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Kundalini Yoga – Complete Beginners Course

Kundalini Yoga – Complete Beginners Course
[6 DVD/Avi Rips]


These twelve beginning Kundalini Yoga classes are designed to give a student a survey of highly practical yoga techniques. Physical exercise, breathing techniques, deep relaxation’s and meditations are covered and explained in a simple direct and humorous way. Gently challenging, these delightful programs are made for people of all ages and conditions.Each DVD features two classes and is 120 minutes long. VOLUME ONE Program 1. Introduction to Kundalini Yoga Introduction to Yoga and the twelve classes in this series. Warm up stretching series. Gentle basic stretching and back exercises. Deep relaxation Program 2. Simple Stretching and Basic Slow Deep Breathing Warm up stretching series. New basic stretching and back exercises. Deep relaxation. Introduction to Breath and long slow deep breathing. VOLUME TWO Program 3. More Simple Stretching and Breathing Exercises Warm up stretching series. New basic stretching and back exercises. Deep relaxation. New Breathing exercise: Alternate nostril slow deep breathing. Program 4. Abdominal Strengthening and Energy Center Balancing Series Warm up stretching series. New basic exercise including abdominal strengthening and new energy Center (chakra) balancing exercise: Sat Kriya. Deep Relaxation.. VOLUME THREE Program 5. Lower Back and Hip exercise Series Warm up stretching series. New breathing exercise; Breath of Fire (energizing breath). Lower back and hip exercises, and Sat Kriya. Deep Relaxation. Program 6. Upper Back and Shoulder Series Warm up stretching series. Upper back and shoulder exercises for releasing tension. New breathing exercises. Deep relaxation. VOLUME FOUR Program 7. Digestion and Elimination Series Warm up stretching series. Exercises for digestion and elimination. New breathing exercise: A cooling soothing “chill out” breath. Deep relaxation. Program 8. Anti Depression and Aura Expansion Series Warm up stretching series.Vigorous anti-depression exercise se with less strenuous modifications demonstrated. Exercises for aura expansion and long slow deep breathing for clearing and balance. Deep relaxation. VOLUME FIVE Program 9. Breath Review and Breath Energy Series Warm up stretching series. Breathing exercise review. Review of slow deep breath, breath of fire, clearing and exercise combination breath. 17 minute breath series for energy. Deep relaxation. Program 10. Sun exercise for Energy and Weight Stabilization Warm up stretching series. “Sun” exercises for energy and weight stabilization. Deep relaxation. VOLUME SIX Program 11. Exercise Series and Meditation for Calmness Warm up stretching series. Exercises and breath series for calmness, patience, and controlling your own thoughts and emotions. Anti-anxiety meditation. Deep relaxation. Program 12. Exercise Review and Meditation for Balance and Intuition Warm up stretching series. Basic exercise review. Information on meditation. Meditation for balance, super intuition and self guidance. Deep relaxation.PRODUCT URL:


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