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Kris Wilder – 121 Killer Appz! Fighting Applications From Goju-Ryu Karate

121 Killer Appz! Fighting Applications From Goju-Ryu Karate with Kris Wilder.avi
[1 DVD- Rip]


TPclick Only! Insure that leaks only are to be found in pipes assembled by low skill plumbers only. Do not spread TPclick exclusives.Since this is my upload I am going to riff a bit on Marital Arts… Just cope! You love it… It is nice to see Karate getting getting some respect as a fighting art once more. I say that not due solely to this DVD nor due to the fact that more MMA fighters are cross training in Karate or that some happen to be Karatekas or come from a karate background. I say that because in the recent few years there has been a good outpouring of quality information about how to actually use Karate as it was intended- to be a style used to hurt ppl in the name of self defense.My background is Western Boxing (among other arts) and the long held cliché that pretty much all other martial arts styles, most notable Karatekas, would secretly or openly be afraid of or be very, very worried about having to face a boxer is true. While in the ultimate sense, the fighter makes the outcome and not the style: The boxer had many advantages over other martial arts. It takes a special breed of Stupid/Alpha Male (the exact ratio is not know. It is beyond the ken of modern science ) to even be drawn into the interest of pugilism. That is raw hitting and being hit by others as the core of training and developing fighting skills.  Within the first three lessons, and usually even on the first, the boxer will be sparring. The means hitting and being punched in return (with protective gear on at first) in what is often times quite forceful even in the beginning. In many Karate schools the student to this day will go up to three years before he/she actually hit another or gets hit… Even then it is not full force. Jumping back 2 what I just said: Only a certain type of guy would even think of getting hardcore as the boxer has to be. When a dilettante does try his hand at boxing- with two lessons the wannabe is usually gone for good. I laugh when I think back to this cat who came into one of the places I train and wanted to ‘learn to fight’ to protect himself. The second lesson in, the guy (in head gear) ate a hook to his head and went down. He got up in disgust and complained that it was unfair the man he was training with was allowed to hit him ‘for real’. He left and never came back. Even many high rank belts in grappling arts know that to face a boxer (the bladder, neck, ears, back of head and spine are all valid punching targets in a real fight. Very dangerous and even deadly to get hit there) is real trouble and they tremble at having to do so in a scrap. One does need both skill sets BTW, this is not some striking vs grappling debate. Contrast that to the strip mall Karate I see where kids, teens and even adults engage in the ‘karate dance’ for lesson after lesson and don’t know how to actually fight. Many of the parents of these kids who take lessons are the uptight and overprotective type. Yet, they have no compunction about letting Junior put on his Gi and train in this art. They know he is not likely to do any serious fighting and therefore not really be at risk. They also too, oddly, think that this gives the child confidence and solid self defense skills too however. Lesson after lesson is filled with Kata… But just kata. On occasion then the instructor will allow some free sparring. That results in slop fighting and makes an onlooker wonder what was the point of all that kata- since much of the kata is not at all used in the free fights. Karate, thanks to that sloppiness, had gotten a watered down reputation as being as helpful as a safety whistle. The real hard core full contact karate tournament fighters had often time come to their high level of skill at karate via other paths- ironically! I did sport Karate for a while. My motivation was plain: A pal of mine told me that a lot of fitness babes in my area were into that trend. He was right! I joined as a way to meet more women and get laid even more. I succeeded at my aim- I got more then a dozen lays from these very fit and sexy babes on the local circuit. You know the archetype- she is the buff athlete babe who is very psychical. Good times… Still I did not last too long in sport karate; I was still doing boxing. Funny how the ppl who did sport karate deluded themselves (the men mainly) into thinking they had fighting skills. Their ability as a fighter was akin to that of one who takes Tae Bo…I laughed at the fact that this ‘sport’ was one where just lightly touching a person counted as a winning move. Sometimes a guy would get a point from some goofy kick but he would stumble back in the process and land on his own ass!  My asshole nature took over a few times and I laid into the ppl I was sparing with; tho it was not my aim to do so. I laid in hooks to one guys rips and cracked them. One other guy was knocked out when I hit him in his chest (heart punch). I was asked to leave the group since I was ‘too aggressive for Karate’. LMFAO! I never even wanted to hurt the guys nor was I trying with intent to do any damage. My fists and body has been trained to know how to hit and hit right… It just happened. The guys I injured had chest protector pads on too BTW. They were also in my weight class (I keep my weight between 215lbs and up to 230lbs) to boot. It seemed that Karate was to many just a cool gimmick from some 1980s movies but was not useful to a modern fighter. All was not lost tho: Contrary to that pissy style (the majority it seems) of Karate, there was much in the way of the real art still alive. The following list/road map is, as all are, incomplete but serviceable.The Textbook of Modern Karate…This was the first to update Karate for current times and uses. It took the moves of the kata and applied each to some attack use. The flaw (this book is not bunkai) is that some of the moves and uses are very disjointed and odd. There is no practical application for half of what is shown as it relates to a true fight.  Still, the investment, the creativity and the inventiveness of the moves made this a solid entry. Next is Loren W Christensen’s (LWC) title:Anything Goes: Practical Karate For The Streets…This would be the early roots of ‘reality fighting’ where LWC, a veteran cop, took what was useful from his Karate background and applied it to actual fighting and self defense. The useless Dojo only filler had to be stripped out and Karate was applied and restored to it’s original form- real life fighting and self defense. John McSweeney This superstar took Kenpo to the level it needed to be at. John McSweeney brought real karate to Ireland as well as taught true self defense skills to ppl in the USA. book “Street Karate: A Complete Course in Self-Defense” is short but potent. Want to know how to use Karate is a fight? His books has the outcomes, with the applications of what was done, all taken from REAL accounts of assaults and attacks on the street. No theory there- just reality and what was tested to work! Shame it is out of print.…BattleAx is also a great read with more real fight accounts:…Hideyuki Ashihara (Ashihara Karate) takes matters to the next level. Famous for the brutal and direct Karate style, this is all about winning and using Karate for true combat! The fighting spirit of that school is legend.Hideyuki Ashihara also incorporated western boxing and took apart Karate and reassembled it into a ‘what works’ format- again tossing the filler and impractical actions.Fighting Karate…More Fighting Karate…There is a little drama/debate as some of Ashihara’s works mirror correct Shotokan workings/methods and are not fully a rediscovery nor remake of his.  Shojiro Sugiyama proves that real Karate is anything but static- it is a living and evolving style. No bias b/c he is from Chicago as I am. 11 Innovations in Karate…25 Shoto-Kan Kata…For amazing Bunkai this work is gets much respect:Bunkai-Jutsu: The Practical Application of Karate Kata…For real hidden treasures, these titles get into pure Karate. It is all about real life results of the Katas and how to fight using Karate methods:Hidden Karate: The True Bunkai For Heian Katas And Naihanchi…Hidden Karate 2: Itosu’s Ten Precepts and Bunkai for Shotokan Katas…Jack Hibbard had a great (now out of print) book that showed Karate as a base to defend oneself and also was applied to using those skills as a security professional. Weaponless defense: A law enforcement guide to non-violent control…“Non-Violent” is a subject term… LOL!Also the excellent: Karate Breaking Techniques: With Practical Applications for Self-Defense…That is great to learn how to gain power via hard body exercise and breaking.Even the authentic old school Karate conditioning has made a popular reemergence:The Art of Hojo Undo: Power Training for Traditional Karate…This DVD is just as grand. Pure and correct applied skill to hurt someone using Karate. Marketing Copy:Quote:Product DescriptionYou know the kata, now it is time for the applications. Karate instructor and author Kris Wilder demonstrates one fighting application after another in this DVD presentation to supplement the katas learned in Goju-Ryu Karate. Wilder does not teach the katas, but rather provides the applications found within the forms for each student to learn, practice, and then build on to fully understand the katas they practice.Gekisai (Dai Ni), Saifa, Seiyunchin, Seipai, Kururunfa, Suparinpei, Sanseiru, Shisochin, and Seisan Kata are covered. If you ever wondered what purpose a move from a Goju-Ryu Kata was for, wonder no longer. For this DVD contains no kata performed from multiple angels, and no discussion. Just a no-nonsense approach to one application after another. It is sure to provide deeper understanding to your Kata practice and stimulate thought on determining your own applications to the Goju-Ryu Karate forms.Link with info and reviews:…Funny, I showed this short (about 45 minutes) DVD to pals of mind who do not fight. They thought it was a goofy music video. The production style is that way… Also, watch it with the sound off, there is no spoken instruction BTW. They did not seem impressed by what was shown. I showed this to some Tang Soo Do players (Korean Karate BTW) and some Karatekas as well as some boxers/brawlers. Mostly that group was just quiet; every so often they’d laugh or snidely remark “That will hurt ’em!” or “That is a break/knock out”. Yup… that is so. This DVD shows u how to deal hurt using Karate. Even if this is not ur style, you can get more then a few applications revealed. Very useful DVD.  There is no glory nor macho pride in being able to kick ass and hurt ppl. Still, as a fighter u should have the skill to…um, actually fight! LOL! Know that if you hurt others- there can be legal and social consequences to later deal with. I up this product for adults, so that goes with out saying…Props to some of the bone breakers on the full contact circuit; some of u cats are as tough as boxers (mostly ). Props too for the real path of Karate that is show more nowadays on DVDs like this and in other media. Respect! All can DL now! Kihon! Do what actually works and do what is effective. Enjoy! EDIT: Closed my URL tags so the Mods don’t yell at me.


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