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Kim George – Coaching In to Greatness

[1 ebook-PDF]



Internationally acclaimed business coach and consultant Kim George provides aneasy-to-master process for coaches to bring out innate greatness and achieve peakperformance. George introduces a new kind of intelligence quotient, Abundance Intelligence.AQ is the key to living into greatness, moving from a mentality of scarcity to one ofabundance. Using her proven four-step process, you will learn to move your clients pasttheir illusions to embrace the abundance aptitudes of self-worth, empathy, self-expression,surrender, actualization, significance, and inquiry. Personal examples, client case studies,and profiles of highly successful individuals demonstrate how the process works and how ithelps individuals live into greatness.From the Inside FlapAre you doing what you can do today?Internationally acclaimed business coach and consultant Kim George provides aneasy-to-master process for coaches, business owners, and leaders to bring out innategreatness and achieve peak performance. Individuals can step out of their safe but stagnantlives and, without struggle, do the things they most want to do by understanding anddeveloping a revolutionary kind of intelligence, called Abundance Intelligence (AQ).According to Kim George, the key to living into our greatness is moving from a mentality ofscarcity to one of abundance. Her book awakens you and your clients to the real reasonspeople get stuck and don’t do what they can do by introducing the concept that the ultimatescarcity is resisting who you are, often caused by past events, circumstances, orexperiences. With this awareness, clients learn that they already have everything they needto do the things they want. Next, Kim George sets forth a four-step, cyclicalliving-into-greatness process that enables you and your clients to experience and build onsuccess.The living-into-greatness process is brought to life in discussions of seven key illusions:the illusions of not-enough, comparisons, struggle, control, time, hope, and certainty.Using the four-step living-into-greatness process, you’ll learn to move anyone past theillusions to embrace the seven key abundance aptitudes of self-worth, empathy,self-expression, surrender, actualization, significance, and inquiry. Personal examples fromthe author’s own life, client case studies, and profiles of highly successful individualsdemonstrate how the process works and how it helps individuals live into greatness. Thisrigorous, tested approach is recommended for all coaches, business owners, managers, andleaders.


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