used against our nation to keep them in an illness bondage that is very difficult to escape. This presentation unlocks the mechanism of false information and empowers people to have excellent health and normal weight FOR LIFE! Whether you want to lose weight or feel great, the Liberation Wellness program is not theoretical, but is consistently delivering results.There are many more videos from the Weston A Price Conf. 2010 that we still don’t have here at elib, please check out this group buy to get the rest:Get in the WAP group buy! If someone got the ebook, please upload.


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