Kundalini Yoga for Energy & Super Radiance!
elib.tech Exclusive… Do Not Share Outside This Tracker… GROUP BUY: Kundalini Yoga Comprehensive Training Set. About 20 dvds from various teachers… The most authoritative collection for this practice.GB THREAD: STATUS: CLOSEDSALES PAGE: HereDescriptionWith radiance and high energy as a constant, you can cultivate an inner attitude of victory, do great things, and seize the day! Be vital and shine like the sun! Transform your body and your life! Experience fun fitness that you will always love to do. Here is the best of both worlds: Kundalini Yoga’s spiritual depth and energizing aspects, with complete total body fitness. This DVD presents short fun sets to help you get everything covered, everyday, in every way. You can do these segments individually or as one long set. Kundalini Yoga s more than skin deep approach allows you to redefine yourself from the inside out! Ana & Ravi have popularized Kundalini Yoga, the perfect system for achieving optimum health and energy. This DVD features the convenient design your own workout Matrix menu option, ab work, cardio, stretching plus, and more! From the beginning yogi to expert, this DVD will be your workout companion for life. Ana & Ravi present a system of inspired fitness which helps people to transform their lives. They are authors of 17 DVD workouts as well as a forthcoming book. These A List Teachers are known for their cutting edge presentations and the ability to make their DVD’s accessible to all fitness levels. Their clients have included Olympic Athletes, Professional Sports Teams, and celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna, Sting, and The Red Hot Chile Peppers. Discover why Ana & Ravi’s DVD’s are always on Amazon’s best-selling list and why their growing fan base would rather forego their morning cup of coffee that do without their Breath of Fire! A ReviewKundalini Yoga for Energy and Super RadianceThis is a gorgeous, energizing, challenging and fun class. The new background, featuring a lovely beach scene, blue skies and lush tropical foliage is a nice transition from the simple sets of the past. The music is almost entirely new and is the perfect accompaniment to the exercises.All of the usual Ravi/Ana magic is here but with new energy, a new look and Ana has never seemed stronger or in better shape, inside and out. I found myself enjoying the music and mantras on this one so much I do hope a CD is forthcoming, which I believe Ana said is on the horizon.The warm up series is terrific and offers a combination of my old favorites with new twists, such as adding the dolphin-like dive motion to the cat/cow series.The Radiance Stretching section is delightful and would make a great morning transition segment to wake up and get things moving, or a fabulous post cardio stretch as well. The new ankle circles while squatting on the balls of the feet is really wonderful. That’s an area that is most often missed or ignored.The Radiance Super Set is very dynamic and really gets energy moving without overdoing it or seeming like too much kinetic motion. Low impact variations are offered for all of the jumping jack moves and scissors, and this includes some nice stretching, standing meditation breaks (which you will need!) and some new moves. I think this is a really fun section and I kept feeling like a kid at recess on the playground for some reason!The Radiance Salutation set is intense…I’ve always been both annoyed and delighted by the Kundalini exercises that repeat for lengths of time that challenge me like this. On the one hand, there’s a phase where it seems almost torturous as my ego gets involved, I react and want to stop. But then if I endure while listening to my body, it becomes invigorating and a wave of energy comes in to carry me through, and at the end of it all I feel so purged of anxiety or excess energy it’s this blissful surrender and deep relaxation ensues. Really deep!I don’t think a Deep Relaxation ever felt better, honestly, because the Radiance set really got me going. And this is nice and long so I could really continue to release layer upon layer of stress and tension remaining…and personally, I LOVE what Ravi and Ana have to say during these sections, and all throughout the classes. I just melt.The two meditations/mantras on here are among my favorites, and while the Solar Power meditation does, I believe, appear on an earlier DVD, I liked the timing and rhythm of this one much more…it was very smooth, very easy to let go and flow.The Adi Shakti mantra is a great way to center and direct loving, healing energy within you, and I love to use this during my cycle; it’s great for helping me with pms symptoms or just to honor that feminine aspect of myself.The DVD closes, as always, with three breaths and directed intentions along with the long Sat Nam.They include the Breath Primer, which makes this a great DVD for all levels and even when you’ve been doing Kundalini and its many breaths for years, it’s nice to use this as a refresher and it’s great for getting grounded and centered anytime.I really love this one, this will become as much a staple of practice for me as Yoga Beauty Body has been because I feel it really covers all the bases and I loved the way I felt afterwards. I know for me, the tendency might be to skip the more challenging Radiance Salutation but after charging through and feeling like a true spiritual warrior I urge you not to miss out on that experience.There are so many ways to use and play with this DVD, I really love it.Here’s the breakdown:Tune In (1:52)Done to a new tune, 3x as alwaysYoga Radiance Warm Up: (7:12)Sufi grindsSpinal flexes w/arms at right angles (dynamic and energizing!)Spiral reaches, right and left, arm extends on each sideCat/cow, tucking toes under on cow, point toes flat on ground on catCat/cow variation w/dive pose, like a wave motionPiston with arms extended, hands clasped, up and down (only to chest level)Yoga Radiance Stretching Plus: (8:42)Life nerve stretch, sitting, legs out, reach forward & back (like a rowboat, old move)Rag doll (like the last series)Seated side tilts, rolling on the hips side to side, feet on floor, knees bent, hands behindContinue but add arm reaches on each side to deepen the moveLegs wide apart/seated, deep side stretches, forearms against legs to deepen stretchSame position, come forward onto forearms, flex feet, maintain static stretch & breathe!Squatting, on balls of feet, circles with the ankles, slow and gentle, both directionsEnergy & Radiance Super Set: (17:53)Standing, legs hips width or so, arms parallel, sit in a chair and come up (squats)Standing alternating lunges, arms parallel to the sides, alternating with legsContinue with impact if possible, roman scissor jacks, 30 seconds, w/BOFLow-impact alternating side steps w/arms (prep for jacks)Jumping Jacks, same arms, w/BOF, 30 secondsStar pose (legs apart, arms extended), deep breathsMove into windmill, stretching/twisting arm down to opposite foot/legStanding meditation for a momentStanding, hands on hips, alt extend foot in a flexion while chanting HarRepeat 1st squatting exerciseStanding, step out side to side, arms rising front up/down, then side up/downTransition into jumping jack w/BOF, same armsStar pose again, deep breathsRepeat the alt foot flexion with Har chantLie on your back, alt leg lifts, inhaling 8 sniffs up, 8 sniffs down for each legRadiance Salutation: a real test of endurance, fortitude and focus (9:30)Sit on heels (modification is sitting cross legged), fingers interlaced at small of back, inhale up, exhale down (use of pillow is ok), as you raise the arms behind the back at a good pace – this is done for about 7 minutesTiger claws: sitting cross legged, arms raise and lower from parallel to crossing at the forearms in front of the forehead with tiger claw hands, in rhythm to the BOF, at 6 minutes extend the tongue, then shift into tongue back in, mouth closed, inhale, continue with breath held in for a few seconds, exhale, feel radiant!Deep Relaxation: (6:22)Lie on your back, deeply relax, enjoy where you are, where the work delivered you toThis is a nice, lengthy relaxation, so you can really let go and allow the work you did to work for you (as Ravi and Ana often say)Rock and roll out of it.1st Meditation/Mantra: Solar Power (11:41)Sitting cross leggedAs you chant Har 4 times, hands come towards one another @ navel, like a silent clapAs you chant Gobinday, Mukunday, Udaray, Uparay, Hariang, Kariang, near Namay, Akamay hands are in prayer pose at the heart center.This is done by alternating 4 Har chants in between each word above: Har Har Har Har Gobinday, Har Har Har Har Mukunday, with the clapping motion on the Har, prayer pose on the other chants/words.2nd Meditation/Mantra: Adi Shakti (5:25)Sitting cross leggedA fabulous mantra! Wonderful music and it draws on really powerful divine feminine energy, compassion and protection from the divine mother.Hands resting on the sternum as you chant along…words are given onscreen.5 minutesClosing Prayer: (1:12)As always, three breaths to visualize yourself as healthy, happy and fulfilled, then to send healing to someone you know who needs it, then to visualize earth as a place of peace before you chant a long Sat and a brief Nam.Breath Primer is included as well (5:26)
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