Kevin Gianni – Live Awesome
[46 MP3s – 4 PDFs]
Description”New System Reveals the Fitness ‘Secrets’ the Magazines and Marketers Don’t Want You to Know!”How to Look Awesome, Feel Awesome,Skyrocket Your Energy Levels,Boost Your Productivity,and Reach Optimal Healthwithout Wasting Your Precious TimeRead this now or miss the opportunity to receive the most comprehensive package of health and fitness information for busy people just like you EVER assembled… Within Minutes from Now You Will… * Discover the 7 biggest health and fitness lies, how they’re making you fat, unhealthy and unhappy and how to avoid them. * Learn why the science of exercise is confusing you into making the wrong choices about your health and fitness and how you can fight back for your LIFE… seriously! * How to absolutely and positively KNOW you will get the health and fitness results you desire without out doubt and second guessing. * Master the 8 steps to achieving all your health and fitness goals with ease and hop off the weight loss yo-yo forever. * Find out how to eat to suppress your appetite easily without rationing chicken and broccoli like you’re in an Army mess hall. * Learn the 7 most effective, time saving exercises on the planet and why they’re the only ones that you’ll ever need to do for toning, strength and cardiovascular training… plus you can do them in a space no bigger than your bathroom. * Find out the 12 simple “easy-for-the-busy-person-to-digest” steps you can take to look and feel awesome on the inside AND outside all the time. * Learn the single, most effective weight loss secret the healthy and fit live by… and it doesn’t require any calorie counting eating plan, boring workout program or multi-level-marketing supplements. * Find out why most internet health marketers, diet pill makers and magazines don’t want you to lose weight and never spend another penny searching for the right program for you. * Learn how to reduce your stress level from a hot as a tamale to cool as a cucumber in minutes with exercise and a few easy to carry snacks. * Learn how to supplement your diet with whole foods that will make you look younger, healthier, skinner and the envy of your friends family and co-workers. * Learn the 6 secrets to stop overeating and shed pounds in days. * Learn how easy it is to travel with no equipment, stay at hotels without gyms and never miss a beat in your exercise program. * Find out what to eat and where to eat when you’re on the road, traveling or have no where to go but MacDonalds or Pizza Hut. * Finally learn the truth about the most common foods and food additives that are poisoning you and making you fat. * Learn who and who NOT to go to for advice on how to eat, how to exercise and how to stay healthy. * Discover why you can’t rely on specific portions of protein, fat and carbohydrate if you want to live healthy, happy and energized. * Learn the 3 most effective, fat burning exercises that would put almost every personal trainer out of business… and get you in great shape! * …And more!
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